Foundations for Atheism

life is too absurd, ugly, dangerous and unjust to allow a divine creator

Good and bad are the two sides of divinity. They are actually the same thing. We just categorize this one thing into many because of our dualistic mind (me and the outer world)...

When bad things happen, it is the same "God" which does those things. He does only good things. Bad things are good things.
What the shit? I posted here like three or four times yesterday and the posts are gone?
Presumably, a logical theological system produces large scale agreement. For instance, the Greek and Roman philosophical schools have often agreed, without any real contact, with the Hindu philosophical schools as to the nature of God on many, many levels.

As an organized religion possibly dating back some 5000 years and having evolved from many thousands of other religions, its unlikely they never had any real contact. And in that, Hinuism would more support my reasons than not.

It is not simply enough that something does not have any proof for its existence,
Why not? If there is no proof then there is no reason to believe it true until proof is available. In the meantime one can simply withhold belief – that is the essential atheist position.

but as regards the necessary being,
What the heck is a necessary being?

but that one also has reasons to -not- believe in him.
Absence of evidence is the perfect reason not to believe something.

…God would not be a mere empirical being,
Why not?

but a logically demanded being we ought to have positive proof against in order not to believe in.
Why? What is a logically demanded being? Why do you see a god as any less fantastic than any other imaginative fantasy?

Without evidence there can be no logic. Whatever you speculate as a need for a god I guarantee I can imagine an equally if not more plausible speculation where a god is not necessary.
don't cry wesmorris, sciforums jus fucks up a little.

Cris said:
What the heck is a necessary being?

"nothingness". existence of non-existence. being. nothingness without being is impossible. nothingness: the thing from which the universe (visibility, light, mind, consicousness) is extracted from. compared to. separated from. made visible.

Absence of evidence is the perfect reason not to believe something.

Uhm, I've been here a couple of years man and it has never fucked up before in that way. I had one post in particular where I'd worded something just right as far as I see it and it's highly annoying to think of it just "poofing away" into nothingness for no good reason. It was part of the database at one point, as I saw it posted in line in the thread. Thus, I'm forced to wonder "what the shit?".
sciforums appears to have been deleting various and sundry posts. overnight.

i suspect witches.
burrrrrrrrrnnn the witches.... buuuurrrrrrrnnnnnnnnn them!

hopefully I left the page open at home and can recover the posts from the page as displayed. I doubt it. hmm. i suppose it's time to post in site feedback. pardon for the distraction here.
regarding atheism: there appears to be a lot of hostility and very little actual reason flying around in this thread. your beliefs appear to all be based on the argument from lack of imagination fallacy, which, speaking logically, is just as useless when disproving as it is when proving. braaaaains...

the idea of a necessary being is found primarily in the cosmological argument for the existence of god. based on the rules of causality, everything which is contingent has a cause. the universe is contingent (ie, it is not necessary for the universe to exist). therefore, (must feed) the universe has a cause.

what you all seem to be reacting to is the idea of a personal god, a great beard in the sky manipulating our destinies. this need not be the case. though i functionally consider myself an atheist, technically speaking i believe in a god: an impersonal being, one that is nor intelligent nor a 'person' in anyway. the god i believe in is Logic, the governing principles of the universe. (BRAINS LET ME BRAINS) if there is such a thing as a necessary being, then it could certainly not be intelligent or personal. it would have to be a set of principles which everything that exists is contingent upon. everything that exists is contingent upon logic--i have yet to see something which can contradict the laws of logic.

there you go. react.
Let's take the standard Western theological model for God. A necessary being/thing which has the following attributes:

Omnibenevolence (if he is a true being)
Well then, you have defined yourself right out of existence. If something is all powerful and all pervasive, then there is nothing for Him to do. If He is everywhere, then there's no reason to move, if he knows everything, then there's no reason to think and He would recieve no benefit from worship or belief in Him, since He has nothing to gain.

For something to exist, it must have boundries, and since you have defined God as without any kind of limitation, it must not exist.
For something to exist, it must have boundries, and since you have defined God as without any kind of limitation, it must not exist.
Actually I disagree with this.
Though Prince James seems to think he can rationalize belief in god, so maybe my disagrement isn't consistent with his premises.

Anyway, God in the Abrahamic (and many other lineages') sense is exactly that, it is outside of logic and outside of limitations. You're saying "if it has no limitations, than it gains nothing from x, or wouldn't require x". That's a complete error. You're saying "if the rules of logic don't apply to him, then this rule of logic says he doesn't need x". Well, that's super, but the theistic premise starts with the idea that god is extra-logical. So, as far as the premise of god is concerned, there ain't nothing stopping him from wanting anything.

If he's extra-logical, he could be omnipotent and omnipresent and still be itchin' for a hamburger. I know, it doesn't make any sense. But that's what extra-logical is, it's outside of sense.

based on the rules of causality, everything which is contingent has a cause. the universe is contingent (ie, it is not necessary for the universe to exist). therefore, (must feed) the universe has a cause.
To begin with; nope. The nature of the entire shape, history and form of the universe is something we know very, very little about. There is a massive array of possibilities in terms of the universe (and, indeed, universes) work(s). Examples like consistently expanding and contracting universe, god starting and creating the universe, the universe being infininte (though this seems highly unlikely).

We don't know that there must be a material (or other) cause for the universe. We simply have no idea yet. And to say "well, since we don't know I'm placing my bets on this god thing" is really silly. How bout we all just stick at "we don't know yet"?

the god i believe in is Logic, the governing principles of the universe. (BRAINS LET ME BRAINS) if there is such a thing as a necessary being, then it could certainly not be intelligent or personal. it would have to be a set of principles which everything that exists is contingent upon. everything that exists is contingent upon logic--i have yet to see something which can contradict the laws of logic.
How much logic have you done? (I really don't mean to sound insulting here, so disregard it if I do). As a matter of fact, nothing really follows "the rules of logic". At a most base level take math (or, even subdivide into arithmetic). For years and years it was thought that math was complete and that we could axiomatize it if only we were smart enough. Then Kurt Godel proved us wrong with his incompleteness theory. This showed that there are no set rules - and in fact, couldn't possibly be any - that govern how mathematics works.

So, no. Not everything follows the all-true body of logical axioms. FOL follows FOL's rules, SOL follows SOL's axioms, math follows some crazy pattern that we can't really nail, and the rest is a big question.

Usually, dr. cello, when people made (I say made as no one makes it anymore because it's already been proven false) your arguement they'd say the proof is in that anything can be derived. Well, nope. In 1973 (don't quote me, but I'm pretty sure it was 73) two mathematicians found an equation that can't be proven from the once-thought axioms of math. So, nadda. No logical axioms for things. Sorry.
My lost posts:


Atheism needs no defense, as it makes no claim. Is there a prize for winning?


It's not the concept of an "intelligent designer" most people find difficult to believe, it's just the way people blindly follow the rules of their religion as though they know it is true, no matter how obviously fabricated they may be.

The term "intelligent designer" is a mockery of itself. How can the term "intelligence" apply to a term that is designed by a human to describe what created everything in which they they are? Seriously, trying to relate to the hypothetical creator of the universe is utterly vain, IMO.

What is outside the natural universe is inconceivable in reality, as it necessarily exists outside of it.


Prince_James said:
Theological claims by emminent philosophers down throughout the ages have been used as means to prove God and since there exists those arguments, it behooves Atheists to defend their position against those claims.

There is no need to defend athiesm itself. It makes no claim. You're asking me to show the flaw in the theist claim. I think I did above. I'm sure you'll attack any percieved flaws.

Produce an argument and I can dissect its farce. Until then, there's nothing to defend. Simply claiming "god exists" is no argument. It's an assumption. Logically, its indefensible.

Moreover, if God is such a ridiculous concept, and one which can be disproven (as surely it can), then Atheists should similarly make arguments to disprove him out right.


You can't prove a negative. I'm sure you know that?

This is what I am trying to provoke here, some concrete reasons for Atheists on this board to deny the existence of God.

Well then you're attempting to provoke the ridiculous. That seems pretty ridiculous.
Tyler, that's why religion emphasizes faith, it is beyond logic. Thus-

"Credo quia Absurdum" (I believe because it is absurd).
Turtullian (160-225)

My view is that the universe does exhibit a kind of order, after all, we are intelligent, and we are not separate from it. The universe is alive, but not centralized or personified, not active but passive, all things arising out of it's own nature (Tao).
What about it is perfect?

Everything. Not that our universe is likely to be the best it can get for any form of intelligence, but just go through all the things that the universe has that makes any sort of life possible... It's a long list of things to happen from a 'big bang'.

If big bangs happen all the time, very few of them I imagine would have any form of life, and if ours is the only one... the only thing, the only existence of anything anywhere... then those are long odds to be an accident.
KennyJC said:

lol, perfection is a concept created by our mind, like good and bad... they have no real existence.

Not that our universe is likely to be the best it can get for any form of intelligence,

i don't think there's anything "wrong" with this universe. wrong does not exist!

If big bangs happen all the time, very few of them I imagine would have any form of life,

llol, i used to think similarly, but there's simply not enough proof for big bang, and it sounds ridiculous to me today.
c7ityi_ said:
lol, perfection is a concept created by our mind, like good and bad... they have no real existence.

You sir, are a traitor to your own mind. I see evidence that your mind exists... the same for my own and the others I encounter. To say "it has no real existence" is self-negating comment, wherein the opposite is proven by the claim.

i don't think there's anything "wrong" with this universe. wrong does not exist!

LOL. Self-negating bastard. :) It exists as a matter of perspective, as is obvious in that I object to your statement as wrong.

Oh, and whether or not things are perfect is a matter perspective also. IMO, seeing it as such allows focus on comprehension of function rather than attempts to discern such frivolaties as some objective sense of "good" or "bad".
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wesmorris said:
You can't prove a negative.
Yes you can. An apple is not an orange, 'cuz they are totally different fruit. There, I just proved the negative that an apple is not an orange.
We, too, can prove that god does not exist.