freedom to abuse your children?


Kiss my dark side
Valued Senior Member
i was reading through one of bells threads when i came acrosss this

How free do we want our citizens to be, Bells? And that's really and actually at issue, ain't it?

As a society, can we actually take control of the kid from the parents for this? And if we say, yes, what kind of can o' worms does it open up for the courts?
Perhaps for watching too much tv?
Perhaps for not studying their lessons enough to pass tests in school?
Perhaps because the kids are overly shy and don't interact well with their peers?
Perhaps because they're little bullies and don't want to reform?

Where does it end, Bells? I have a neighbor who lets his shitty little dog bark (make that yelp shrilly!) until about midnight or so ....and the cops can't do a fuckin' thing about it. They suggest that I take him to civil court!

I don't know, Bells. I know you're all for this kid, but think of the bigger picture and put things into a bit of a better perspective. Like ...maybe let the kid die of overeating?

Baron Max

This has come up a couple of other times in various threads. I BELIVE but could be wrong that last time it was Orleander when we were discussing laws about what kinds of surgury ect that parents can or cant authorise.

Now im left wondering whos freedom are we talking about? Certainly not the freedom of the child, we are simply arguing who is a better "ruler" for the child rather than surporting the childs right to chose.

For instance in another thread I asked why you cant wait till a boy is an adult and able to chose wether they want to be cirumsised except in cases of medical nessecity and put legislation into effect to surport this. mad (i belive) stated that would be "restricting freedom" and i was left wondering "who cares?, you are already restricting the childs freedom by forcing the decision on them". When exactly did children become "property" of the parents? There was an interesting artical which shows the goverment and the courts opinions on this issue in Australian. It was about "shared parenting" in family break ups and the interviee (i think from memory it was someone from the department of family and community but i cant be sure) stated that the primary intrest is ALWAYS "the good of the child". So why is this fundermental in divorce but not in the rest of life?

Children are not free and i would rather see the goverment in charge of them than parents because at least goverment SOMETIMES lissions to scientific opinion. My sister in law for example never will, both my sister who is a peadiatric physio and my mum who is a primary school teacher and who raised 4 children of her own told her specifically that doing x will retard the babies development but she "knows better" than 2 people who have proffessional qualifications (and there for education) in childhood development.
You would rather the government be in charge of children than their parents?

Congratulations, you're a Fascist. Welcome aboard, Asguard:)

But in all seriousness, now:

No, I do not think parents ought to be able to abuse their children. Discipline them, yes, but not abuse them.
You would rather the government be in charge of children than their parents?

Congratulations, you're a Fascist. Welcome aboard, Asguard:)

Umm you think parents should be dominate over children, congratulations your a facist norse. Children dont HAVE freedom, so its simply a case of WHO is dominate over them, not SHOULD someone be dominate. As i said i have very little respect for parenting on adverage, and i dont mean the cases which end up in the media. How many parents have sat down and read ANY scientific lit on ANY topic, let alone on childhood development, child welfare, pediatric health ect?

My sister in law has Zero education above highschool, my brother has started a computer engernering degree, they have had a child for 9 months. My sister on the other hand spent 3 years studying mostly childhood development and then has worked in that area for another 2. Mum spent 4 years studying childhood development and education and has worked for 10 years with younger primary children plus has raised 4 kids. So at the end of the day who knows what they are talking about when they say (to use one example) "Jolly jumpers" impead childhood development specifically the ability for a child to learn how to walk?

Why is it that sociaty requires 2 years worth of education (variable depending on location) plus 3 written and one practical exam and a 4 year traineeship where they face tighter restrictions in order to drive a car yet we alow ANYONE to raise a child (or multiple children)
How do you determine who is "fit" enough to raise a child? Be honest: if we go by such a policy, we're going to be biased. I'm going to say that only those that are conservatives are fit enough, and you will say only liberals, or only this or only that.

Plenty of parents are knowledgeable and responsible; for instance, parents that may also be doctors, lawyers, professors, know, the upper-class.

The government is the worst institution for the upbringing of a free society. I do agree that it could be useful if you want to indoctrinate children (as that could have practical benefits), but unless you are going for Brave New World, you can't tell a man that he can't parent his son.
how about we do what we would in any other area of life and hand it over to the experts? Political leanings asside, you can set up a degree (including scientific resurch)in it just as easerly as you can in any other area.

My friend works in child care, she is required to hold a Tafe level certificate plus a working with children qualification and first aid qualifications. If this is nessary for child care workers why shouldnt it be required for parents?

Oh and just out of interest, why do you think those paticular groups are qualifide above others? A doctor could be a dermitologist, not much good unless the child has a rash, lawyers are usless as a group no matter WHAT there speciality is (ask PB, she deals with them on a daily basis and most of them couldnt find there ass with a street directory and flashing signs) and a proffessor of what? maths?

All these groups are still required to go through the same licencing requirements before driving a car for instance, why should this be any different

BTW this isnt exactly what the thread was about but why not:p I wasnt so much interested in WHO should be alowed children as why the goverment SHOULDNT be alowed to make laws which might restrict how a parent can parent. For instance why should parents have ANY say in wether there child attends sex ed? why should parents have any say in wether there childs genitals are mutilated? (FGM, MGM) ect ect.

The goverment is elected to represent sociaty and is SURPOSED to make decisions based on scientific evidence. thats why we spend so much money on senate inquires (for example). Further more the departments hire experts in there fields and consult with experts in universities ect. There for it makes a hell of a lot more sense that these sorts of issues regarding child health and development be made by goverment than my the lowest common denominator (who are the ones who tend to breed more i might point out, possably because they dont realise that you have to actually OPEN the condom wrappers for it to work)
It's called autonomy and freedom; sure, you could have government regulating you, but then you're not free or autonmous.

So you need to ask yourself: do I value utility or freedom more? If freedom, then government has no place in your wallet or your personal life. It is not government's job to make decisions for you or tell you what you can or can't do; I like personal responsibility over government babysitting.
It's called autonomy and freedom; sure, you could have government regulating you, but then you're not free or autonmous.

So you need to ask yourself: do I value utility or freedom more? If freedom, then government has no place in your wallet or your personal life. It is not government's job to make decisions for you or tell you what you can or can't do; I like personal responsibility over government babysitting.

how free or autonomous is a 1 month old baby? THAT is the person whos "autonomy and freedom" we are talking about after all
how free or autonomous is a 1 month old baby? THAT is the person whos "autonomy and freedom" we are talking about after all

I thought we were talking about the parents. Obviously the baby isn't autonomous and can't be, so it is then the parents' responibilities to look out for it and raise it properly.
how is dominating another human being being "autonomy and freedom"?

They are "autonomy and freedom" in what THEY do, they dont get that luxury when they are responcable for someone else be that a child, a pt, an elderly person in aged care ect so why exactly should it be the case with there own child? Look at the adoption and foster care systems, the adults in those situations are VERY highly regulated and checked out because sociaty has a duty of care TO THE CHILD. Not to the adult, the adults can do whatever they want to themselves but they shouldnt be alowed to inflict there own stupidity onto a child which by definition is unable to consent to ANYTHING
The child can't be autonomous, which is why I am saying that the parent needs to look out for the child. That's what I am saying: the PARENT is the regulating force.
The child can't be autonomous, which is why I am saying that the parent needs to look out for the child. That's what I am saying: the PARENT is the regulating force.

and there for the parent should be willing to lose some of there own "autonomy and freedom" in the excution of there duties as guardian of the child. Ie there should NEVER be any comments about "parents rights", rights as an indervidual? yes, as a parent? no. Thats a responcability, not a right and if sociaty (through the state) decideds that junk food should be banned and sex education given to children because that is what the scientific evidence shows them then no you dont "have the right to decide for my child". You have the right to do as the state demands in line with your responcibility for that child. All decisions should be evidence based, not based on "parental rights" because they dont exist. If you can abide by that great, if not dont have children

As i said im not just speaking of gross abuse or neglect like the mother who got her 10 year old so drunk he ended up in A&E with alchole poisioning. If you dont want your child to go to sex ed, to bad. Its been decided on the basis of evidence that this is what children should know, you dont want your children imunised again to bad, you want your child mutilated so they "look like dad" or because your sky fairy told you so thats to bad. When they are old enough to make those decisions for themsleves they can do it but until that point there should be an evidenced based aproch
No, no no no! The parent needs to be able to raise his child as he sees fit; as long as the child isn't being abused, you can't override their position as parents. It's disrespectful and has no place in civilized society.
No, no no no! The parent needs to be able to raise his child as he sees fit; as long as the child isn't being abused, you can't override their position as parents. It's disrespectful and has no place in civilized society.

why? so far you have gone from facist (which i have shown its NOT because nither option take away or gives any freedom from the child because they already have none) to "disrespectful and has no place in civilized society".

So why is science an antipathy of "civilized society"? the oposite is true actually. Science and science based policy is the pinical of a "civilized society".
Science is great, but what does science have to do with this? I'm talking about letting parents parent their children.

If you want SCIENCE, then let's start a eugenics policy, get rid of democracy, and begin genetic engineering and "indoctrination". That's the rational thing to do for an ordered, regulated society.
You are being ridiculous, Asguard. No one in the world cares about the children more than the parents. The government doesn't give a shit about anyone. The government is a bunch of self serving jackasses interested only in their own power (the politicians); and a bunch of lazy, bored, bureaucrats who couldn't care less about their jobs.

Compare that to the average parent who'd walk thru fire for their children. Who work long hours to put food on the table for their children. Who sacrifice every day to see to it that their children get what they need.

Are there rare situations in which the parents are unfit or abusive? Sadly, yes. It is then and only then that the government should step in.
You are being ridiculous, Asguard. No one in the world cares about the children more than the parents. The government doesn't give a shit about anyone. The government is a bunch of self serving jackasses interested only in their own power (the politicians); and a bunch of lazy, bored, bureaucrats who couldn't care less about their jobs.

Compare that to the average parent who'd walk thru fire for their children. Who work long hours to put food on the table for their children. Who sacrifice every day to see to it that their children get what they need.

Are there rare situations in which the parents are unfit or abusive? Sadly, yes. It is then and only then that the government should step in.

what a load of crap, parents who mutilate there own children compared to teachers? nurses? paramedics? childcare workers? I have really had it with that attitdude of the public service most of whom chose to sacrifice the pay they could get in the private sector because they care enough to take up public sector work. Even your view on pollies is compleate bunkum, the PM earns $330,300. Compared to the CEO of a company on Multi MILLION $ saleries.
what a load of crap, parents who mutilate there own children compared to teachers? nurses? paramedics? childcare workers?
Are you back on your bizarre anti-circumcision crusade? Is that the "mutilation" you're referring to? You're a nutjob on that issue and your description of a normal procedure as mutilaiton is offensive. No surprise that in your self rightous contempt you feel the right to impose your will on everyone else's children, which is the point of this thread.
your view on pollies is compleate bunkum, the PM earns $330,300. Compared to the CEO of a company on Multi MILLION $ salaries.
Yet these "pollies" spend millions to obtain these underpaid positions.
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Norsefire said:

The parent needs to be able to raise his child as he sees fit ....

Would you prescribe any boundaries to that?
Now im left wondering whos freedom are we talking about? Certainly not the freedom of the child, we are simply arguing who is a better "ruler" for the child rather than surporting the childs right to chose.

I take it you are also a firm believer in not immunising children, since we, as parents, are injecting our children with illnesses to build up their immunity, without their consent?

For instance in another thread I asked why you cant wait till a boy is an adult and able to chose wether they want to be cirumsised except in cases of medical nessecity and put legislation into effect to surport this. mad (i belive) stated that would be "restricting freedom" and i was left wondering "who cares?, you are already restricting the childs freedom by forcing the decision on them".
Which is hypocritical, in and of itself. You say that parents should only have the right to choose for their child, if it is deemed a medical necessity. Aren't parents restricting the child's freedom if they take the path of the slice and dice when there might be other options available, or the procedure is deemed necessary?

When exactly did children become "property" of the parents?
I believe mine became my "property" when one popped out of my uterus after 21 hours of labour and the other was sliced out in a life and death situation.

I think that I, as my children's mother, have the right to make decisions for them for their own benefit. I decide what they eat, wear, where they go, what they do, what they watch on TV, what they read, drink, who they socialise with, what language they speak, what they learn, how they learn, when they go to bed...

That is my role as their parent. My husband shares the same role.

It was about "shared parenting" in family break ups and the interviee (i think from memory it was someone from the department of family and community but i cant be sure) stated that the primary intrest is ALWAYS "the good of the child". So why is this fundermental in divorce but not in the rest of life?
That would pertain to child support and the driving force behind child support is that both parents are financially and emotionally responsible for their children, and that responsibility does not wane even if the parents are no longer in a relationship.

Children are not free and i would rather see the goverment in charge of them than parents because at least goverment SOMETIMES lissions to scientific opinion.

Oh, you're serious?

So if we have a Government led by someone like Abbott for example, who is against the cervical cancer vaccine and deems it inappropriate.. Do you think he would listen to scientific opinion?

What about the bumbling twats in Government who knowingly allow children to remain in abusive households, resulting in the injury or deaths of those children?

I work for the Federal Government, in a department that deals directly with issues regarding children. I would not trust any Government to raise my children. Unless they pop my children out of their collective womb, they do not raise my children.

My sister in law for example never will, both my sister who is a peadiatric physio and my mum who is a primary school teacher and who raised 4 children of her own told her specifically that doing x will retard the babies development but she "knows better" than 2 people who have proffessional qualifications (and there for education) in childhood development.
There is something to be said for offering opinions about how one should raise one's children when one did not ask for said opinion. It is called interferring. And it is usually not taken well when the unwanted opinion comes from one's inlaws.

How many parents have sat down and read ANY scientific lit on ANY topic, let alone on childhood development, child welfare, pediatric health ect?
So you, as a person who does not have children, think you are more qualified to tell people who have brought up their children from conception, how to raise their children?

People have been bringing up children since the dawn of human evolution. Parents, whether they read scientific studies or not, learn as they go. A scientific paper or study telling you why newborn cries, will not provide the tools of stopping a newborn from crying because not every newborn is the same. I read everything I could get my hands on when I was pregnant with my first child. And then my obstetrician snorted with laughter when I showed him a particular article and told me to stop and that I, like every other parent on earth, would simply forget everything I had read and would learn as I went.

And he was right.

My sister in law has Zero education above highschool, my brother has started a computer engernering degree, they have had a child for 9 months. My sister on the other hand spent 3 years studying mostly childhood development and then has worked in that area for another 2. Mum spent 4 years studying childhood development and education and has worked for 10 years with younger primary children plus has raised 4 kids. So at the end of the day who knows what they are talking about when they say (to use one example) "Jolly jumpers" impead childhood development specifically the ability for a child to learn how to walk?
My eldest used one and was holding the walls and walking when he was 6.5 months.

All I can say to your example is bollocks.

Let me give you a parenting tip. If a jolly jumper makes your child laugh, it safe to use and stops your child from screaming its head off for hours on end, then the jolly jumper will become your friend while your child still finds happiness in it.

Why is it that sociaty requires 2 years worth of education (variable depending on location) plus 3 written and one practical exam and a 4 year traineeship where they face tighter restrictions in order to drive a car yet we alow ANYONE to raise a child (or multiple children)
Education does not equal good parenting skills.

My friend works in child care, she is required to hold a Tafe level certificate plus a working with children qualification and first aid qualifications. If this is nessary for child care workers why shouldnt it be required for parents?
Ah possibly because they are deemed educators and are in charge of approximately 10 - 20 children all within the same age range?

The goverment is elected to represent sociaty and is SURPOSED to make decisions based on scientific evidence.
Which is why we are so advanced on embryonic research for example? Stem cell research?

Have you forgotten the debates held in Parliament about said research?

why should parents have any say in wether there childs genitals are mutilated? (FGM, MGM) ect ect.
What gives the Government the power over how I raise my children? Why do you think you, a public servant, should have more say in how I raise my children?

So far, your examples have only proven why the Government should not raise people's children.

thats why we spend so much money on senate inquires (for example).
Most of which are a waste of time and a waste of tax payer's money.

Further more the departments hire experts in there fields and consult with experts in universities ect. There for it makes a hell of a lot more sense that these sorts of issues regarding child health and development be made by goverment than my the lowest common denominator (who are the ones who tend to breed more i might point out, possably because they dont realise that you have to actually OPEN the condom wrappers for it to work)
You do realise that the very departments who have all the experts on hand, are the very one's who fail at protecting children in abusive situations, right?

How many issues have we seen, how many cases have we seen where children have been forced to remain in abusive households to their own detriment and injury, after "expert" opinion demand they remain there?

And I cannot believe you just made that comment about people who tend to have more children, when your own mother had 4 children.

what a load of crap, parents who mutilate there own children compared to teachers? nurses? paramedics? childcare workers?
Many of which also "mutilate" their own children.

I have really had it with that attitdude of the public service most of whom chose to sacrifice the pay they could get in the private sector because they care enough to take up public sector work.
Just because people who work in the public sector willingly, does not mean that they are more qualified to make day to day decisions about the care and wellbeing of other people's children.

Considering how often those working in the public sector abuse their position and the children in their care, your proposition is laughable at best.

Most of the people in the public sector enter the public sector because it pays so well when you first get out of university, compared to the private sector where the base salary is almost half.
hey bells you do realise your comment in there about "not having children there for cant comment" is VERY close to one which got our "illustrious" oposition leader in some very hot water for making a similar one about the Deputy PM dont you?

Further more, i would trust the adverage parent about as far as i can throw them. The oposition leader is a prime example i might add, you wouldnt trust him to raise your children? why inflict him on "his own"? Then there is that women who has what 8? children now (or was it 12? i cant rember if she was called octomum because of the total or because she had octuplits)

Oh and on your comment about "interfearing", what right have you to indoctrinate "your" children with basless stupidity? you think that sociaty has no responcability at all? what about complusy education? Ever herd of intergenerational disadvantage?

and "people have been having children since the dawn of time" your right, they have. They were also SELLING those same children, either through arangened marriages, or to mines where the children would slave away for hours on end digging coal. You think that was the right way to raise children?

Tell me bells, you know the law. What unchallanged power do you have if your made guadian of your parents (for example)? For instance can you cut bits off your dads genitals? No you cant, can you decide who they assocate with? in limited cirumstances, can you restrain them? only with the permission of the courts and for specific reasons.

Why should rasing children be any different? it shouldnt, its exactly the same situation except in the case of children they will on adverage become less dependent rather than more so.

And lastly no they wernt talking about finatial responcability, they were talking about time. Basically the interview was about a missconception that "shared parenting" ment that each parent had a "right" to equal time with the children. Thats not the case (as you should know), the "rights" are with the child, not the parents.

Children dont belong to you at all, my chair belongs to me and i can cut it up or burn it with no penelties (well unless i do it during a fire danger period or for finatial advantage ect). Children havent "belonged" to there parents since probably the middle ages if not earlier when they could be bought or sold without penelty (out of interest you know it was around the same time as women stopped being the property of there husbands and able to be killed if the husband so chose)