Free will and responsiblity for actions...

Whether the universe is dterministic or not... the word "deserve" ant meaninless in this discusson... Enmos thanks people deserve punishment.!!!
It seemed like he shifted to a practical take on the matter. If punished, they will be less likely to do it again. At least I thought he posted like that above.
Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
Thats irrelevent to my statment... "no one deserves punishment".!!!

No, it isn't. How do you think the world would change if no one would be held accountable for their actions? They deserve punishment, determinism or not, in order to discourage them to do it again.

I didnt suggest that i dont want people held acountable for ther actons... but in a deterministic universe... whether people are held acountable or not is still irrelevent to my statment:::

"no one deserves punishement".!!!
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A couple of points. A determinist does not own their ideas, they simply happen. A determinist has no idea if their arguments and ideas really make sense, since they have to have them, according to themselves. They may seem to make sense, but that's about it. There is something ironic about saying that everything is determined and something utterly and devastatingly humbling, yet this irony and humility, oddly, do not seem traits of most determinists.

Good pont... what you said is logical to me... but i live my life as if free will ant an illusion... the irony tickles me.!!!
Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
Enmos thanks people deserve punishment.!!!

It seemed like he shifted to a practical take on the matter. If punished, they will be less likely to do it again. At least I thought he posted like that above.

Yes... an he seems to define "free-will" as a non-sinsical term but he still thanks people deserve punishment.!!!
Good pont... what you said is logical to me... but i live my life as if free will ant an illusion... the irony tickles me.!!!
So you are a hypocrite? (I don't mean that as harsh as it sounds, but I can't think of another way to formulate it) A follow up question would be...
for me as another person

Should I believe what you say you believe is what you believe?
Should I believe the beliefs implicit in the way you live?

Imagine someone saying they believed the world was terrible and people should not be trusted but they walked around with a smile on their face all the time, laughed regularly and had close loving relationships with their family and friends.

I can't see a reason to believe what they say their beliefs are. I would conclude they are confused about themselves.
Origionaly posted by cluelusshubund
...i live my life as if free willl ant an illusion...

So you are a hypocrite?

Should I believe what you say you believe is what you believe?
Should I believe the beliefs implicit in the way you live?

You have no choise but to thank what you will... lol.!!!

No... i dont see what i said as bein hyprocritical at all... im quite up front about it... its my reality that everthang apeaars to be deterministic... an i realy like the idea that no one deserves punishment... which leaves little room for hate or holdin grudges an lots of room for compasson... an i have no need to forgive cause i dont blame people to begin wit.!!!

Imagine someone saying they believed the world was terrible and people should not be trusted but they walked around with a smile on their face all the time, laughed regularly and had close loving relationships with their family and friends.

I can't see a reason to believe what they say their beliefs are. I would conclude they are confused about themselves.

oK... but i dont see how that esample applies to me.!!!