Form Your Own Religion,

Myths are not the source of religion, peoples stupidity is.
SOME religions feed off people's insecurities, fears and other vulnerabilities, yes - but not all.

I think you have a lot to learn about different religions.
Not necessarily.
Can you really define wisdom as a "thing"?

If you and I recognize it then it must exist...maybe? If it does, do you suppose there is a hierarchy of precepts that exist in such? Or is wisdom just a product of mind?
If you and I recognize it then it must exist...maybe?
Oh how I hate that word sometimes.
Racsim "exists", correct?
It is not tangible, measurable - it does not have a distinct beginning or ending - yet we both know it exists.

If it does, do you suppose there is a hierarchy of precepts that exist in such?
I don't understand the question

Or is wisdom just a product of mind?
I'm not so sure about calling it a "product" a quality or state of mind, perhaps.
Wow...that's asking a lot. My religion would have a list of prophets consisting of anyone even remotely metioned in history, mythology, movies, music, video games, and literature, aswell as many who aren't. There would be a complex heirarchy based on how many years you've been in the system, and what you've accomplished in that time. The goal of my religion would be to make your way towards perfection. Members of my church would be required to study even the most seemingly meaningless subjects, to be in utmost physical condition, to practice all aspects of the arts, and to constantly work at being better at everything. They would be required to fast for 3 days once a month, in tribute to those in third world countries who starve to death. Devout followers, of course, would live in the church; they would have a complex routine with only 7 hours a day devoted to sleep and one devoted to eating/drinking. Twice a year the church would have a party, with coke and weed and boose and cough syrup and some type of hallucinogen to loosen things up. Periodically, I would walk through the streets with the devout followers of the church around me, clearing the way, as they chant the church's propoganda. I would encourage my followers to run for political office, and instill theocratic ideology within them.
Oh how I hate that word sometimes.
Racsim "exists", correct?
It is not tangible, measurable - it does not have a distinct beginning or ending - yet we both know it exists.

I don't understand the question

I'm not so sure about calling it a "product" a quality or state of mind, perhaps.

I suppose that I am trying to determine the nature of "Wisdom," from where it comes, and if it is something we learn or inherit through birth. I think that religion is an avenue for learning wisdom, be it Christianity or some other comparable source. To create a new religion, a person would first need study those.
My personal religion that I follow is simple. All problems are caused by insecurities and impulses within you and have no other cause. You should first realize that this is true and not place blame on anyone besides your own self. Reality is like a bubble, and you yourself are another reality. The purpose of life is to have true happiness, which consist of high-energy, a sense of fulfillment, and inner joy, anything contrary to this is suffering. If you eliminate all your defiling impulses and insecurities then all that will remain is this unceasing, eternal happiness, and you will never be able to suffer. If you experience even the slighest degree of suffering in any form then you have not achieved this perfection. Therefore you should spend your life focusing on the internal not the external and eliminate all your problems and achieve the highest perfection, the highest freedom...