Future Evolution of Mankind


I sincerely hope that if our intelligence increases suffciently we should be able to see the futility in destroying ourselves and find ways to prevent it. Evolution is the solution not the problem.

Note also that there is a real difference between the millions of years of random evolutionary mutations and intelligent human directed planned changes. Under such circumstances our evolutionary progress will be measured in decades instead of millenia.

We don't understand it and quiet frankly it's not ethical, the ones that would be "Engineered" would be outcasts by the regular society. Anyway, back to the point - evolution depends on the environment, if we had been in the ocean for a million years then I bet that we could breathe air like the fishes.


Originally posted by Assasin001
We don't understand it and quiet frankly it's not ethical, the ones that would be "Engineered" would be outcasts by the regular society. Anyway, back to the point - evolution depends on the environment, if we had been in the ocean for a million years then I bet that we could breathe air like the fishes.
If there is a profit to be made then it will be made fashionable and acceptable. But it won’t happen overnight, there will be many small changes first and then changes will become larger as the more adventurous experiment – it will creep up on us gradually before we notice what has happened.

But we were in the sea and we did have gills, and some of us decided to explore the land and eventually learnt how to breathe air, we all came from the sea originally.

The salinity of our blood and the ph shows common links. Not to mention during the growth cycle that fetuses go through a mini-evloution during it's growth cycle.
Yes, there is a good docu-movie that shows the phases of early human development compared to other animals, starting from conception onwards.

It is remarkable how all the very early phases are so identical, I believe a fish shape is present and a frog, etc., and then as the life develops further then the specific species differences start to appear.

This gave me enormous confidence that we all evolved from lower forms of life.

WHAT! You mean you don't think the world was created with in the last 4000 years and some of our, shall we say, illustrious colleagues believe?
Not my world at least.

But their ideas are so alien that perhaps their world did only start 4000 years ago. I wonder how they got here though, perhaps thay can't remember that's why they are so confused.
Maybe the giant egg fairy dropped them on their head when they were put here and they now have amnesia.
Ha ha,

In the Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy the Golgafrinchans (spelling?) get rid of all their useless people by pretending their planet is in danager and by putting them all in colonization space arks and sending them off into deep space.

I wonder if that is where all the religionists came from - the discards of other planets.

Oops, think I am in the wrong forum for this. Oh well it is my 1000th post. And I'm not really being serious am I?

I would congradulate you on your 1000th post. This is a milestone that does not come every day. It represents quite an accomplishment and a goodly amount of time spent. Well spent I might add.
The feature that makes humans superior to all other life is our intelligence. To increase that will necessarily mean an increase in brain size. which will increase the size of the skull.
What if we just start to use our whole brain? With my luck I'll get the Devolution look unibrow and all. I'd still like to possible get a little in the future.':rolleyes:'
hey einstein,

do you know that humans only use 10 procent of our brain, so it doesn't have to do with the "size". It's how much we "need" it when we are young.

Originally posted by Assasin001
hey einstein,

do you know that humans only use 10 procent of our brain, so it doesn't have to do with the "size". It's how much we "need" it when we are young.

You might only use ten per cent of your brain, but for most of us the figure is significantly higher. Just because a scientology flyer with a picture of Einstein on it says it doesn't make it so. In fact, it's more likely to be bollocks.
do you know that humans only use 10 procent of our brain

Who ever started that rumor should be shot. Humans use as little or as much that is needed for the job at hand. May be you use 10% when you are asleep. You have a body to control with thousands of proteins and enzymes and hormones - running your chemical factory.

The problem is not the size of the brain, but the information it contains. Higher the resolution (more information) , the better you can use the information. Lower the resolution, simpler the activities.

Like Johnny 5 said....more input...more input...:D
How will we evolve? Eugenicists may be alarmed at what some of them call the "darkening" of society and thus a dysgenic effect, especially pertaining to intelligence, occurring, but I believe we'll still be getting smarter. I think the biggest reasons: AIDS. Some may call it God's wrath or Mother Nature's fury at our very sexualized world, but, unless your genes allow you to survive contracting it, it is the less moral, self-destructive(drug users) and/or dumber among us being selected out generally (with exceptions of course). Usually the more cognitively challenged are more sexual. I realize that this is as anti-pc as it gets. And where is AIDS the biggest killer....
Welcome to Sciforums, loveli.

It is possible that mother nature is indeed weeding out the undesired but we lump a lot of people in a very broad catagory. and some are victums of circumstance. Not victums as a result of actions.

I have in verying places made reference to nature in the possibility that there may be that waiting for us that which allows her to correct her mistakes. And we may be one of them. For our planet we are to many. Just like a virus that overwhelms the body. We do not know enough yet.
Usually the more cognitively challenged are more sexual.

I love it. But not necessarily true. Sometimes hyperactivity manifests itself in expressions that are irresponsible. I have seen that with my kids who are over genius level in the IQ department. The environment plays a big part in the nurture side. The younger one are getting smarter, yet our society does not have means to handle it.

I experience with kids between age 15 and 24, is that they are unusually bright but without emotional maturity to go with it. For the next 50 years, I think, the kids will get smarter like up to 300 in IQ points with a bell curve distribution.

Without social information and emotional maturity due to body's hormonal interaction, it will be interesting how as a group our next generation fares.

AIDs virus , I think was always there, like south american ants and other pests that showed up in USA which does not have a natural immunity. It may take a few generations for body to develop antibodies or doctors to develop the remedy now. Is not that is why we have a brain, so that nature does not have to do all the work?