Fork Bending

ok i have herd of the third eye befor adn opening it for energy release, but i dont knwo wether this is true for false i have a friend that is way infor this kida stuff and medtates for over 3 hours a day and only needs 3-4 hours of sleep a day, and seems much more energetic than most other people i know. so i was wondering if this is true, can any oen post yes or know any oen that says yess.
I don't think you get to many posts with such an unclear answer as that. Meditation is a good for of relaxation and doing it 3 hours a day gives his mind and body time to rest. This is possibly better than sleeping. And if he does this in normal intervals his need of less sleep can just be because of his meditation, not because of a 3rd eye. Meditation is much different than telekinises, and I would recommend learning it if you would like to find and easy and effective way to relieve stress and relax.
Yep, meditation is definately a good practice, and I can understand why your friend need less sleep. Because sleep as most people thought is a tool to refuel your body. But to me, instead of your body needing the sleep, it is your spirit that needs the release, and hence causing you to sleep. When you meditate, your spirit can get the release it looks for and therefore the need to sleep is reduced.
The third eye is rather symbolic of your natural intuition, a greater knowing that's in all of us. It would be beneficial to use this higher knowing within us than to simply use your everyday mind. (at least that's what I believe in)
Why people are not able to do something is quite obvious. Because they have forgotten something. This is all I wish to say for now.
But no one ever forgets they simply don't know how to recall lost memories. I've heard of something called recallation where u can regain lost memories through simple meditation. I hardly see why this is impossible since you never lose any memories, but i hardly believe that forgetfullness is the leading cause of non-fork bending. Such a vague expression needs some support as well. Please don't act like an oracle, such practice has been vanquished for many years.

P.S i thought this thread was dead.
but to remember what? What could we have possibly learned and forgotten that could unlock telekinesis?
My friend Houdini (nickname) bends spoons and forks, and he makes it look real. Its a good trick and earns him cigarettes in bars. Along with slight-of-hand and escape artist techniques, there is a secret to it, a special way to hold it so your audience can't see that you already bent it quickly as soon as you picked it up.
To remember whatever we choose. There is nothing to learn, we know everything there is to know, there is nothing new, therefore nothing to learn. But we choose to forget so we can at last have the opportunity to experience ourself and create ourself anew in this relative world.
I disagree with everything you've said Hevene. If we were to leave a child in isolation for his entire life with the necessary nutrition needed to feed and keep him alive, but never actually teach him anything, then when he would be left out all he would know is how to walk and eat, nothing more. We learn about the enviroment around us, we do not know everything there is to know. Another example are people who are brain dead or mentally retarded.
We know everything there is to know, therefore we don't need to learn. Learning is only needed when there is something we never know before. But we choose to forget, so we can re-create ourself anew. We cannot not be who we are, so the next best thing we can do is to forget who we are, therefore making it possible to create the next grandest version of the greaster vision we ever held about who we are. One example is when you look deeply into a baby's eyes and feel that you are seeing an "old soul'. People who are brain dead or memtally retarded are here for a reason, we might not be able to comprehend that reason, but one thing we can remember from them is who we are, because they provide us with a frame of reference. In the absence of the less intelligent, intelligent means nothing. etc.
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This is going into religious and spiritual terms and i do not feel like debating such things right now. Over all we learn from other things, when we are born we do not know everything there is to know because our brain hasn't even finished developing yet. An undeveloped mind cannot possibly hold the inifite size of knowledge you claim it would know. So yes, if we know everything we would know about all things, then we would have such knowledge even as an unborn fetus and that is mentally and physically impossible. As for looking deeply into a baby's eyes and feeling that you are seeing an "old soul", i don't recall that happening ever or have ever experianced such a thing. It also sounds like you are referring to reincarnation, is that right?
I recall seeing Uri Geller on TV and there was no sleight of hand used when he bent spoons. The spoon was checked by the other guests and then Geller held it up by the bottom for all to see, as he gently rubbed the thin end for a minute, he was then able to bend the spoon merely by gently tapping it over with one finger.

By all accounts, Uri Geller's abilities seem to be genuine and he's had them since he was a child. When asked in an interview why he never used his abilities to amass great wealth, he replied that he almost did; once, he went to a casino and won a great deal of money, but on the drive home he had a spiritual realisation that what he did was wrong and that it wasn't the purpose of his gift, so he chucked the money out the window.
tablariddim said:
I recall seeing Uri Geller on TV and there was no sleight of hand used when he bent spoons. .

Uh....kind of the whole point of sleight of hand is that you don't notice it.
Sure, but he maintains that he is neither a magician nor an illusionist; he might be lying that is also true, but there you go.
I would like to see someone do it without touching the spoon in any way. As long as hands are involved, well, bending a spoon with your hands is not that hard, and hiding your method of bending is only slightly harder.
These memories are so confused we must understand them so they are no longer confused which makes them more and more able to awaken.
'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves, did gyre and gimble in the wabe.
All mimsy were the borogoves, and the mame raths outgrabe. :eek:
I can "bend " forks by rubbing them intensly between my two fingers to produce enough heat that makes them "appear" to bend. This is a common "trick" that any magician can perform. ;)