Fundamental Fundamentalism: part 2

I'd ask what your problem is, KalvinB, but I can figure that as well as the next

There are no rules concerning prophets or wars in the terms that anyone can be a prophet and anyone can lead a war. The problem is the lack of authority or need to prove authority
So if I have you correctily, a Muslim has not established the authority to commit arbitrary murder while Christianity has?
God told me" is grounds for death if you can't back it up. You want to be taken seriously and yet don't listen or understand despite being told over and over countless times
It's not that I'm deaf, KalvinB, but that you're spitefully and woefully misdirected here. As you show with this current complaint, you have yet to comprehend the fact that you're talking about murdering people because of religious differences. What, am I supposed to kiss your Christian ass since you'll just have someone else kill me instead of doing your dirty work yourself? Proving one's authority to murder another? That's fucking twisted, KalvinB. I see the problem here: You're talking about murder. What is it with Christians and murder? I cannot believe you're that stupid, KalvinB, despite the writing on the wall. By what authority (proven or otherwise) can Christians murder people for authority?

As you reminded us a few posts back (3/2) you aren't put to death for being a heathen, you're put to death for messing with God. Okay, KalvinB, accepting even the duck-horse separation between "defending God": by killing a heathen and "not defending God" by reporting a witch and having them slain by the religious authority, you still need to explain why murder is appropriate or authorized that goes beyond religious bigotry.
Witchcraft is a religious crime on the same scale as devil worship. Back in the OT it was serious enough for death since it does work and it's very difficult to outrun a lie (devil induced miracles) where there are no phones and letters and anything else.
Like this old part: who says witchcraft is a crime? It's on par with devil worship? Well, for all of us who aren't so subjectively and superstitiously possessed by our notions of God, please explain on what scale witchcraft relates to, say, murder, or having sex with your chidren.

Your angry, bigoted, stupid post today shows a few of your true, Christian colors:

* The question is basically are Holy Wars (as in with real swords)fundamental to Islam. When you point out "swords" you have failed. That simple parenthetic note shows that you have not yet paid attention to word one coming from your Muslim sources regarding the nature of jihad. If you wish to steep yourself in racism, fine. But your hateful need to show people you have marked as unlike you to be evil and wrong flies in the face of practical evidence. For instance, I recall you called me a jackass a couple of days ago when I called you out on your general assignation of bin Laden to the "they" of Islam versus the "we" (e.g. you) of Christianity and the "we" of the US. This was in the Quote of the Year thread. I even asked you why you lumped the rest of Islam in with bin Laden which question you ignored as pathetic dribble and lamented that nobody was paying attention. Here you are again applying your hateful generalizations to Islam. You have only demonstrated an inability to transcend the narrowness of the Christian mind. If you were retarded, this would be acceptable, but insofar as Christians explain it, they choose to be that way. Really, KalvinB, if I was possessed of a sudden illness and ended up shitting on your carpet, that would be one thing, but if I chose to just take a dump in the corner for no better reason than I felt like it ... well, then I'm on a metaphorical par with your rhetorical approach. At this point, as far as your soul is concerned, I'm actually rooting for the idea that you're retarded. Stupid is obvious, but whether that's a consequence of nature or a desired result is yet unknown. In other words, KalvinB, You might have gotten away with your Holy War point owing to notions of stupid word games which you introduced to the topic; however, by limiting yourself with your declaration of swords, you have established that you do not understand the holy war implications of jihad and reinforce the notion that you never actually cared to understand. How quickly you got up on your soapbox and started spitting on everyone is quite amazing.
The Koran isn't helping people find any sort of peace.
Have you gone to a mosque yet, and asked a Muslim? Welcome to it, KalvinB. You're now living up to what you complain about. You tend to imagine people treating you and other Christians here just as you're behaving toward Islam. Is there a single part of your conduct which has even an iota of integrity about it?
When you have two very stubborn people who have no concept of "letting it go" in their religion what can one expect but that fight until they are all dead?
This has been covered: A) As with Christianity, Islam will eventually transcend certain violent superstitions; money became more important than God for Christians; the same will happen to Islam; B) Maybe if you don't want people fighting, you shouldn't slap them; C) If you want me to stop covering so many points per each of your errors, you ought to be more specific with them. As it is, I don't know if you're talking about two Muslims or a Jew and a Muslim or a Christian and a Muslim, or whatnot. In the end, though, between A and B, it's pretty much covered.
The "proof" of their God is winning wars. If either side were to back down it would prove to them that their's was the weaker God.
I didn't realize George W Bush was Muslim. After all, he's made the present Afghani situation into a holy war. He could have just laughed when bin Laden invoked God; instead he went before the world and announced that No, God is on our side. The proof of God has often been victory in warfare; the Jews carried the Ark of the Covenant into battle and let God do their fighting for them. There we raise an interesting question about the Commandments; instruction book or secret weapon?

Education is what helps people transcend warfare as a means of dispute. When people realize they can beg, plead, negotiate, and con what they want out of others instead of risking their life for it, yeah, society takes a step forward. Perhaps it's time to remind you that the international community is trying to find a way to call prolonged hunger a form of violence. Why? Because the Americans don't send their troops in to hurt you, they send their corporations to steal from you and to starve you. We're unwilling to actually raise the human spirit with our actions; we would rather raise our bank balance. And so the world is noting the prolonged violence against people our policies endow. Just as some religious people fail to understand that murder is wrong, so do we fail to understand the same. Why? Because we draw a petty distinction very similar to the one you note. They're not actually shooting anyone, so how are they killing them?

Hunger, Ben. Hunger. And such are the rewards of the stupid and mean distinctions you draw in your effort to elevate your own over your chosen enemy.

In the end, though, you point out what this whole thing seems to be about: You want to prove your God is stronger.

thanx for that, at least,
Tiassa :cool:
"So if I have you correctily, a Muslim has not established the authority to commit arbitrary murder while Christianity has?"

Not at all. Maybe you should try asking questions instead of babbling and going off on things I havn't said. If you don't understand me, quoting isn't going to help you out.

Do you know how to ask a question? It's generally one sentence with a question mark and nothing else. Can you handle that? Or can you only write books?

Like I said, pathetic ignorant dribble.

You obviously have no idea what I'm talking about but instead of asking for clarification you waste quite a bit of your time posting crap and then expect me to respond to it.

You're only proving my point Adam because you can't seem to get the concept of authority through your head. YOU can't do any of what you listed. AUTHORITY takes care of it. YOU are not AUTHORITY.

Most of those bible quotes I posted say THOU is to lay the smacketh down upon them. No mention of asking permission, or seeking the approval of judges or priests or any crap like that. All it says is "If this happens, start kicking arse". I can only assume you either did not read those bible quotes at all, or prefer to completely turn your back on the Biblical Truth (tm) so as to maintain your view that it's all peace, love, and mungbeans.
See Adam, in the Bible God talks to specific people. Who was God speaking to when he gave those commands?

Okay, now you're saying those were god's commands. In which case we must see them as the absolute truth, the correct path, for that religion. So the christian god commands those horrible crimes, even if he/she/it passed the word on down through the bible authors. How can anyone possibly love or respect such an authority figure/god? That's just nasty.
What crimes? You're not very good at this.

WHO did God give those commands to?

What crimes?

The many crimes I listed on the previous page of this thread. All that killing and rape and such. Pay attention.

WHO did God give those commands to?

Apparently to those who wrote the bible. And if they are not trusted sources for the christian god's words, then what the hell is the religion based on?
You're not very good at this. Like I said, what crimes?

And WHO was it is that wrote the Bible?

Originally posted by KalvinB
You're not very good at this. Like I said, what crimes?

And WHO was it is that wrote the Bible?


Who wrote the bible??? You don't wana go there KALVINB. :D :D
Did you have anything to add or did you just want to continue making an ass of yourself?

A few examples, Ben, since you seem unclear on the concept

... Maybe you should try asking questions instead of babbling and going off on things I havn't said. .... Do you know how to ask a question? It's generally one sentence with a question mark and nothing else. Can you handle that? Or can you only write books?
I'm sorry, KalvinB, that your reading comprehension skills aren't up to par. I realize that this discussion has become too complex for you. I've known this topic to be officially over since Adam's 3/4 post listing multipe verses contradicting your petty insults; I mean, he posted more than one issue, on which point you've already been clear enough, right? Of all the things to complain about, KalvinB, that you are incapable of reading is not one you should project onto other people. After all, I know things like colons, semicolons, and commas confuse you. But, seeing that you apparently have some difficulties with reading skills, I will provide you some examples of what questions are.

* But why does God call Mabon to eradicate homosexuality?
* Why does God call Schlafly and Robertson and Falwell to strive for human denigration?
* And why, then, did God call the not-yet-canonized Santa Teresa to bring compassion?
* It's all about interpretation; does Teresa go to hell because she suffered a witch to live?
* And the New Testament has what to do with the Old?
* Only that a prophet says so? Why should we give any greater credibility to Jesus than we do Muhammed?
* To the other, won't we all feel stupid if Joseph Smith really did converse with an angel of God?
* After all, how many theological disputes at Sciforums have included the idea that the person has read the wrong translation of the Bible?
* Is it just word games?
* In what way do what spinoffs trash the Bible after luring you with it?
* Who are the spinoffs?
* Rather ... as opposed to what?
* After all, how many times does the Bible say to kill someone that, in the US, we just won't let happen?
* To take an issue from the homosexual debate: is that not the basis of, say, the OCA or other persecutors of gays?
* That the United States and other governments are forcing them to violate their Christian consciences by forcing them to not ostracize, persecute, or kill homosexuals?
* Yes, and if I practice witchcraft, or sodomy, I am to be executed?
* What of Judaism?
* Does history not show the Jews getting the crap kicked out of them for millennia? What of this tradition born of persecution?
* And the poor, Christian martyrs?
* And it might be possible, might it not, that strife in that region has something to do with economy?
* That trend predates Islam by a good ... 1,100 years at least?
* Have they forsaken God because they apply the Supreme Law of the Land in the United States and attempt to respect my rights to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness?
* What legal standard?
* That is, according to what law should one be put to death?
* Both religions contain condemnations against the life of those who practice witchcraft?
* (i'm ommitting a question here due to its lack of a question mark, a typographical error on my part; after all, we don't wish to tax your reading skills with confusing accidents of punctuation. oh, you noted generally instead of specifically, so I'll go ahead and list that question next, with original erroneous punctuation.)
* What would be the difference between, as your example has it, Markx killing you, and my subjective accusation of witchcraft killing you via the civil authority, such as has been seen on the American continent during the colonial period (Salem) and in a political form in the 20th century (remember that Reagan lied to Congress and named names during the McCarthy Red Hunt).
* Ducks?
* Horses?
* What the hell, they're all dead meat in the end, anyway, right?
* By what authority is witchcraft illegal?
* So what if you picked the wrong team to be on for how you really feel in the world?
* Who says you can't find a religion that better suits your needs?
* What?
* Can you understand that point, KalvinB?
* The one that's right in front of you if you look to the Muslims in your own community?
* Like the cabbie who, for some inexplicable reason, chose to drive me to my destination instead of slay me for my idolater's ways?
* So what's the difference between then and now, KalvinB?
* There is no reason to try to squish freedom of religion ...? (it should be noted that this is a quotation of your own words, with a question mark added; it is merely intended to signify the absurdity of your words; we well understand why you would not consider this a question.)
* On that point, what is the difference between then and now?
* Which part?
* Or is it your point that the differences in how words are interpreted are mere "games"?
* Or is it your collective data about who and when to fight that ignores the admonitions toward when to stop fighting?
* Which of your ill-examined points do you find so solid as to refuse to reconsider?
* And what happens when the people do not carry out their holy war to the fullest extent ordered by God?
* Is it a difference 'twixt covenants?
* In your opinion, then, did Christ change the nature of the holy war?
* Could it be that Markx, having studied the Qu'ran more closely, understands what he's talking about, and therefore has no reason to disagree with the quandary of holy wars, but merely the paucity of your inquiry?
* Wow, KalvinB, why did you even post your topics if you didn't want to hear from anybody?
* Or was it that you wanted us all to come and kiss your rosy Christian ass?
* At any rate, get off the fucking cross; you're not Jesus, right?
* What did you want, KalvinB, for everyone to share your hatred of Islam?
* What are you reporting a witch for, and to whom, and what is supposed to be the result of that?
* Why don't you do that?
* Quite simply, KalvinB, the commandment does not read, Thou shall not kill unless thou thinkest the Lord telleth you to, does it?
* Come, now ... what was the point of even mentioning Jericho?
* Surely, you're capable of answering a simple question like that, eh?
* Of course, in considering holy wars, and when God who is the authority calls people to war, why did you not comment on Agag of the Amalekites?
* Tell us, KalvinB can you support that assertion?
* Tell me, are all "real" Christians as angry as you?
* I mean, I can only assume that the Christians who try to be nice, who happen to believe different things about the Bible, aren't actually Christians, then, right?
* {please note typographical punctuation error; refer to above note.) Tell you what, KalvinB, why don't you spare us your immature tantrums.
* Why do you strive so hard to augment the hatred in the world?
* Why lend your voice to jealousy and discord?
* Why not undertake an idea for the sake of learning, and not for trying to be right compared to somebody else's wrong?
* What the hell was the point of that?
* Why do you bother, KalvinB, if all you're going to do is ignore people's posts and try to be abusive?
* Really?
* That you cannot do better than beat your chest for machismo and call people pathetic and tell them that nobody cares ... come on--is that as intelligent as a Christian gets?
* Really, KalvinB, is there a particular reason we should take what you say seriously?
* Help me out here ... if I stay with either one of the topic posts ... what, exactly, is your thesis?
* Didn't I tell you to go down to a local mosque and ask?
* Well?
* What's your excuse?
* Are you speaking of a separate paper from your ill-founded topics?
* Now ... How does the violence continue endlessly?
* What, are you going to slap him again?
* And how could you possibly accuse me of not reading your posts?
* And do you think I haven't noticed your duck-duck-horse game of three-card monty?
* So if the priest says it's okay, then you can murder someone?
* What was your point about Jericho?
* That you can be irrelevant in your own topic posts?
* Is missing the point an art form for you or just a God-given talent?
* Do you really have to prove that this is the best a Christian can do?
* That hate and superstition is all you've got going for you?
* Is this the new, Are you done yet?
* Why do you bother posting here if all you want us to do is blindly agree with you?
* What, do you think you're God?
* Would you rather we all just ignore your topics?
* And there we can see another difference of perception: what serves the nation best?
* Is a people best served by tyranny?
* What constitutes service in that sentence?
* In the same sense, what are you actually describing here?
* As Adam has pointed out, what's the difference?
* What answer did you want to see as far as when the enemy can be fought?
* Whenever the hell one feels like it?
* Can a book "born of war" lead people to peace?
* Why do you presume that this book "born of war" is designed to perpetuate war?
* Why do you insist on this slander?
* Given that there must be no coercion in matters of faith (2.256), what, then, becomes the point of killing the infidel?
* For instance, coming across a witch, what can a Muslim do?
* What is left of your spiteful approach to the Qur'an at this point?
* So if I have you correctily, a Muslim has not established the authority to commit arbitrary murder while Christianity has?
* What, am I supposed to kiss your Christian ass since you'll just have someone else kill me instead of doing your dirty work yourself?
* Proving one's authority to murder another?
* What is it with Christians and murder?
* By what authority (proven or otherwise) can Christians murder people for authority?
* Like this old part: who says witchcraft is a crime?
* It's on par with devil worship?
* Have you gone to a mosque yet, and asked a Muslim?
* Is there a single part of your conduct which has even an iota of integrity about it?
* There we raise an interesting question about the Commandments; instruction book or secret weapon?
* Why?
* Why? (repeat is not a typographical error)
* They're not actually shooting anyone, so how are they killing them?

You know, if I missed any, it's because of the sheer volume of question marks I was reading through. There were only a couple of serious typographical errors (periods instead of question marks, for example), so I'm happy with that.

But since you seem to doubt my ability to construct an interrogative sentence, I thought I would provide this list of examples from my own posts in this topic.

It would appear, KalvinB, that what you're actually complaining about is that you can't read.

But then again, you did, in fact, respond to a few of those questions, so I know you saw them and understood them in their interrogative nature. Thus, when you write such things as I've cited at the beginning of this post, you only lend toward the idea that you are only standing on empty hatreds and should not be taken seriously in this or any other topic.

It wasn't that hard, KalvinB. All you had to do was respond to the issues that conflicted with your topic assertions. Like the bit about Saul and Agag. It speaks volumes toward the nature of holy wars in the Judeo-Christian portion of the Abramic experience. Do you have any idea how much more people learn when you deal in history as academia instead of politics? We've heard your pitch before, KalvinB, and some of us tried to overlook the divisive, supremacist overtones of your topic posts. Even after having disagreements, too.

So I'm trying to figure out why you've arrived at the childish point you have, and again I find myself resorting to Trekkie philosophy; and, predictably, it is Spock, speaking of communication: "There are two options: they are unable to communicate, they are unwilling to communicate." It's one of my favorite summations of a universal truism which here seems particularly apropos.

So a simple question to you, Ben: Is it that you are unable or unwilling to read and understand people's posts?
Do you know how to ask a question? It's generally one sentence with a question mark and nothing else. Can you handle that? Or can you only write books?
After all, the only thing I see here is a confession that it's too hard for you to comprehend the posts; you want things made easier for you.

Of course, that's nothing new, either, is it?

thanx much,
Tiassa :cool:
Originally posted by KalvinB
Did you have anything to add or did you just want to continue making an ass of yourself?


Are you showing your christian spirit? :rolleyes:
What happen to all the loveeee???
Would you rather I called you a brood of vipers?

Ignorant pathetic dribble is an accurate description of all you people have to offer.

These days, sure, for the most part.

You have alot of time to waste don't you
These days, yeah, sure. But does that mean that you're a waste of my time? Wouldn't surprise me, but I try not to think of people in such terms.
Ignorant pathetic dribble is an accurate description of all you people have to offer.
So I guess the question becomes: Why are you wasting your time on us?

I've wondered that about you since you first started showing your Christian definition of tolerance. I figured that since you're going to plague us with your supremacist bullshit, I might as well try to point out how fucking ridiculous you're being.

Since it's obvious you're not here for any real progressive debate, and since you're not here to spread the Good News of your Christ, it really does seem like you come here seeking affirmation in your dysfunction.

And since you're not getting that, why do you waste your time?

Tiassa :cool:
Clarification for KalvinB

And since you're not getting that, why do you waste your time?
That, Ben, is what we call a question. It is an interrogative sentence designed to evoke a response from another. In this case, that other is you. Thus, the interrogative sentence hopes to compel you to explain to us why you bother wasting your time here if all you find here is ignorant, pathetic dribble.

Easy enough?

Whoops, sorry. That was another question. Being that it was sarcastic, this interrogative sentence cares not about your response. The important question is the one addressed earlier in this post, and originally appears at the end of my prior post.

Tiassa :cool:
You're getting better. You were almost able to get right to the point without babbling in that post.

"And since you're not getting that, why do you waste your time?"

Boredom. To piss you off. Actually I just wanted some intelligent constructive criticism for my papers before turning them in. Apparently on these forums it's not possible. Don't worry. The third paper won't be posted here. It'll be at my site when it's done though.

It's like your mouth is trying to tell me you're intelligent but your mind isn't backing you up.

All you can do is toss out mindless accusations and bullshit in large quantities of words to try to cover up your own ignorance.

Originally posted by KalvinB
You're getting better. You were almost able to get right to the point without babbling in that post.

"And since you're not getting that, why do you waste your time?"

Boredom. To piss you off. Actually I just wanted some intelligent constructive criticism for my papers before turning them in. Apparently on these forums it's not possible. Don't worry. The third paper won't be posted here. It'll be at my site when it's done though.

It's like your mouth is trying to tell me you're intelligent but your mind isn't backing you up.

All you can do is toss out mindless accusations and bullshit in large quantities of words to try to cover up your own ignorance.


And where are you planing to turning them in?? Are there more out there, I mean like you?. Are you going to give it to local church so they can preach some of your ideas as well? Or some thing else?:D :D
Boredom. To piss you off. Actually I just wanted some intelligent constructive criticism for my papers before turning them in. Apparently on these forums it's not possible.
I once got a ration of crap for asserting that Christianity was a license to abuse people. Thank you for making that point so clearly.

As to the other, what can I tell you that you haven't already ignored? Koranic citations, literary citations, your own website citations ... as I said to Taken of late: cry me a fucking river.

It's like your mouth is trying to tell me you're intelligent but your mind isn't backing you up.

All you can do is toss out mindless accusations and bullshit in large quantities of words to try to cover up your own ignorance.
Such assessments mean a whole lot coming from a guy whose admitted dysfunction is his own reading skills.


(That was sarcasm.)

Tiassa ;cool:
Would you two like a shovel? You've got enogh shit to damn up a river.

You people are the most pathetic individuals to ever take part in a philisophical discussion.

"oh poor me the Christian is calling me names."

Stupid pathetic individuals you all are.

I suppose Athiesm is a license to be a jackass. You've certainly taken that right as far as you can go. You think you've got a right to be a jackass and then get all defensive when I point out that you are a jackass.

Why are you people here? You have the mind of a jackass and that's obviously not enough for intelligent discussion as you've made abundantly clear.

Why don't you take a shovel and clean up your shit.
