Fork Bending

It may well work. If it does, it will be because you have deluded yourself into thinking that your are not exerting force on the fork through your hands, when in fact you are. Isn't the subconscious mind a wonderful and weird thing?
I had a weird dream about this. A dream withi a dream, that it worked and then I woke up in my dream and realised it was a dream and then woke up again, realised that was a dream as well. But it felt so real, in fact I could not tell the difference that it is not real. I think I will go on believing that it will work.
Why not do the experiment? Try it and see. If it <b>does</b> work, the next step is to ask why.
I tried twice last night, they didn't work. I figured it's because I can't collect enough energy. But straight after that, I did it in my dream.
Don't worry. The person who wrote the instructions probably did it in a dream as well. :)
I hate to say it but after reading that thing, it just simply sounds like the biggest load of crap ever. For some spiritual being this person sure has a hard problem spelling. They also seem to have a hard time telling the difference between "Now" and "No". I suppose that problem is common, but enough of that. I really wouldn't be surprised if he did do this in his dream rather than in reality. FYI, this process of "Fork Bending" has been told many times, it's a very common process and is said to be used alot. While it appears in many movies the ability to bend forks using this procedure is unheard of or lied about. I assure you similar steps were used during magic tricks and such only to be proven false.
The fact that you can't do it doesn't mean everyone can't do it. Stop being so close-minded and think outside the sqaure you live in.:bugeye:
Originally posted by Hevene
The fact that you can't do it doesn't mean everyone can't do it. Stop being so close-minded and think outside the sqaure you live in.:bugeye:

Oh your right I am sooo sorry. I apologize to all the thousands of people contradicting me because im the only one who can't bend spoons. Infact im also sorry for doubting the news reporters who have found people who are able to bend spoons and broadcasted this phenomenon intenationally. I apologize to all those people whop scammed others into buying books about fork bending since they can obviously do it. And you know what, im going to become an activist now and protest to the millions of scientists who contradict this telekinesis idea just like the few hundred people who swear they can bend spoons. Hey maybe i will even become the one and save humanity from the matrix!!
Did I say you were wrong? Believe in whatever you want to believe in, but at the same time, do allow others their freedom to have their own beliefs. There is no right and wrong in the first place.
Yes, by interpreting your message you were saying i was wrong. And it is my right to say what I feel, and to give my opinion and you have your own right to try and stop me. Whether or not your comments will not keep me from persuading people off this path of gullibility.

do allow others their freedom to have their own beliefs.

Incase you haven't noticed you are trying to keep me from my own beliefs and my rights to say my beliefs, while allowing everyone else with their own. My Beliefs: That fork bending is complete bs.

Please don't discriminate.
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I didn't say you were wrong. The fact you felt that is your interpretation. I was simply making an observation of what is so.
The fact that you can't do it doesn't mean everyone can't do it.

Shows that you were infact saying that me saying that forkbending was impossible was wrong. But you can say what you want.
It was an observation. You can't do it, it's a fact. Doesn't mean no one can, an observation of the possible unknowns. It was you who put in the judgement of "so what?".
it's true that the fact that I can't do it doesn't apply to everybody. But according to this reading everyone should be able to it with ease. Why hasn't anyone been able to do it yet?
Votorx its not whether your right or wrong. It's the fact that you act like such an ass about it everytime. Ive seen you in many other forums and you are an ass about everything you dont agree with. I can bet your going to make a big deal about this post I am making and quote it then say what an idiot I am.
Spoon Boy: Do not try and bend the spoon. That's impossible. Instead, only try to realize the truth.
Neo: What truth?
Spoon Boy: There is no spoon.
Neo: There is no spoon?
Spoon Boy: Then you will see that it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself.
forever.soul said:
Votorx its not whether your right or wrong. It's the fact that you act like such an ass about it everytime. Ive seen you in many other forums and you are an ass about everything you dont agree with. I can bet your going to make a big deal about this post I am making and quote it then say what an idiot I am.

Yes i believe it is in my right to make a big deal about this post, but i'm not going to call you an idiot. I have never used such language with anyone unless they truly were one.

Oh yes and i thank you. It's nice to hear that i have a fan reading my every posts :p