Form Your Own Religion,


Valued Senior Member
Greetings my fellow companions. I've been posting a few things irradically as of late but please don't become to annoyed, all my polls are with the best of intentions. This however is no poll, it's a full discussion thread. I'd like for each of you to form your very own religion, complete in every detail. According to God (aka Wikipedia / Google) a religion is this:

"A set of beliefs and practices generally held by a human community, involving adherence to codified beliefs and rituals and study of ancestral or cultural traditions, writings, history, and mythology, as well as personal faith and mystic experience. The term "religion" refers to both the personal practices related to communal faith and to group rituals and communication stemming from shared conviction."

So pretend you're the only person around, or that you rule an entire nation. Up until now they've held a common religion, that of paganism. Decide how you'd like to reform their beliefs and what you might need to accomplish it.

I myself would prefer a religion where we worshipped cats, I luV those animals.
I started to try and sum up my "religious" and philosophical beliefs.
The introduction alone was more than ten pages - and it wasn't done yet.
primary differences it has with other religions.

Ideals and goals are equally valid and important.
They differ in that goals are achievable.
An ideal is the distant star that helps guide you towards your goals.
They are similar in that both can change.
Fair enough, but try just telling us what we'd immediately be able to see on the outside that makes your religion unique and different from anyother. I would write mine out but I'm really tired as I've been working alot (even though I just sit around most of the time) and trying to sleep late in the nite.

I claim you as my friend : hugs :
I'd like for each of you to form your very own religion, complete in every detail.

But there are so many from which to choose already. What is the point? Maybe we should search for those thing that they share in common and then call ourselves Uni's. I do not believe you can create a religion without barrowing from the sages of the past.
I do not believe you can create a religion without barrowing from the sages of the past.

I don't believe anyone ever has - that doesn't make any one religion more or less valid than another.
In fact, if a religion did not borrow wisdom from sages wouldn't it be fairly useless?

The wise don't invent wisdom, they recognize it.
M*W: If I started a new religion, it would be about the influence of mythology and how that caused people to believe in a deity that doesn't really exist.

It would be different than atheism in that it would be a belief in something (mythology) and it would be understood that mythology isn't reality.

There would be no rituals, only intelligent discussion. There would be no deity, only the many deities of mythology, and how they influenced society, but none of them would be worshipped per se. There would be no salvation offered, because there is no to be offered in reality. However, mythology is not reality.

Everyone would want to be a member of this philosophy, because it doesn't hide the truth, and it doesn't manipulate the public in any way. People actually join this community because of it's sincerity of sticking to the myth.

When religion fails, when mythology fails, there is no place to go but the beginning. That beginning is the source of the myth. Welcome strangers!