freedom to abuse your children?

hey bells you do realise your comment in there about "not having children there for cant comment" is VERY close to one which got our "illustrious" oposition leader in some very hot water for making a similar one about the Deputy PM dont you?
Asguard, when you, a person who does not have children, starts to tell people how to raise their children or how parents are abusing their children because of how they happen to raise them (without physical or psychological abuse), then yes, people are going to get shitty and say that you, for example, should not comment.

It is akin to a man talking about how getting a period is painful or annoying.

Further more, i would trust the adverage parent about as far as i can throw them. The oposition leader is a prime example i might add, you wouldnt trust him to raise your children? why inflict him on "his own"? Then there is that women who has what 8? children now (or was it 12? i cant rember if she was called octomum because of the total or because she had octuplits)
So you don't trust your own parents?

The opposition leader has brought up his children and as can be evidenced, they are not raving lunatics.

They look like well adjusted girls. So he must have done something right along the way.

As for the woman who had 8 babies. Is she the norm? No. She is outside of the norm.

Oh and on your comment about "interfearing", what right have you to indoctrinate "your" children with basless stupidity? you think that sociaty has no responcability at all? what about complusy education? Ever herd of intergenerational disadvantage?
What right does an outsider have to tell me how to raise my children on a day to day basis.. ie.. 'You really shouldn't use a jolly jumper, it's not good for their development'.. etc.. The response would generally be, 'mind your own business'.

and "people have been having children since the dawn of time" your right, they have. They were also SELLING those same children, either through arangened marriages, or to mines where the children would slave away for hours on end digging coal. You think that was the right way to raise children?
Talk about jumping to extremes.:rolleyes:

Selling one's children was allowed and legal in ancient times. I would suggest you read up on the Code of Hammurabi, as a prime example. Ergo, if you give the Government the power to raise people's children...

Do you get my drift?

Tell me bells, you know the law. What unchallanged power do you have if your made guadian of your parents (for example)? For instance can you cut bits off your dads genitals? No you cant, can you decide who they assocate with? in limited cirumstances, can you restrain them? only with the permission of the courts and for specific reasons.
What is this obsession you have with circumcision?

I can restrain my guardian simply by placing them in an aged care facility or by keeping them at home and not allowing them movement or freedom to leave the facility or home. And as their guardian, I would be well within my rights to do so if I could prove that my parents were a danger to themselves or others.

Just as I can and do restrain my children by not letting them play in the front yard unsupervised, I do not let them go across the road to the park without supervision, I do not allow them to enter public bathrooms unattended, I do not allow them to roam outside of my property unattended. When they get in the car, they are completely restrained..

Why should rasing children be any different? it shouldnt, its exactly the same situation except in the case of children they will on adverage become less dependent rather than more so.
Depends on the child.

Parenting is about setting boundaries and about ensuring the safety, happiness and wellbeing of one's child. That is what parenting is about. The Government cannot run itself sufficiently.. you actually think they should be placed in a position where they control or 'bring up' our children? Ya.. right..

And lastly no they wernt talking about finatial responcability, they were talking about time. Basically the interview was about a missconception that "shared parenting" ment that each parent had a "right" to equal time with the children. Thats not the case (as you should know), the "rights" are with the child, not the parents.
Right to equal time is about child support. Right to equal time is tantamount to child support in separated or divorced couples.. in that the children should be made available to both parents and care for both children shared between the parents as much as possible. That care is then factored into how child support is calculated, so that both parents are then made financially responsible for the children.

The rights of the children is that they have the right to be supported in every way by their parents or guardians.

Children dont belong to you at all, my chair belongs to me and i can cut it up or burn it with no penelties (well unless i do it during a fire danger period or for finatial advantage ect). Children havent "belonged" to there parents since probably the middle ages if not earlier when they could be bought or sold without penelty (out of interest you know it was around the same time as women stopped being the property of there husbands and able to be killed if the husband so chose)
How can I put this.. simply..

My children are my children. Not yours.

Not the Government's. Not my parents, not my inlaws or anyone else, aside from my husband.

The only individuals allowed to make decisions about the day to day upbringing of my children are my husband and myself. We follow the laws of society and within those laws, we bring up our children as we see fit.

If a public servant decided to take it upon themselves to tell me that I was abusing my children because I restricted their movements or was doing something wrong in letting them play on a jolly jumper, I would tell them where to shove it.

You appear to be advocating the complete handing over of control to the Government in raising children. I completely and utterly disagree. The Government is barely competent to run the country as a cohesive unit.
Och. Can't think of the last time I sold a child without penalty, can I? Always some ministerial type lookin' in. Not like the old days, it isn't.
What is this obsession you have with circumcision?
Exactly. It's bizarre.

There are known benefits to circumcision. Some people believe that the "risks" outweigh these benefits, others disagree. Mostly, people's assessment of the risk versus the benefit falls in line with their cultural preference. Regardless, it's a very low risk procedure that offers some benefits ; so calling it abuse or mutilation is ridiculous and inflamatory.

Yet some people seem to be obsessed with imposing their views on others, which is the whole point of this thread.
Exactly. It's bizarre.

There are known benefits to circumcision. Some people believe that the "risks" outweigh these benefits, others disagree. Mostly, people's assessment of the risk versus the benefit falls in line with their cultural preference. Regardless, it's a very low risk procedure that offers some benefits ; so calling it abuse or mutilation is ridiculous and inflamatory.

Yet some people seem to be obsessed with imposing their views on others, which is the whole point of this thread.

That's not what's bizarre, call circumcision mutilation or a necessary requirement thats fine, everyone is entitled to their opinion. The fact that its all Asguard brings it up so much is what is bizarre.
That's not what's bizarre, call circumcision mutilation or a necessary requirement thats fine, everyone is entitled to their opinion. The fact that its all Asguard brings it up so much is what is bizarre.

I find the bizarreness to be in his choice of profession.

Anyways, who wants the gvmt to raise children on scientific opinion. Isn't that what parents do?
I find the bizarreness to be in his choice of profession.

Anyways, who wants the gvmt to raise children on scientific opinion. Isn't that what parents do?

I don't. Not that I have kids, but I have worked with kids and I have taken classes in the science and i can say that reality and theory don't sync up as often as psychologists would like. Most people turn out okay enough, so a majority of parents must be at least "okay" at raising their own children. :shrug: Even if their methods are a little uncouth.