Form member's IQ

I'm guessing that most people haven't bothered to take the test. I am curious how many people in here have, and at what age...

In my school all had to take it. I think the age was around 15, and the results had be "corected" to match the usual (made for adults) scale.

The idea behind this test was to find out strength and weaknesses (there were separate scores ascertained for different brain skills), which were supposed to help us in deciding what to learn and study later.
When I have taken on line IQ tests, my IQ turns out to be about average. Yet I graduated from Cornell with a Chemical Engineering Degree (my GPA put me in about the middle of the graduating ChemEs). So either the test are not accurate or a person with an average IQ can graduate with an engineering degree from an Ivy League college.

Just from your posts I would say you are absolutely above average intelligence. I have taken a few different tests online. I think the lowest I ever scored was 138, highest was 153 I think. I have no idea how close those are to a real test.
So either the test are not accurate or a person with an average IQ can graduate

To some extend I'd expect both to be true. The tests definitely are inaccurate, that is a known fact. The other is, that intelligence is such a manyfold thing, that even if the test did not give you a particularly good score, you still had all abilities to for scucceeding at your grade.

E.g. IQ includes scores about 3D visual imagination and pattern matching. That can be helpful, but isn't elementary to many chemical problems. Even if you lack those skills and therfore scored badly in the test, you still can solve all the problems, just by other means.

That's also something that slowly pops into sciences focus. Different people use their brains differently. Likely different brains have different strengths, and therefore different problem solving strategies are employed which make best use of the brain in question.

IQ tests are considered rather meaningless in my home country, at least what I heard from recruiters and teachers. They try to assess a candiates abilities by other means.
Science has had a lot of problems defining what intelligence is, so I imagine that IQ tests at best are merely correlated with certain aspects of intelligence and cannot be used to demonstrate scientific superiority of one person over another. Indeed, different people have different skills so it is not at all obvious that a 1-dimensional report of intelligence "measurement" could fairly characterize a person's particular gamut of problem-solving, deductive, and innovative capabilities.

And given that the content of particular IQ tests are static and multiple choice, it stands to reason that people could be trained to be better at the test or certain classes of test which means those tests just measure one's experience in taking those tests.
Science has had a lot of problems defining what intelligence is, so I imagine that IQ tests at best are merely correlated with certain aspects of intelligence and cannot be used to demonstrate scientific superiority of one person over another. Indeed, different people have different skills so it is not at all obvious that a 1-dimensional report of intelligence "measurement" could fairly characterize a person's particular gamut of problem-solving, deductive, and innovative capabilities.

And given that the content of particular IQ tests are static and multiple choice, it stands to reason that people could be trained to be better at the test or certain classes of test which means those tests just measure one's experience in taking those tests.

You've got that right. The syntactic operation of the intellect, based of course on observation, or stimulus if you want to get biological, will, at the speed of light, generate information in the brain. Both verbal and non-verbal. If intelligence is common to all humans, then it functions as one kind of operation. Therefore, statistically speaking, IQ tests filter out the differences distributed between the population. Theoretically.

There is also body-kinesthetic intelligence. Bruce Lee was in possession of a gifted amount. He was also a Philosopher.
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I took an Internet IQ test once - so it must be accurate. I don't remember the exact number (it wasn't a memory test, after all) but it was between Madonna and Bill Gates.
Just wondering what your guy's IQ is.

First off... welcom to Sciforums.!!!

The last iq test i took i scored 89 (i have proof)... an that was many many years ago when i was in the 4th grade... an sinse then i have learned many thangs so its very posible that my iq is near 100% by now (im in my 60's).!!!
I had this really witty response typed up, would have put your 350 IQ to shame, but it must have gotten eaten up by the tubes of the internets. Alas. :D
I like really witty responses to nonsense posting. Say it again if you like.
I'm guessing that most people haven't bothered to take the test. I am curious how many people in here have, and at what age...
I took an online test which is pretty much like not having formally been tested. I could extend the time deadlines a bit. And I did. Used my scientific calculator. I always thought open book testing can be a powerful tool.
In my school all had to take it. I think the age was around 15, and the results had be "corected" to match the usual (made for adults) scale.

The idea behind this test was to find out strength and weaknesses (there were separate scores ascertained for different brain skills), which were supposed to help us in deciding what to learn and study later.
Where is that school?
Just wondering what your guy's IQ is.
I will start off: 141
In high school mine was tested at 146 but I'm pretty sure it's declined since then. (And the test foiled my claim that my grades in math were due to me not being smart enough, rather than being lazy.)
IQ tests are outdated and in my opinion irrelevant mediums by which we gauge intelligence. They are flawed in that they don't account for all forms of intelligence, which was my opinion long before research came out supporting that opinion.

I have not taken any legitimate IQ tests but I have taken aptitude tests that rank you nationally via a percentage and college placement tests. I'm by no means a genius but I am somewhat intelligent. =]
Ever have a test that asks you to design a car, write a poem, prepare a meal, perform a skit? Never! Yet they say that IQ tests your intelligence but I can't see how if many things are not asked about.
I took a Mensa IQ test when I was 12 or 13, and scored quite well. I expect my IQ score has shrunk over the last 20-odd years, though.

From what I remember of it, it seemed to just be testing pattern recognition more than anything else.
I took a Mensa IQ test when I was 12 or 13, and scored quite well. I expect my IQ score has shrunk over the last 20-odd years, though.

From what I remember of it, it seemed to just be testing pattern recognition more than anything else.
Yes. And what are the IQs of those who make up the test?
I will remove me personal IQ if it keeps causing controversy,
a three digit i.q is nothing to be controversial of.
for me, it appears you are here to boast your number--which is nothing more than a public facade.
I used to be a member of Mensa back in the mid-1990's, but all I was getting for my membership fees was a magazine every 3 months. It didn't seem worth it.
I took an IQ test at school and it was 136. However, the most important parameters IQ tests for decline with age beginning around 25 (fluid memory, processing speed). I'm confident it's lower now, even if I've acquired decent crystalline memory :/ Speaking of which, Millennials are probably F-ed given their propensity to use Google and calculators.

I believe at 70 these begin to plummet.

What to do?
1) Zen mediation.
2) Nature Communication: Structural and functional rejuvenation of the aged brain by an approved anti-asthmatic drug
3) Diet and exercise.

The genetics of IQ is an interesting research area, particularly as it pertains to E. Asians and European Jews. I read a study of adopted Koreans who were raised in Belgium, never spoke Korean and who were found to have IQs 2 sd above the average Belgian (117-121). IMO soon we'll begin genetically selecting for intelligence. Definitely in the next 50 years you'll hear of this occurring.

Other interesting questions are: (1) How do epigenetics affect IQ? (2) How important is IQ relative to EQ in the modern world?
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I'm a B.F. Skinner fan.

I.Q. is a product of environment. Tests today are like religion, trying to manipulate society.


Is neurology so advanced to judge?
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