Free Will?

§outh§tar said:
Bah.. I've been trying to make this point in another thread to Dreamwalker but he isn't around for this..

Choices are illusory. Perhaps soulmates really are.

Hey, eventually I come around to this thread. (It was started around 7 AM in my time zone...)

You want to make a point? Really, I thought you just wanted to preach to me until I agree with you. :confused:
And, I did not exactly deny that, if an omnipotent god exists there is no free will, I just doubted that any god exists.
But following your argument, it is of no consequence in what I believe since I also follow gods will. Thus there should be no need for you to try and convert me or anyone else since we were created this way and have no real choice to to anything that god does not want us to do. As a result god cannot condem me for denying him since I only deny him because he wants it this way. As I and everyone else lacks free will, every sort of discussion would also be useless since we are all guided by god. As a consequence, your argument is just as valid as mine because we all just write what god wants us to write.

Did I get this correctly SouthStar? I must have, after all, God guided my hand and thoughts, didn´t he?