Fresh canned pigs feet!


J'aime La Moutarde
Registered Senior Member
What do you think about companies marketing microwave dinners as ‘gourmet’ or canned fruit and frozen vegetables as ‘fresh’?

This is something that always humours me and people tend to have very different opinions about this. I don’t know if it is right or wrong to market frozen products as fresh but it’s something that often makes me laugh. When I think of fresh salmon I don’t think of something that is hard as a brick and just came from the freezer.

What are your thoughts on this?
The thing that scares me is that they sell cow tongue in the super market. Who the heck eats cow tongue.
Oscar said:
What do you think about companies marketing microwave dinners as ‘gourmet’ or canned fruit and frozen vegetables as ‘fresh’?

I think it's kinda odd. But then again, they want people to buy their stuff, so they plaster the words "gourmet" and "fresh" all over the packaging.

It's a simple demand issue.

Off Topic: Oscar . . . Does "J'aime La Moutarde" mean "I love mustard"?

tongue is deliciouse. Its prepared identically to corned silverside and tastes similar but is SOOO much cheaper because its clased as ofal.

the only difference is that you need to peel the tongue before eating

athel: Gormet means nothing. Its one of those words floting around that have no real meaning. I actually asked my head chef about it one day and he said all it means is something concidered to be of a higher standerd. No one checks the standerd because there is nothing to gauge it against anyway so its meaninless

As for the use of the word "fresh" i would asume they are distinguising it from cooked meat or prosesed meats but then who really BUYS canned meats???? i mean really when you can get good quality fresh or better yet vacume sealed meats why would you by spam meats?
Asguard said:
tongue is deliciouse. Its prepared identically to corned silverside and tastes similar but is SOOO much cheaper because its clased as ofal.

the only difference is that you need to peel the tongue before eating
Asguard, that's just nasty. So what do you do? Peel it (the thought of peeling a tongue right now makes me wish I had not had dinner) and then boil it?

Mmm.. a hunk of peeled tongue floating in a stockpot with herbs and spices. It's enough to bring on symptoms of food poisoning without having eaten anything.

Bowswer said:
The thing that scares me is that they sell cow tongue in the super market. Who the heck eats cow tongue.
Apparently Asguard. Although it could be worse. It could be tripe.
I saw - I swear by the Gods - I saw "Combat Mission Peacekeepers" toy soldiers in the supermarket a week ago.

I've never seen tounge there, though. What does tounge taste like?
xev i just said, like silverside

bell: no you cook it with the skin on, and your NEVER boil meat, ever. You poach it in a pickling solution (vinigar, water, flavored with cloves, bay, time, pepper, pasley stalkes, carot onion and celery). Its called a court bolong (exscuse the spelling, never did learn my french) if you know cooking. If not served straight away leave it in the solution untill use, then peel it and slice it and serve with picked veg and mustard. Goes well with sauted cabage, onion and bacon with caraway seeds. Its apsolutly delisioise:D
oh and B\W i have had tripe at school. It was FOUL altho the guy who did a pasta with it was alright because you couldnt taste it

sweat meats are nice but brain made me throw up. Lambs fry on the other hand:D you just cant beat it:D Girls should eat lots of lambs fry, full of iron
When they say 'fresh frozen', it means the product was frozen quickly while still fresh, normally this is done within a few hours of picking. Good quality frozen products are actually more fresh than 'fresh', which could be days old before you buy it. But the taste and texture is always compromised when fruit and veg are frozen.

"Gourmet', probably means that the recipe was originated by a top chef and especially created to taste 'special'. After that the recipe is further refined to accomodate costs and production issues and then it tastes like crap, because when the chef created it, it cost $2 to make, but the manufacturer has to sell it for a dollar wholesale and still make a profit.

The trouble with frozen cooked meals is that meat and fish tend to lose their flavour and change texture, but, having said that, when I've occassionaly frozen my own cooked meals at home, the taste, when reheated, is still pretty much par with the fresh version, which means that the main fault of commercial products lies in the manufacturer's recipe and/or production methods. Food that is heavily sauced and spicy tends to survive the freezing process better than dry slices of roast meat for example.
Asguard said:
Lambs fry on the other hand:D you just cant beat it:D Girls should eat lots of lambs fry, full of iron
No thanks. I'd rather stick to the weekly iron injection and a bruised butt.

As for eating tongue. I tried it once and couldn't get the thought out of my mind that I was tasting something that could taste me back. Grrrr the thought of it still gives me a chilled feeling up my spine..

Do lamb's fry (balls?), taste more like sweetbreads or more like kidneys, both of which I enjoy on accasion? I've never had the um... balls, to try the bollocks.
We live in a world surrounded by obvious blaoney, yet many seem to swallow it without question. Nuthin new.

Oh, you have to peel the tongues... that's why those things taste strange when you only cook them and eat them unpeeled.

Anyway, why not put "fresh" on canned food? I am quite sure that it should only suggest that it tastes fresh, not that it is really fresh. It is just a way of marketing, but hey, you could sue them for false advertisment.

Do you ever eat hamburgers, or sausages? You won't believe what you're eating when you tuck into one of those!
tablariddim : lambs fry is liver, not balls. I guess i would describe it as a VERY ritch steak. Rather tough and kind of pasty (you know what i mean?, when it dries your mouth and forms little balls in your mouth, kind of like chicken breast does rather than steak which is juicy) but very good for you and very nice

my fav recipy goes like this, Flour and brown the liver, and cubed steak. Fry onions and add the meat. Add beef stock (or just water) and reduce to a sauce consitancy (its thickened by the flour so its best if you do the onions first and keep the flour in the pan, makes the sauce thicker) Serve on mash potato.

As for sausages MAKE YOUR OWN. apart from the fact that good quality sauage skins are the small intistines of sheep which may or may not turn you off, MOST OF A SAUAGE IS SAW DUST. yes i am seriouse. they use it to bind the meat and make it cheeper. The meat is the blitsed up crap pieces, mostly fat but all the bits you cant sell at a higher price. Even offal makes more money than sauage meat does. Oh and how many of you eat bratworst sauages? Im sure you vampires all love them
APSOLUTLY deliciouse:)
There's a commercial on the air in the U.S. for Jimmy Dean brand sausage. Now, understand, a guy who may or may not be part of the Dean family gets up in some commercials sometimes and plays the role of Jimmy.

At any rate, the commercial is for the latest breakfast products, including "biscuits" or "muffins" with egg and sausage.

Now, if you think sawdust is bad, check out the tag line: "The eggs come from real chickens The cheese comes from real cows. The sausage comes from Jimmy Dean."

As an American with among the most selective of palates, I will go so far as to comment that I'm glad somebody eats knuckles or feet or tongue or tripe, because I don't. I used to think pepperoni and sausage were my big concessions to nasty food, but it turns out the "sausage" I eat is nothing more than pork hamburger. I still don't know what all is in the pepperoni. I've identified fennel and bone before, but generally try not to push it.

However, there is a phenomenon among white people in the U.S. It amazes me how many of them claim to like chorizo. Myself, I can't stand the stuff. Not the taste, not the smell, nothing. And then one day I was in a supermarket in Oregon when I saw a roll of chorizo, picked it up, and made the mistake of reading the ingredients' list. Lymph and snout.

And no, I don't eat bratwurst. And a photo of andouille sausage in a "gourmet" cookbook (two volumes, I forget the price) reminds me of why I don't eat that stuff.

However, in the end, it's all snobbery. In the pseudo-environmental fight in the U.S., liberals often remind that "the native Americans used all the animal". So do we modern Americans. Horses become glue, sheep tennis rackets, &c. My jacket is made of some sort of animal, too. But I must admit that without a bunch of Mexican immigrant laborers I don't know what I'd do with pig lymph. To be honest, I'm such a snob it never occurred to me before.

But even liver is reviled on our beloved Turtle Island. Or whatever we call this place for PC's sake.
Tiassa, I've heard from a friend of mine that there was a Jimmy Dean commercial where, at the end, it showed the words "Eat Jimmy Dean" on a red (I think) background. Have ya seen that commercial? Kuz I haven't.

Also . . . What's chorizo?