Funny thing about science is it continues to back up the Bible

Ever see a baby pick up whatever is in reach and put it in their mouth? They don't care if it's food or not.

Because they're hungary. Put a banana and a nail in front of a baby. Unless they are retarded they will go for the banana.
He knows it in his bones.

Specifically the metatarsal on his right foot.
No, but I would naturally distinguish food from not food.
Would you?
Then how do explain that babies put just about anything in their mouths?

And yes, a spider is "food." If it kills me it kills me, but thats why we have are elder.
Um, if you're relying on an elder then doesn't that automatically imply that you aren't born everything you need to know?

Catching up yet? Or do you need another couple of years?
Because they're hungary.
Nope. But they may be hungry.

Put a banana and a nail in front of a baby. Unless they are retarded they will go for the banana.
But you just used hunger as the reason for a baby to "pick up whatever is in reach and put it in their mouth? They don't care if it's food or not."
1st Plague. River ran red LIKE blood. But there is a common algae plume called the Red Tide. This makes the river, or any water, look red like blood. Why did this happen? The ash changes the PH level of the river allowing the algae to bloom.

2nd Plague. Frogs. The algae is killing fish. Fish eat frog eggs. No fish, record number of frogs. Frogs can't live in polluted water and so leave the river.

3rd and 4th Plague. Lice and flies. The translation can actually be lice, fleas, gnats, or midges. But you have riverfull of dead fish, and now dead frogs. This brings the insects of the 3rd and 4th Plague.

5th Plague. Pestilence. Flies, dead frogs, dead fish, easy enough no?

6th Plague. Boils. Certain types of flies that bite can leave behind boils. The bites get infected, they turn in to boils.

7th Plague. Fire and Hail. Ash in the air causes a mixture of ash and water. The ash, very high in the air, causes the water to freeze so when it falls it is hail and not rain. The fire? I saw this amazing picture in Nat. Geo. of a volcanic eruption. There was red lightning. It was amazing to see bright red lightning. Why is it red? Chemicals in the ash makes red lightning. So fire in the sky, and hail.

8th Plague. Locusts. Locusts come about when the ground is very damp. They bury their eggs in the sand about 4-6 inches. After record amount of hail the ground would be very wet allowing the locusts to form.

9th Plague. Darkness. Ash in the air. After am eruption in 1815 there was darkness for 600 kilometers. After Krakatoa it was dark for even farther for days.

10th The volcano releases gasses that stay low to the ground. i think its carbon, {been awhile since my pastor/dad told me about this discovery}. the first borns of the egyptions slept on a bed lower to the ground then the other people. the jews also slept in beds higher then the egyptions.

here is a link talking about the volcanic gas.

So let me get this straight. You are arguing that because there may be naturalistic explanations for biblical miracles, it somehow proves that they were ultimately of divine origin?

The funny thing is that the information you've provided here is exactly the sort of information that Ian Plimer provided in his book "Telling Lies For God" in which he highlights the problems with a literal interpretation of the bible (among other things). Primarily it was an attack on creation science, so I'm not sure to what it extent it may be relevant to your own beliefs, but the point is that the information you've presented is basically useless when used to challenge the atheist position since most of us would probably be willing to accept that biblical accounts of 'miracles' possibly grew out of natural phenomena anyway.

like i said its still a miracle because God told mosses what was going to happen before anyone could possibly know and even in the order it would happen.

Well, unless you can demonstrate that Moses was indeed in contact with a supernatural being who told him what was going to happen before it happened, it doesn't really hold up now does it?
Kind of like when the Bible screwed up pi by 0.14 cubits.
God was always screwing around with his new Toy Earth and not paying attention in Math class :D
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... The day I was born.. if you put a pealed banana, and a bowl of nails in front of me I would instinctually eat the food....

the day you were born huh? My kids were no where near that advanced the day they were born. At 1 my son was still trying to eat dead flies and legos

why do you think you were born more advanced than all the other babies?
@Knowledge --

And where's your evidence to back this up? Oh that's right, you have none.

Yes, it is instinctual for us to eat meat, and cows are an easy source of meat having been bred for just that purpose(along with milk).

No, humans can not naturally distinguish between edible and inedible items, that takes time and experience to do so. Yes, we can shortcut the process by learning from others, but it is a learned skill regardless of how we come to acquire it. If we could naturally make such distinctions then we would never hear of anyone ever dying from eating nickles or poisonous plants.

Basically what I'm telling you is that you need to put up or shut up. Quit pulling things out of your ass and start backing up what you say with evidence.
So let me get this straight. You are arguing that because there may be naturalistic explanations for biblical miracles, it somehow proves that they were ultimately of divine origin?

It seems this is his point.
It ties in with his conviction that Mr. Lennox, to whose lecture he linked and whom we were listening to a while back, presents a persuasive argument for belief in God.

It is also a kind of belief that is technically a belief in a demigod, not God.
Ah yes, biblical science:

Lev 11:6: "And the hare, because he cheweth the cud..." Hare do not chew the cud. BIOLOGY FAIL.

Matt 4:8: " Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them." Unless the world is flat, altitude simply will not help you see all the kingdoms of the earth. GEOGRAPHY FAIL

1 Kings 7:23 "He made a molten sea, ten cubits from the one brim to the other: it was round all about, and his height was five cubits: and a line of thirty cubits did compass it round about." Circumference = Pi() x Diameter, which means the line would have to have been over 31 cubits. In order for this to be rounding, it would have had to overstate the amount to ensure that the line did "compass it round about." MATHS FAIL.
@phlogistician --

The bible also puts pi at 3.1 which is an awful approximation considering that the Egyptians had them beat by a whole five decimal places a few hundred years earlier. You'd think that such a powerful and knowledgeable god would know that.