Free Masons?

Obama is a 33rd degree freemason.

Not surprised. The last one was in with the masons also, here is good old boy George with all his true brothers.


All Praise The Ancient Of Days
If that's the case then I don't know what I'm doing in the USA. I'll keep researching this before I jump to conclusions though. Can someone tell me about the Illuminatis please? No conspiracy theories involed.

A 33 degree freemason. That's a master of the craft right? Well I've heard that before but the only proof that was given to me was a handshake but the freemason handshake and an actual handshake can be mixed up so easily it's hard for me to go on just that.

The 33rd degree is an honary degree. It is not a master of the craft. There is no such title. There is the title Master Mason (third degree).

Many freemasons are Christian and the Bible is commonly used in the US. The holy text used in the lodge depends on the religion of the freemason(s). It could just as easily be the Torah or another religious text.
Your finding out what most people seek to ignore out of fear.

Yes the USA is a masonic empire and it does serve satan.

Hahahahahahahahahahaha! :D

Oh, excuse me.



ROFL @Adstar!
The 33rd degree is an honary degree. It is not a master of the craft. There is no such title. There is the title Master Mason (third degree).

Many freemasons are Christian and the Bible is commonly used in the US. The holy text used in the lodge depends on the religion of the freemason(s). It could just as easily be the Torah or another religious text.

Slightly OT but I saw many buildings in Chicago with what looked like the Masonic pyramid on top, are there symbols identifying the structures of freemasons? I had an Indian friend who was a free mason, he inherited it from his father. Is Freemasonry passed on father to son?
One more question which just occured to me, does the masonic pyramid have anything to do with the benben stone?

Slightly OT but I saw many buildings in Chicago with what looked like the Masonic pyramid on top, are there symbols identifying the structures of freemasons? I had an Indian friend who was a free mason, he inherited it from his father. Is Freemasonry passed on father to son?

I became interested in freemasonry because of my father's involvment in the craft. But membership is not heriditary. As James pointed out, the individual must request membership and go through a screening process and be voted into the organization. There is no standard feature to identfiy a masonic building other than the square and compass symbols. Lodge rooms however, do have a certian defined construction.

I am not aware of any association with the benben stone and would be doubtful of any associations.
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I forgot to add this in. This is the sign for health care. The same staff that Hermes was holding in the picture. But yeah I'm pretty sure it's not just the US. Considering the fact that France was the one to give us the statue of Liberty.

Hahahahahahahahahahaha! :D

Oh, excuse me.



ROFL @Adstar!

I would not be surprised if it turned out that you where linked to masonry james.

Oh very in depth and intelligant response there... me thinks you laugh too much.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Masonic scum. Your days are numbered!

Actually, if you are a Masonic scum, your days are probably rigidly numbered in some kind of mathematical sequence with a hidden message.

Then again, I think James R was meant to be the Chinese government.