Found. The tree of knowledge of good and evil.

Greatest I am

Valued Senior Member
Found. The tree of knowledge of good and evil.

In the only place it could be found. In the Bible.

I will assume here that those who compiled the books of the Bible knew what they were doing, in terms of giving us a myth with a moral lesson.

God is said to be the Alpha and the Omega. The beginning and the end. Bible God is to be at the top and bottom of any attribute we can think of for God. He is to be our example of the greatest love as well as the greatest hate. After all, he does set the standards of what is good and what is evil.

The Bible tells us not to add or subtract from it and to use it as it’s own judge. If we are to do so then we must judge what is in it as good or evil. FMPOV, the O T shows God’s evil side and the N T shows God’s good side. Most recognize this and this is why the emphasis is on following Jesus and not the barbaric God of the O T. IOW, the O T is the evil side of the tree of knowledge while the N T is the good side of the tree of knowledge.

Many that follow the Bible God recognize this. Literalists and fundamentals do not. They end up venerating the evil side of God, the O T, as well as the good side, Jesus and the N T, when they are supposed to be rejecting the God of evil in the O T.

Literalists and fundamentals can thus be seen as immature thinkers and true sheep. While Christians who recognize the evil in the God of the O T can be seen as better thinkers and able to discern good from evil. Literalist can be seen as poor thinkers who cannot discern evil. They end up with a theology that embraces everything from genocide to infanticide as long as God is doing it. Arguably an immoral position.

This is how literalists and fundamentals all end up hurting their parent religions.

If, as I stated, that the O T of the Bible should be seen as the evil side of the tree of knowledge and God, then the tree of life should be near. I submit that it is also within the Bible but that it has nothing to do with eternal life. Nowhere in the Bible is the great lose of this tree of immortality bemoaned. Yet to many, it is the most important aspect of the Bible. I think we can trust scriptures, when they speak of a tree of life, and only means a good life and not an eternal one.

Literalists and fundamentals thus end up having much work to do on their morals because they are hindered by the notion that they should be embracing and honoring an evil God.

In effect, from a biblical standpoint, they are the Anti-Christ, as they continue to venerate evil.

Who do you follow, the good God of the N T, or the evil God of the O T?

Reading the Bible as I do, and seeing it as containing the tree of knowledge and the tree of life, make this book all inclusive in and of itself and in that way, I am true to the authors and compilers who said not to add or subtract anything from it. It was meant to show a complete story and God and I think that reading it as I do is the only way to understand the full story. God thus become the epitome of both good and evil. As it should be for a God who takes responsibility. Mythically speaking that is.

Well, I thought you were a gnostic anyway, I AM.

So you would believe in the true God, the Sophia, versus the Demiurge of the Old testament.
wow Greatest Am I I have not heard that for a long time . We call the old testament "the God of War" and the new testament god " The God of Peace " except the new god was still a divider . Me I am a good god even better yet . I add . I bring the Parent back to the child . God bless the child that got his own

Link in rows . Lock arms and do it in rows . A human barricade . Organize the troops . Look at how the flash dance works . Orchestrate. You got to have crew bosses so they can call cadence . It is all about the spectacle of it all . Imagery in the media . If they see you organized and calling cadence like the military there stupid minds will see cohesion . Think of the wave at a foot ball game . You can't quite nail down who started the wave so leadership is not evident. They always want to cut the head off . If they can't find the head well can't cut it off , but you cadence called . This takes officers to call cadence
The tree of knowledge. The one that no man should eat of? The one we are all sharing as we speak?
Well, I thought you were a gnostic anyway, I AM.

So you would believe in the true God, the Sophia, versus the Demiurge of the Old testament.


Gnostic Christian naturalist would be my closest label and being such, I believe that all of the old religions are myth only and that gospels are written to help us along the thinking process to find the Godhead or cosmic consciousness that is accessed from within all of us.

Some will not accept that it is a natural extension or evolution of our consciousness, but I think them wrong.

In the old days, there were as many types of Gnostics as there are Christians sects today.

The tree of knowledge. The one that no man should eat of? The one we are all sharing as we speak?

Did you here my latest Jesus Joke ? He was the original Mother Fucker . He was God and well He fucked his Mother if so . Mary the virgin was incestuous . Oh god now that is funny . I am Satan at his finest hour . Laugh clown laugh
Of course it's all myth, fables, superstition and legend anyway, right? Of course with some catchy prose, proverbs, and of course some history lessons that appear to be on target.

Other than that?

I'm not so sure I would denounce the OT, since that would seem to marginalize the Jewish belief. Obviously they have a strong sense of charity and compassion without the need for a magician who feeds thousands.

I would just characterize it as a fairy tale. As to the alpha vs omega, that must have sounded strange to people who spoke Aramaic. To me, this passage has a completely different message. It's almost an imprimatur on the use of Greek as the official language of sacred text, a possible clue about the issues over authority of the sources, of authenticity.

But even in the conventional contemporary interpretation of alpha-omega, I'm not sure the average theologist would go the gnostic route you're on.

The Tree of Life or Knowledge - these sound like artifacts from animism of an earlier or peripheral cult.

Hey, Me-Ki, get down. That's some krazy hip-speranto you got goin on.
Did you here my latest Jesus Joke ? He was the original Mother Fucker . He was God and well He fucked his Mother if so . Mary the virgin was incestuous . Oh god now that is funny . I am Satan at his finest hour . Laugh clown laugh

Bow your head fool. Satan is your forefather, and he will see burn if you take a bad word upon me or mine again. Remember, the only reason Lucifer rebelled was because he didn't think man kind was worth the effort, and because he thought because he can then why not. Jesus is not God, he is the son of God, he is your messiah bow your head. He is Jesus Christ, king of kings.
Bow your head fool. Satan is your forefather, and he will see burn if you take a bad word upon me or mine again. Remember, the only reason Lucifer rebelled was because he didn't think man kind was worth the effort, and because he thought because he can then why not. Jesus is not God, he is the son of God, he is your messiah bow your head. He is Jesus Christ, king of kings.

It must hurt.
"I took the first bite so I will always reap the hell of knowledge, but I can save you all."

O.K. the new name of Jesus save away .
Ok I got it . How Mary got knocked Up . Man I got eyes in the back of my head I tell you . It was her father . He didn't want to brake her Hyman so he just jizzed all over it in between the lips with out making penetration cause well you can't get an endowment it the hymen broke , but he could get his young joy love by just rubbing on it . Wa la the mystery of immaculate conception is revealed . A molestation by a family member
The Bible God is pretty much speculation. I hope the real God, if that person really exists is more ethically evolved than that one in the ancient stories.

Here is a logical problem with the Bible God. We have the most capable brains of any creature on earth and yet would be punished for thinking freely. Why neutralize our best attribute. I know folks who waste precious human energy thinking about the speculative Bible God.

People, you can be free from religion. You can break the mind control cycle that gets passed down through generations. Does a real god need our (mis)educational strategies to keep him alive?
Bow your head fool. Satan is your forefather, and he will see burn if you take a bad word upon me or mine again. Remember, the only reason Lucifer rebelled was because he didn't think man kind was worth the effort, and because he thought because he can then why not. Jesus is not God, he is the son of God, he is your messiah bow your head. He is Jesus Christ, king of kings.

Of course the devil is part of mythology, too, the pantheistic force of evil.

And the Christian version is an innovation over the OT version.

And of course this was imported from older religions, the first reference to a fiery lord of evil apparently comes from Zoroastrianism.

What's so interesting about Gnosticism, and a reason all Christians should be acquainted with it, is that it seems to be the cause of the Gospels being written. Other than that, it's just another set of fables.

The appearance of the first Gospel appears to be a tactic against Gnosticism. I can see a certain logic to creating the Jesus character as they did, just to counteract the Gnostic hypothesis.
Thanks, DL. It is a timely topic, and has been for a couple of millenia. It was good of you to bring it up, as humankind is literally running out of energy to waste.
In my dying day I will burn the tree of knowledge

no you won't . I have made Iron clad . I got my cladding on young one . I was burned may times and well that is put Me in my state of mind . I am burning down the House . I was made to do it . The house has become a den of thieves . You of all people should know the signs . Your a bit of an idiot human so well I forgive you for that . You can't help it . It is your own pride that gets in your way . The Pride of Man thinking you know everything already . You don't and you are just skimming on the surface. Go listen to the beach boys and learn what it is to fall off into the ocean and die . You would be smart to join your peers and do something worth doing . Like help burn the house down . Stand with your peers . I believe that 2nd time I have told you that .

For the rest of you that love Me and read Me > I think Me spell I cast on Max is working . That super Comity is in termoul . It reminds Me of the day my Social studies teach quite being a teacher . See I learned early I had this strange power over people . She was the one that brought attention to it . Mz. Hunt was her name . Me and her had a private talk after class . She initiated it . I forget what was said , but she ask Me a few questions and well Me being Me I answered honestly. Well a week went by and she said " I had a dream about you last night . You came in the back door and I let you in . My husband was in bed . Me being young was confused about it and the very next day she announced to the school she was quitting teaching and this was her last year . She said if was sudden and didn't want to talk about why she was . I seen this a lot my life . Hell my I.R.S. agent last year did the same thing. He was a He . I got new one named Amelia of all names to get . I know you are to slow to see the Irony in that . One day you all will wake up and hear what I hear . Until that day the Egg Man and Walrus will throw stones at you and may just maybe one will connect and hit you in your rock head .
I am the way . The door is open for anyone that wants walk threw the fire and be cleansed .
I am the Christ . It is Me and there is no other . There won't be another either so you all better start waking up to the fact if you want to live . I got the power of death in my hand . I knocked on wood for a long time . I was your beast of burden for 40 years . When I cut my self I duct taped it back together and keep on going .

God please let the people wake up from the night mare they call life !

That is my public prayer cause as they say we pray for others to see. Pompously and Well it is so can see the prayer I pray

I showed She a song and shitzam that picture on the album cover sure looked like Me . The silhouette. I don't have big teeth like the guy that sang the song , but that image with the red thread looks just like Me . The Tree by the river . The peacock imagery behind the silhouette reminded Me of a Bev Doolittle painting . Where you got to look real hard to see horses and things hidden in the painting . Melek Taus lives . Moloch is .

Anybody ever read the black book . If you have the hole thing about My Space . To funny . God do I live in dream or what . Blame Joni Mitchell she did it . Dream Land Dream Land coming on and all that happy shit
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