funny thing I thought up

Went to both a math teacher on the math of our existance question he said to go a phyisict so went to schools physics teacher who said I have no idea. Now time to go to google. To be continued....
Ok this mau be stupid so please don't go to strong on me if you think it is.

Wouldn't it be funny if God's existence could be proven mathematically?

Wouldn't it be funny if I told you I believe that God can be proved logically and mathematically?
Went to both a math teacher on the math of our existance question he said to go a phyisict so went to schools physics teacher who said I have no idea. Now time to go to google. To be continued....

no luck googling. Guess I can work it myself when I get older. lol
I guess quantum mechanics is complete crap then

No, it's math just doesn't prove the existence of anything. That is done via experimentation.

If the predictions made by the math fail to be born out by experimental evidence, then those formulas are discarded.

No formal system (like math or logic) proves the existence of something. Only observing the thing itself is primary proof of its existence.

Math can suggest where and how to look, but until you actually do it, its just speculation.
Experiments and observations, alongside measurements and repetitions prove things, not mathematics.
Strangely enough that's exactly the opposite of reality.
Mathematics can prove things.
Experiment and observation simply demonstrate that under the conditions pertaining at the time X will happen.
No proof at all.
No, it's math just doesn't prove the existence of anything. That is done via experimentation.

If the predictions made by the math fail to be born out by experimental evidence, then those formulas are discarded.

True but it at least gives you the "possibility" for something's existence, the fact that you can actually find it or not is a different issue.

Peace be unto you ;)
Wouldnt you have to define God first?

Probably- I don't think math can prove anything related to God. One could say is that math can prove the impossibility of an event- and if the event occurs without meeting even the most impossible conditions- then invoking God may be an options- so an indirect proof could be possible but there is no way that Math can prove the existence of an actual "being" and also God would have to follow the physical natural laws (which I don't think he does)- If God created the physical laws then he definitely isn't following them- the proof of God through Math is impossible.

Peace be unto you ;)
True but it at least gives you the "possibility" for something's existence, the fact that you can actually find it or not is a different issue.

No, it just works the way the math works. There is no necessary causal relationship.
To the OP, you can prove anything. Just don't call it god. Lol.