Found. The tree of knowledge of good and evil.

Bow your head fool. Satan is your forefather, and he will see burn if you take a bad word upon me or mine again. Remember, the only reason Lucifer rebelled was because he didn't think man kind was worth the effort, and because he thought because he can then why not. Jesus is not God, he is the son of God, he is your messiah bow your head. He is Jesus Christ, king of kings.

I already told you I killed Him . He is dead now . He ain't coming Back . I am his replacement . Hi If you want throw down I am easy to find . I must warn you the earth comes and covers Me . She is very protective of her son . You should see some of the stuff she has done for me . Blows My mind . I love her and she loves Me . She is the one that was glad the day I was born . The rest of you didn't even know it happened . She swallowed fuckers hole . You ever see that footage of the Alaska earth quake from many many Years ago . If you did you would see were that boy was swallowed by the earth . A crack opened up in the ground . He fell in and the crack closed back up . Weird I must say . I was very young when I saw that .
Moderator note: Me-Ki-Gal has been banned from sciforums for 1 week for religious vilification.

This could have been a permanent ban, given his existing infraction points. If this ever happens again, it will be.