Forum software has been upgraded

I was wondering if there is a way to tag members in threads using ''@'' and their username, to which they'll receive an ''alert'' at the top of the page. Sometimes, I don't feel like replying to or quoting a specific post, and may want to make a general comment to an OP of a particular thread, and tagging would be helpful.

I'll test it. It looks like you're tagged here ---> zox - did you receive an alert that I tagged you?
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But there is apparently no longer a banned list. I presume mods retain the ability to ban or suspend troublesome posters, but can this be confirmed? Obviously it’s an important feature.
Sure, mods are still able to ban or suspend troublesome posters. However, Banlist was the addon not compatible with new version of the forum software as it was independently developed and abandoned a long time ago.
Sure, mods are still able to ban or suspend troublesome posters. However, Banlist was the addon not compatible with new version of the forum software as it was independently developed and abandoned a long time ago.
Great, as I expected but thanks for confirming.
I was wondering if there is a way to tag members in threads using ''@'' and their username, to which they'll receive an ''alert'' at the top of the page. Sometimes, I don't feel like replying to or quoting a specific post, and may want to make a general comment to an OP of a particular thread, and tagging would be helpful.

I'll test it. It looks like you're tagged here ---> zox - did you receive an alert that I tagged you?
Yes, I received an alert. It's apparently user level preference so everyone can change it for themselves.
Is there any way to make the "enable push notification" message at the bottom of the screen to go away. Hitting the X only makes it worse.
Is there any way to make the "enable push notification" message at the bottom of the screen to go away. Hitting the X only makes it worse.
Totally agree, the design of the notification is awful. I'm turning it off until the usability is fixed.

The "new look" is depressingly plain. If the "guts" work better, however, I suppose it's an improvement.

Not sure why, but the forum became "unreachable" to me for a bit. I thought it had finally gone belly up & been deleted.
Guess I'll have to putter about with the new control panel for a bit & see what's new & exciting - or not, as the case may be.
Just wondering on something - I received a reply to one of my posts but it didn’t appear in my notifications. Not a big deal, it may be a glitch but just curious if anyone else is experiencing this?

Edit - I just received a notification for a different post so it looks like that might have been a one-off glitch.
Just wondering on something - I received a reply to one of my posts but it didn’t appear in my notifications. Not a big deal, it may be a glitch but just curious if anyone else is experiencing this?

Edit - I just received a notification for a different post so it looks like that might have been a one-off glitch.
On that note. If I tag a member with an @ do they get an alert?