Fundamental versus Moderate Christianity

"Congress shall make no law establishing religion," well, since the Libs have effectively established the faith of Atheism through the courts, the U.S. is a atheistocracy, which is no better than any theocracy, so we'll leave that one blank.
Lol. Context. There's a difference between secular and 'atheistocracy' . You don't believe in religious freedom?
So would this be a correct summary so far:

Agreed by all Christians thus far:

1. There is only one God.
2. Christianity is the best religion.
3. In an ‘Ideal’ world everyone would be Christian.
4. Only Christians will obtain eternal life with God

5. Christians are rewarded in the afterlife for Martyrdom ONLY in that they get to heaven QUICKER.
6. The only way to get to heaven is by accepting Jesus the Messiah.
7. God judge all people and some will go to heaven for eternity.
8. God will punish some people by Hell-Fire for eternity.
9. People are born Jew and can not convert into becoming a Jew. There are no “Chinese” Jews.

10. The Bible is infallible.
11. The Torah is infallible.
12. The Qur’an is a false testament made by Satan to lead people away from the true teachings of Jesus.

13. Homosexuality IS a sin.
14. Eating pork is OK
15. It was OK for a male to have 4 female wives now it IS a sin.
16. Teaching children Christianity should only begin at an appropriate age (not too young).
17. The crusades where carried out by false Christians (There has never been a “Christian” conquest).
18. To force someone to be a Christian IS a sin.

19. Atheism is sinful and Atheists will live in Hell-Fire for eternity after they die.
20. The Bahá'í faith is incorrect, Bahá'u'lláh was NOT a Prophet.
21. The Isamic faith is incorrect; Mohammed was NOT a Prophet.
22. Hindus religious belief is in some manner incorrect.
23. Buddhist religious belief is in some manner incorrect.
24. Reincarnation is NOT true and does not happen.

25. Of all the Abrahamic Prophets Jesus was the ONLY one who was sinless.
26. Jesus never advocated killing anyone under any circumstances at all. Never.
27. Jesus' life should be held up to be emulated.
28. To kill a human is a SIN.

29. To worship an Idol is a sin.
30. It is OK to destroy other people’s false idols.
31. Secular Law based on Christian tradition is the best.

32. The land of Israel is not especially important to God except to say that the return of the Jews to Israel is a part of the fulfillment of prophecies leading to the return of the Messiah Jesus.

Does this seem right so far?


Follow-up Questions:

34. Is it true that if ‘true’ Christianity is followed the society will be a perfect one?
35. Are Catholics true Christians?
36. Are Protestants true Christians?
37. Are Jehovah’s witness’s true Chrisitans?
38. Are males and females equal in all things under God?
39. If not a Prophet, what type of person was Mohammed?
40. Religiously, is acceptable for anyone to believe anything they like (ex: Satanism?).
41. Is distinguishing non-Christians from Christians for purposes of taxation good?
42. Is it fine with God to eat Monkey and Ape?
43. Is there a Hell (place of torment) where people will be punished?
44. If so for how long?
45. Will Atheists go to heaven?
46. Will Muslims go to heaven?
47. Will Hindu go to heaven?
48. Because the Jews have returned to Israel - is this the fulfillment of prophecies and will this lead to the return of the Messiah Jesus? If so when?
49. Is a person who was born a Jew and converted to the religion of Christianity still a ‘real” Jew?

Only Question seems to be in Dispute:

48. Firstly is there such a thing as “race”.
49. If so what is it?
50. Are Jews a race of people or not?
With the considerable number of Christians who you think are on this board, surely several will join in, but perhaps, they think you're just being disingenuous.
I seriously want to make a list here.
What so hard about that?
You know I'm doing the same with Islam, I want to compare the lists and see where common ground lays - or not.
So would this be a correct summary so far:

Agreed by all Christians thus far:

3. In an ‘Ideal’ world everyone would be Christian.

This world will never be ideal untill God changes us. So even if the whole world accepted Jesus there would still be sin and suffering.

4. Only Christians will obtain eternal life with God

Only those who accept the Messiah Jesus for the atonment of their sins will obtain eternal life with God.

7. God judge all people and some will go to heaven for eternity.

Some will have eternity with God. but from scriptures i do not believe that will be in heaven.

9. People are born Jew and can not convert into becoming a Jew. There are no “Chinese” Jews.

Maybe some of the jewish dispora made it to china and took chinese partners? how chinese does one have to be to be considered chinese? If a person is 90% chinese but is a decendant of one of the tribes the they are Jewish and Chinese.

25. Of all the Abrahamic Prophets Jesus was the ONLY one who was sinless.

Jesus is not a prophet. He is the Son of God.

30. It is OK to destroy other people’s false idols.

hummm.. It is not ok to unessecaraly provoke other people to anger. It is far better to move the idol worshipper to the point where they will destroy their idol themseves. There is no point in destroying an idol when they idol worshipper still worships the entity the idol represents.

Follow-up Questions:

34. Is it true that if ‘true’ Christianity is followed the society will be a perfect one?

That is untrue, No perfect society will be perfect untill God transforms mankind with the ability to be good.

35. Are Catholics true Christians?


36. Are Protestants true Christians?

A great varity of different beliefs. It is impossable to lump them all together in one group. Some may be true.

37. Are Jehovah’s witness’s true Chrisitans?


38. Are males and females equal in all things under God?

When it come to eternity Yes.

39. If not a Prophet, what type of person was Mohammed?

mohammed was a rejector of the Word of Jesus who was given over deception and to decieve others by the intervention of an angel of darkness who gave him the quran.

40. Religiously, is acceptable for anyone to believe anything they like (ex: Satanism?).

It is not alright. But i would never take any violent action in an attempt to stop anyone believing what they believe in.

41. Is distinguishing non-Christians from Christians for purposes of taxation good?

No. But it is good to give tax relief for those who give money and resources for those less well of in society. The more Governements can encourage charity the less the end cost to the government in direct material assistance to those less well of in their societies.

42. Is it fine with God to eat Monkey and Ape?

Whatever one eats or does not eat does not effect their eternal salvation.

43. Is there a Hell (place of torment) where people will be punished?


44. If so for how long?


45. Will Atheists go to heaven?

Not if they reject the Messiah Jesus as their Redeemer.

46. Will Muslims go to heaven?

Not if they reject the Messiah Jesus as their Redeemer.

47. Will Hindu go to heaven?

Not if they reject the Messiah Jesus as their Redeemer.

48. Because the Jews have returned to Israel - is this the fulfillment of prophecies and will this lead to the return of the Messiah Jesus? If so when?

5 years??? 50 years??? No one knows the exact time or date, but we are told to look for the signs of the end times and the signs are appearing

49. Is a person who was born a Jew and converted to the religion of Christianity still a ‘real” Jew?

Yes they are still a decendant of the tribes of Judah and they are a Christian. They can be both.

Only Question seems to be in Dispute:

48. Firstly is there such a thing as “race”.

Race is real but for some its a blurred thing.

49. If so what is it?

Race is an ariticial division, But people are people and all people are similar.

50. Are Jews a race of people or not?

Jews share a common ancestor, But that does not mean that they are all the same race. They have over the years been seperated and inbread with local populations to often become indistinguishable from them. Think of the Mongols who invaded the middle east. their decendants look very different from the mongold that dwell in Mongolia today. And Mongol people also came to eastern europe and again they are now blended in and are totaly different from the decendants of Mongols who invaded the middle east. But they share a common ancestory that originates from mongolia.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days