Forget religion for a moment and ask yourself this question.

quote]Of course life matters- because we're only here once and then *wham* we're blotted out of existence, never to return.[/quote]

Are we blotted out of existance? When we die, the only thing lost is our physical form yet the basic things that make us up still exist and go back into the universe. Why is it they can't be recycled and reset back to its beginings to slowly form and evolved into things as was once/is done? Isn't that how everything started in the first place for evolutionists? Even if just one of our molucles survives, can't that one molucle eventually turn into another form, whatever it may be, billions of years from the time of your death? Is that not reincarnation?

We have a life yes? We have loved ones, happiness, pleasure and so on? So why in the name of Zeus's butthole would we want it all to end, especially considering that when it does end - it ends for good?

What do all those pleasures matter if it's all in vain? You can't take any of that with you when you die. Everyone dies. What about those that don't have those common luxuries? What is the purpose of life? We don't know. What should anything matter if life is just a one time thing that ends? If we do not have to live with our sins or destruction we may do since we die, then why not do it? Why be a hard-working person and not just rob a bank and live an easy life? Morals? Why do morals matter if there is no punishment after death? Why even care if the human race survives? What is the point of anything period if it all ends in one minute to a 100 years of life? It all sure sounds like a waste if all we are is all we are and it ends in a short 100 (if that) years.

I would like to somehow think I have to be responsible for my actions. I would like for there to be consequences to them all. The only consequences we have are the actions of other people. If not for other people intervening, we are able to do anything we want, as wicked a deed one can think of. If that person does many wrongs without any consequence from others, I would like to think they would somehow pay for them sometime. Whether it's from a God, or if they're somehow reincarnated in another form to later live in the conditions in which they created for themself.

If ever someone who lived a fun and pleasureable life somehow sets off all the nukes on all of Earth on purpose, should they not get punished? I'd love for their molucles to somehow mold into a new form, whether it's a plant, a human, a guppy fish, or whatever, and have to deal with the descruction they caused. Have fun being the plant who slowly dies unable to get clear air from all the nuclear winters, have fun being that mutated Chernobyl human, have fun being that guppy swallowed up and digested by another fish. I don't know, there should at least just be something to act as justice, even if it's themself. Death is the easy way out and is not punishment. Let that person reap what they sow when they're in their next life.

If the universe is infinite or an endless cycle, it seems that reincarnation would be true, even if one isn't in the form of a human being every single time, or even created in their new form at the exact moment of death. And if everything is infinite or an endless cycle, where does all the new stuff come from? We know a human is created from a sperm and egg. We know that the sperm and egg are created in the reproductive organs. I don't remember off-hand how they're created in the organs, but we need nutrients and the like to keep our body doing the things it does. But then what creates those nutrients? We get them from plants and the like, but what creates those? What creates this, what creates that. Eventually we come down to tiny molucles and energy and all that which we find that it's inside everything.

So if we're all basically the same infinite thing, just different various outcomes, and even our dead bodies are made of it and is released upon death, why can't everything be recycled again into molucles that are inside the nutrients in plants which get eaten by a human, which get digested into the body and turned into an egg or sperm and then turned back into a human? That's if I'm lucky that my old parts of myself were bumped and formed into oxygen and swallowed up by a plant which is then turned into nutrients that is eaten by a human, etc etc. Who knows, I could be formed into oxygen and lingering as it for a damned long time, heh. And who knows what else if I left this Earth.

Go ahead and come up with any excuse you want, but deep down inside everyone knows and believes the same thing or else you wouldn't be here now - me

Give it some time and you'll realise the serious error in this statement. If anything, we appreciate life more than you guys, because this is the only one we have. - Snake

So you don't fear death in the sense of the unknown? The only reason why you fear death is for your own selfish reasons of pleasure, love, happiness, etc which only last 1-100 or so years? Well, or not fear, just don't want to happen? Otherwise, if there is absolutely nothing after we die, everything is in vain.

At least if there is such a thing as reincarnation, in whatever form it may be, it would take out the selfishness in our one life and it would then be a sole responsibility to everything as a whole since we then know that we're everything and so is everyone else and thing rather than doing what we do just for the sake of the human race.

And if nothingness is what happens after we die, then what is right and wrong? If nothingless really is what happens when we die, then everything is supposed to be survival of the fittest since it came before religion which would also then make religion man-made that was only done so the weak could survive by imposing restricting laws on the strong. I mean hey, laws and religion are inspired by a greater force so without those made-up man-made laws, morals wouldn't exist in the first place.

So what we all think is good actually shouldn't be. Life is about survival of the fittest and all the bad stuff that come with it. It seems we're going against how we're supposed to be since that's how we first were and everything good only came later to go against our natural instincts that were imposed by the weak. It must be then that the weak people that began to outnumber the strong took over and switched things completely around. Yay, us weak people who enjoy love and happiness are all living a lie now too.

Prove me wrong and disappear - me

Consider yourself proved wrong. - Snake

So the only reason you stick around is for happiness and pleasure? What will happen if you ever face a slump where you don't have any of that anymore? Will you then disappear and kill yourself since there is nothing to fear in regards to the afterlife, morals of a God, or other "after death" scenarios? Why go through all that hard work towards making your life once again better if by the time it gets better, is it for more of that love-addicted heroin?

I dunno, I just can't understand how one could live if death really is the absolute end. If I believed that, or was found to it be true, I would live the total easy life as hard work no longer means anything nor do morals since it's all man-made stuff. I'd do some nasty deeds as a teen and live a comfortable life the rest of my years with nothing to fear. I'm living life for all the same reasons as everyone else is, love, happiness, pleasure, but since there is nobody to uphold the outcomes of my actions, I have nothing to worry about. At least with reincarnation, even without a belief in some Almighty, I'd then be sowing what I reaped so that'd be my own consequence. But dang, otherwise all of life is in vain and pleasure and all those feelings mean nothing more other than little stimulated feelings in our brain. Sucks.

- N
Are we blotted out of existance? When we die, the only thing lost is our physical form yet the basic things that make us up still exist and go back into the universe. Why is it they can't be recycled and reset back to its beginings to slowly form and evolved into things as was once/is done? Isn't that how everything started in the first place for evolutionists? Even if just one of our molucles survives, can't that one molucle eventually turn into another form, whatever it may be, billions of years from the time of your death? Is that not reincarnation?

Survival of an atom/molecule would not imply reincarnation. Reincarnation is one of the 'buzz' words for people who feel the need to live all over again. The dictionary says: "The rebirth of the soul in another body". The simple thing is - whether a surviving atom melded itself to something else or not - that wouldn't be you. You, (your brain), will be dead. You would have ceased to exist.

In short: you wont be anything other than dead. Sure, there might be an atom floating around - but that is not you.

What do all those pleasures matter if it's all in vain? You can't take any of that with you when you die

The same is true for everyone, why does it somehow make a difference because I'm not a heaven/afterlife believer?

What is the purpose of life? We don't know

Don't you watch the nature channel? Given your recent statements, would it be true to point to say that animals should be killing themselves because their life is in vain? After all, they have no heaven/afterlife to go off to either.

The purpose is to reproduce, and in that respect you do get an afterlife. My daughter has a copy of my genes - which can not only be seen physically, but also in her behavior patterns. In essence she is a mini version of me, (albeit a female version), and if I were to kick the bucket, I'd be happy knowing that while she is a part of me, and a part of her mother -she is also her own person. We're all 3 in 1, (if not more), taking on distinct parts of those who have died/will die. They will be dead and buried, but a part of them will live on in you - whether you want that to be true or not.

What should anything matter if life is just a one time thing that ends?

Life ends whether it's a one time thing or a hundred times thing, what difference would it make?

If we do not have to live with our sins or destruction we may do since we die, then why not do it?

Because then you get put in prison and become someones bitch.

Why be a hard-working person and not just rob a bank and live an easy life?

Because then you get put in prison and become someones bitch.

Why do morals matter if there is no punishment after death?

Because... there's punishment during life.

Why even care if the human race survives?

When I'm dead, I wont.

If ever someone who lived a fun and pleasureable life somehow sets off all the nukes on all of Earth on purpose, should they not get punished?

We can wish and hope and cross our fingers that these people do get punished, but all the wishing, hoping and finger crossing doesn't actually mean anything. Whether they should or not does not imply that they do.

If the universe is infinite or an endless cycle, it seems that reincarnation would be true, even if one isn't in the form of a human being every single time, or even created in their new form at the exact moment of death. And if everything is infinite or an endless cycle, where does all the new stuff come from? We know a human is created from a sperm and egg. We know that the sperm and egg are created in the reproductive organs. I don't remember off-hand how they're created in the organs, but we need nutrients and the like to keep our body doing the things it does. But then what creates those nutrients? We get them from plants and the like, but what creates those? What creates this, what creates that. Eventually we come down to tiny molucles and energy and all that which we find that it's inside everything.

Sure, but you wouldn't be you. Everything you've done, seen and learnt goes the way of the dodo.

So you don't fear death in the sense of the unknown?

I fear death because it's final.

The only reason why you fear death is for your own selfish reasons of pleasure, love, happiness, etc which only last 1-100 or so years?


However, the reasons you stated are not really selfish. Love, pleasure and happiness are not one way things. You forgot about my ability to give love, give pleasure and give happiness.

Otherwise, if there is absolutely nothing after we die, everything is in vain.

I still don't understand how you come to this conclusion. The reason things have value - is because they end. Who would visit the local carnival if it lasted 24/7/365? It's only because it ends that it has any worth.

It's like listening to your favourite song, but that song never ending. It's only a matter of time before it gets stagnant.

I mean hey, laws and religion are inspired by a greater force so without those made-up man-made laws, morals wouldn't exist in the first place.

Inspired by a greater force? According to who? Laws, rules and morals are present even in the animal kingdom - from ants to chimps. It aids in survival - that's all. Much like breathing, there's little choice in the matter - it is just the natural way of life for all animals, including man.

So the only reason you stick around is for happiness and pleasure? What will happen if you ever face a slump where you don't have any of that anymore? Will you then disappear and kill yourself since there is nothing to fear in regards to the afterlife, morals of a God, or other "after death" scenarios?

Nothing to fear? Of course there is - death - because it's final and non negotiable.

Not at all. Life is groovy.
Don't you watch the nature channel? Given your recent statements, would it be true to point to say that animals should be killing themselves because their life is in vain? After all, they have no heaven/afterlife to go off to either.

Well other animals don't have the intellect we do. Animals are pretty much like Adam and Even before they ate from the tree of knowledge, basically living in an ignorant bliss. In that regards, is our human intellect our curse in that we over-analyze things? What if life is just supposed to be simple living in ignorant bliss? With our intellect we then think of after-effects of death that may happen when in fact it just may not.

As for animals also not killing themselves, the basics of life is survival of the fittest. The only reason why same species animals don't kill each other off like crazy is because they're not on top of the power chain. So it's basically a truce to breed and strenghthen their numbers to kill off other animals. Once that's complete and they're the only ones left, I can pretty much guarantee they'd now fight amongst themselves to be on top. Look at humans, we do that now since we're the ones on top of the power ladder. And if ever another more powerful species visits us from outer space, our weak selves will bond together like those animals do because we're no longer on top to help ourselves fight to once again reign supreme. The strong are only humbled once a greater power puts them in check, otherwise power runs rampant.

The purpose is to reproduce, and in that respect you do get an afterlife. My daughter has a copy of my genes - which can not only be seen physically, but also in her behavior patterns. In essence she is a mini version of me, (albeit a female version), and if I were to kick the bucket, I'd be happy knowing that while she is a part of me, and a part of her mother -she is also her own person. We're all 3 in 1, (if not more), taking on distinct parts of those who have died/will die. They will be dead and buried, but a part of them will live on in you - whether you want that to be true or not.

Well that's something I like to hear, how you still carry on in life through your daughter. However, how can those genes passed down onto her be considered a mini-version of you but not any energy, atoms, and whatnot that may pass and carry on into the universe when you die? Just because those genes in your daughter are more humanly evolved than the basic make-up of your body when you die, how does that make it more legit? A life source is a life source, make-up is make-up.

Why even care if the human race survives? - N

When I'm dead, I wont.

Because then you get put in prison and become someones bitch. - Snake

So you don't care if the human race survives or not? So that does mean that living life is pretty selfish. If it weren't for the chance of being put in prison and becoming someone's bitch, would you take the easy road to living life and do many immoral deeds to gain great wealth and such to live a happy and pleasureably life for yourself? I mean you have no after-effects of your actions to fear, nobody to keep you in check in life or after life.

One last little thing, if you don't care if the human race survives or not when you die, you do not want to see your daughter, the mini-you, live a well life? Or do you mean you won't care about the human races survival in the sense that when you die, your brain shuts down so you'll have no emotion or thought of it because of that?

Inspired by a greater force? According to who? Laws, rules and morals are present even in the animal kingdom - from ants to chimps. It aids in survival - that's all. Much like breathing, there's little choice in the matter - it is just the natural way of life for all animals, including man.

Laws were created by the survival of the fittest -- top dog of the kingdom -- to have things go their way and to help the powerful and keep the little ones in check for the top dog's benefit. Then comes religion to help those weak little people that are surpressed by the strong to keep the strong in check in return. Where would we be right now if not for those divine (whether made up or not) laws of religion to keep those strong in check? Life would still be hellish in my opinion. So wouldn't it seem that since life began that way as hellish survival of the fittest, that is how it's supposed to be rather than the one-world happy and free world where we all love each other that the weak seem to want? Those are the pleasures in which many live their life, but is that how it's supposed to be?

- N

P.S. I don't mean to sound so pessimistic as that's not how I am, I'm just trying to alter my views and perception to be as if I didn't believe in a higher being or some sort of after-life (note: the views of an after-life doesn't necessarily go hand-in-hand with God in that one has to believe in both, etc).
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Well other animals don't have the intellect we do. Animals are pretty much like Adam and Even before they ate from the tree of knowledge, basically living in an ignorant bliss. In that regards, is our human intellect our curse in that we over-analyze things? What if life is just supposed to be simple living in ignorant bliss? With our intellect we then think of after-effects of death that may happen when in fact it just may not.

If you read the Adam and Eve story, it is quite clear that we were meant to remain as mere animals - not even aware of our own nudity etc. In that respect it can be considered quite a relevant historical vision. You have a bunch of semi-human cavemen who grunt a lot, walk around with their private parts dangling, and then eventually you have a human being who can question existence and so on- and from there comes the significance of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. The story isn't original to the bible - but we see it much earlier in mankinds history, (Sumerians), who we currently know to be the first writing culture on the planet.

However, and admittedly on a grand scale it would have been better if humans remained as animals, on a personal side I like having the ability to question, seek and learn.

As for animals also not killing themselves, the basics of life is survival of the fittest.

And there is the answer as to why a person doesn't just kill themselves even if they believe life has no meaning. Your lungs do not automatically stop functioning because they can't be bothered, and no matter how you view those of us who realise we will just die and rot, it doesn't ever mean we have reason to jump off cliffs.

The only reason why same species animals don't kill each other off like crazy is because they're not on top of the power chain.

Well not exactly no. An animal, unlike mankind, has no reason for trophy hunting - which is to say: killing without reason. Humans are the only species that kill for the mere fun of it, whereas animals have specific motivations such as the need to eat and to protect their offspring.

Well that's something I like to hear, how you still carry on in life through your daughter. However, how can those genes passed down onto her be considered a mini-version of you but not any energy, atoms, and whatnot that may pass and carry on into the universe when you die?

Because the genes keep that part of me alive in the respect that my daughter looks like me, and has many character traits and behaviour patterns that I have. The main part being that she is alive whereas an atom is not. You wont find an atom that looks like you and acts like you, and can even remember you. You might share atoms that once made up hitler, that doesn't mean you're a one testicled lunatic.

Most of the time you'll find old people are quite relaxed about their mortality. They acknowledge that they have had a long life and have seen their children grow up etc etc. I would be happy with that. There need not be an eternity of living, which would get rather boring after say 100829242472846284628462846 years, but the simple want for one life of good length.

So you don't care if the human race survives or not? So that does mean that living life is pretty selfish. If it weren't for the chance of being put in prison and becoming someone's bitch, would you take the easy road to living life and do many immoral deeds to gain great wealth and such to live a happy and pleasureably life for yourself?

For some reason you seem to assign the thought of an easy life to having to do something bad. Why is that so? I would be more than happy just to sit in the sunshine and bonk a lot. I do appreciate that many people would choose the bad path, but I am not one of them.

My "when I'm dead I wont", meant simply that a rotting corpse can't care one way or the other, because it's a rotting corpse. If I happened to get a new existence in the clouds, then sure - I'd watch humanity progress, and perhaps even haunt their interstellar spaceships for fun, but the way I see it, being dead means I wont be able to care about the human race - or anything else.

Then comes religion to help those weak little people that are surpressed by the strong to keep the strong in check in return.

I disagree completely, and would state it's the other way round. Religion has been created by those in power to keep the masses in order, and to ensure that they, (those in power), benefitted to great degree. The same is even true today in every religion - be it christianity or scientology.

that is how it's supposed to be rather than the one-world happy and free world where we all love each other that the weak seem to want?

But it's those 'weak' people that show and spread the hatred, intolerance and outright self-superiority that causes all the problems in the first place.
Neildo, I have a reply to your post, but I won't be able to get to it until I get back from Kentucky on Monday. Till then-