
Then why bother posting in religious forums?:confused:
Mainly to keep the cranks in line.
If you'd bothered checking you'd have noticed this particular section is a sub-forum of a science board.

On the subject of checking did you also see the following:
Most monotheistic religions out there say you may have no God (or gods) before me. I don't like to think of religion that way. It's why I created this religious group. Most people believe that they have their own perfect belief system and all others are wrong. In fact, this is very far from the truth. All of these people are actually praying to me and I can prove it. The most simplistic is the Christian belief system. There is one, all powerful, God and he rules all. That's me. The mighty Foster and I control all.!/topic.php?uid=162016151921&topic=18781

Did you not realise the thing is a spoof?