Fundamental versus Moderate Christianity


Valued Senior Member
Fundamental versus Moderate Christianity

I know this is a long list, and it is based on the one I listed for Islam, but changed to a Christian theme. These are what I would suspect a Fundamental Christian to believe.

I would appreciate if any Christians could read through the list and see if there is anything they do not agree with. Also, if everything seems to be in order then just say so.


1. Jesus was the Christ anyone who believes otherwise is wrong.
2. The Baha’i are sinning by suggesting Bahá'u'lláh was a prophet of God. There will be no other Prophets until Jesus returns.
3. The Bahá'í Faith is not correct.
4. Jesus was the only ‘person’ to never have made a mistake nor ever sinned.
5. Jesus life should be held up as the ideal life and his actions emulated.
6. Jesus never killed a person nor his inaction led to a persons death. (note: this refers to the human incarnation)
7. Sometimes it is correct to kill.
8. Eating pork is a sin.
9. A person who is martyred as a Xian will be rewarded by God in the afterlife.
10. There is only one God and to believe there is more than one is wrong.
11. The Torah is flawed in some manner.
12. The Qur’an is flawed in some manner.
13. Mohammed was just a man and Muslims are wrong to think he was the last Prophet.
14. The land of Israel is special to God and must be returned to Jews in order for Jesus to return.
15. The polytheistic Greek in the time of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle where not correct in their beliefs.
16. The Bible is perfect.
19. The polytheistic beliefs of Shinto Japanese are not correct.
20. The beliefs of Buddhism are in some manner not correct (there is no such thing as reincarnation).
21. Jews are a race of people.
22. It was correct behavior, under the appropriate conditions, for a male to have 4 female wives - now it is a sin.
23. Homosexual sex is a sin.
24. There is an afterlife.
25. Yahweh will judge a persons life and may grant them rewards in heaven.
26. Yahweh will punish some people in the afterlife in hell-fire for eternity.
27. Xian belief is better than all other religious beliefs.
28. A Christian should never change their religion to Hinduism.
29. A Christian should never change their religion to Islam.
30. A Christian should never change their religion to Buddhism.
31. A person is born a Jew and can not simply convert into becoming a Jew - they are a race.
32. The destruction of false idols to prevent idolatry is good.
33. The worship of idols is a sin.
34. The reason many Islamic countries are in the mess they are in is because they are not Christian nations.
35. It would be better if the World were completely Christian and every person was Christian.
36. Atheism is a sin.
37. It is sinful to build Hindu temples in Christian nations and then worship in them.
38. Children should be taught to be a Christian at a very early age.
39. An Christian based government is better than a Secular government.
40. The Christian crusades were good and were done to help the Christians under Muslim oppression in Holy Land.
41. The Christian conquest of Europe and the Americas was good.

Michael II
In my view, the difference between fundamentalism and "normal" religion is not the set of beliefs, but rather their attitude.
1. Jesus was the Christ anyone who believes otherwise is wrong.

I agree with this statement 100%.

2. The Baha’i are sinning by suggesting Bahá'u'lláh was a prophet of God.
There will be no other Prophets until Jesus returns.

Thats two different points. Yes Bahaullah was not prophet of God.

But the second part of your question i think comes from your lack of understanding as to what a prophet is. A prophet is a spokesman for God. It does not necessarily mean they foretell the future. So anyone who speaks for God is a Prophet. Therefore those who are lead by the Holy Spirit in their utterances are prophets, therefore there have been many prophets.

3. The Bahá'í Faith is not correct.

I agree with this statement. while it may have some truths in it, falling short of being the total truth makes it fall short of the truth that saves.

4. Jesus was the only ‘person’ to never have made a mistake nor ever sinned.

I agree with this statement.

5. Jesus life should be held up as the ideal life and his actions emulated.

I agree with this statement.

6. Jesus never killed a person nor his inaction led to a persons death. (note: this refers to the human incarnation)

Jesus never took part in the killing of another person on earth.

7. Sometimes it is correct to kill.

It is never correct for a Christian to kill another human being.

8. Eating pork is a sin.

I disagree with this statement.

9. A person who is martyred as a Xian will be rewarded by God in the afterlife.

All people who accept Jesus as Messiah will have eternity with God, The reward for martyred saints is that they get an early mark out of this world.

10. There is only one God and to believe there is more than one is wrong.

I agree with this statement.

11. The Torah is flawed in some manner.

I disagree with this statement. The Torah is the revealed Word of God.

12. The Qur’an is flawed in some manner.

In agree with this statement. The Quran is a great deception.

13. Mohammed was just a man and Muslims are wrong to think he was the last Prophet.

I agree with this statement.

14. The land of Israel is special to God and must be returned to Jews in order for Jesus to return.

two questions here.

1) The land of isreal is not specially important to God. God is the God of all the world Isreal is just a portion of the earths land surface.

2) The return of the jews to isreal is a part of the fulfilment of prophecies leading to the return of the Messiah Jesus. So it is not a case that Jesus was constrained from returning until the jews made it back to isreal but it was rather the plan of God to bring about the return of Jesus after the return of the jews to isreal.

15. The polytheistic Greek in the time of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle where not correct in their beliefs.

Well as with my reply about the Bahá'í Faith falling short of the complete truth makes whatever truth one has to no eternal effect.

16. The Bible is perfect.

The Bible is perfect for the revelation of the truth to those guided by the Holy Spirit in understanding it.

19. The polytheistic beliefs of Shinto Japanese are not correct.

Well as with my reply about the Bahá'í Faith falling short of the complete truth makes whatever truth one has to no eternal effect.

20. The beliefs of Buddhism are in some manner not correct (there is no such thing as reincarnation).

Well as with my reply about the Bahá'í Faith falling short of the complete truth makes whatever truth one has to no eternal effect.

21. Jews are a race of people.

They are descendants of Abraham through the tribes Judah and Levi and i think Benjamin? They have interbreed with many different races during the times they where dispersed amongst the nations. So race is not a defining characteristic there are black Jews russian Jews spanish Jews and even indian Jews. But they all have a link via ancestry to the tribes mentioned above.

22. It was correct behaviour, under the appropriate conditions, for a male to have 4 female wives - now it is a sin.

I agree with this statement.

23. Homosexual sex is a sin.

I agree with this statement.

24. There is an afterlife.

I agree with this statement.

25. Yahweh will judge a persons life and may grant them rewards in heaven.

The God of Abraham will judge all men. He will only grant a person eternity in heaven if they have accepted the Messiah Jesus as their redeemer. It is not altogether clear to me if the rewards in eternity with God will vary from one person to another but the bible suggests that some will receive a greater reward or position in eternity.

26. Yahweh will punish some people in the afterlife in hell-fire for eternity.

The God of Abraham will punish some people in the afterlife in hell-fire for eternity.

27. Xian belief is better than all other religious beliefs.

The Word is Christian not Xian. Christianity is better because it is the only One that obtains eternal life with God.

28. A Christian should never change their religion to Hinduism.
29. A Christian should never change their religion to Islam.
30. A Christian should never change their religion to Buddhism.

I agree with these statements.

31. A person is born a Jew and can not simply convert into becoming a Jew - they are a race.

I agree with this statement.

32. The destruction of false idols to prevent idolatry is good.

The destruction in the minds of people who worship Idols of their belief in idols is good. An idol is nothing.

33. The worship of idols is a sin.

I agree with this statement.

34. The reason many Islamic countries are in the mess they are in is because they are not Christian nations.

There is no such thing as a Christian nation. Never has been. The troubles in many countries where islam holds the minds of many people is caused by the confrontational and violent nature of islam and the lack of peace that comes from the knowledge of the Messiah Jesus.

35. It would be better if the World were completely Christian and every person was Christian.

Yes it would be better, But i know this will not be happening any time soon.

36. Atheism is a sin.

Rejecting the Messiah Jesus is sin. those who disbelieve the truth when shown it reveal the evil within.

37. It is sinful to build Hindu temples in Christian nations and then worship in them.

There is no such thing as a Christian nation. It is sinfull to worship anything other than the God of Abraham.

38. Children should be taught to be a Christian at a very early age.

Childeren should be introduced to the understanding of Jesus as soon as they are able to understand the concept. But in the end the person will reach an age of decision and make their own minds up.

39. An Christian based government is better than a Secular government.

There is no such thing as a Christian government on this planet. But Secular govenrments that mimick basic Christian fundamental truths will govern their nations with greater success and harmoney.

40. The Christian crusades were good and were done to help the Christians under Muslim oppression in Holy Land.

I disagree with this statement. The crusades where carried out by false Christians. No true Christian has ever engaged in carnal warfare. Nor will they ever do so untill the return of the Messiah Jesus.

41. The Christian conquest of Europe and the Americas was good.

There has never been a Christian conquest.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Forcing anything is not a Christian concept. And trying to force belief is vanity amplified.

True Christianity is about giving people the opportunity to embrace the Messiah Jesus.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
7. Sometimes it is correct to kill.

It is never correct for a Christian to kill another human being.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Unless ordered so by Yahweh as was evident many times in the bible.
God sanctioned murders and atrocities are acceptable as long as they ordered by Yahweh:eek:
Oh!! you know theist quote the bible, but they truly don't read the damn thing! they only quote that which serves their purpose, but leave all the detail out!!
out of context! LOL...
Oh!! you know theist quote the bible, but they truly don't read the damn thing! they only quote that which serves their purpose, but leave all the detail out!!
out of context! LOL...
It’s still OK, I really just want the belief of moderate and/or fundamental Christians.

Many Christians think that the OT is of a by-gone era. The Jealous God is now replaced with Jesus who only can love... etc...

Or so I thought?

I just wish some more of the Christians here would respond. They seem to have all day long to bag out Muslims but can’t take a few minutes to relate the basic tenets of their personal Christian belief? :(

What does that suggest?

Unless ordered so by Yahweh as was evident many times in the bible.
God sanctioned murders and atrocities are acceptable as long as they ordered by Yahweh:eek:

Yes when God orders one to carry out an execution (not murder) then one must follow that order as they did in the times before Jesus. But Jesus gave us the will of God during the time of grace that started upon the death and resurrection of the Messiah Jesus. His revealed will for followers of the Messiah Jesus is to never kill. That stipulation will remain in force until further orders are issued by the returned Messiah. If in fact He will change the order at all. We know that upon His return the Messiah Jesus will destroy many enemies of God as part of the wrath of God that will come upon the earth.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
It’s still OK, I really just want the belief of moderate and/or fundamental Christians.

Many Christians think that the OT is of a by-gone era. The Jealous God is now replaced with Jesus who only can love... etc...

Or so I thought?

I just wish some more of the Christians here would respond. They seem to have all day long to bag out Muslims but can’t take a few minutes to relate the basic tenets of their personal Christian belief? :(

What does that suggest?


It is sad that the term Fundamental/ muslim /christian has come to be associated with a violent brand of the faith which the tag is attached.

The greatest mistake the western liberal media ever made was to refer to radical muslims as "fundamentalists" The term fundamentalists when translated into arabic comes across as meaning true to islam. So when western media attacked fundamentalist muslims the reports came across as an attack on true followers of islam to the arab hearing. If they had used the word radical islamists then it might have come over differently but the damage was done as i found out when i went and became a member of an islamic forum. People should take a lot more care when they use words, but it also seems to me that the western media intentionaly used that terminology to incite the islamic people and to promote sympathy and support within the islamic community for the radical islamic jihadists. Anyway enough of conspiracy theories.

terms such as moderate/conservative/liberal/ radical/fundamental.. are all just tags that people attach different meanings to. The real situation out there is far more varied then the tags would suggest. Most people do not fit into any category but move between them depending on the specific issue at hand. I know its easier to lump people into nice self defined boxes but the reality is that no one fits perfectly into any man made box.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
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Yes when God orders one to carry out an execution (not murder) then one must follow that order as they did in the times before Jesus.

Yea! riiiiiiiggggghhhhhtttt try pulling that shit now-a-days in a court of law! :rolleyes:
It’s still OK, I really just want the belief of moderate and/or fundamental Christians.

Many Christians think that the OT is of a by-gone era. The Jealous God is now replaced with Jesus who only can love... etc...

Or so I thought?

I just wish some more of the Christians here would respond. They seem to have all day long to bag out Muslims but can’t take a few minutes to relate the basic tenets of their personal Christian belief? :(

What does that suggest?


M*W: I couldn't agree more. Christians can't jump right in and comment or keep up with discussions about their own religion, because they don't know anything other than what they've been brainwashed to believe! Like I've said, they don't read even about their own religion. It's pathetic.
Nothing about the original questions? You're just living up to what everyone thinks about you. Sam answered the questions about Islam, why can't you be as helpful?
7. Sometimes it is correct to kill.
8. Eating pork is a sin.
9. A person who is martyred as a Xian will be rewarded by God in the afterlife.
10. There is only one God and to believe there is more than one is wrong.
14. The land of Israel is special to God and must be returned to Jews in order for Jesus to return.
21. Jews are a race of people.
22. It was correct behavior, under the appropriate conditions, for a male to have 4 female wives - now it is a sin.
23. Homosexual sex is a sin.
24. There is an afterlife.
38. Children should be taught to be a Christian at a very early age.
39. An Christian based government is better than a Secular government.
40. The Christian crusades were good and were done to help the Christians under Muslim oppression in Holy Land.
41. The Christian conquest of Europe and the Americas(aswell as Austrailia and indonesia?) was good.
33. The worship of idols is a sin.(including crucifix, statues or paintings of Jesus or Mary, saints, the pope, anyone in the Bible other than Jesus, et cetera)
7. Yes
8. No
9. Of course
10. God is of Three Components
14. Yes
21. No
22. Yes
23. Yes
24. Duh
38. They must decide to become Christian on their own
39. Define "Christian based government"
40. No
41. Badly worded
33. Yes
39. Theocracy basd on the Bible
Can you elaborate on your answers? Give reasons why, and perhaps scriptural references?