For those who think there's no life after deat

G71 said:
In a high-speed car accident, I broke the front-window with my head, then spent months in hospital in a pretty bad shape, unable to work for more than a year, dealing with hallucinations and all kinds of limitations and strange feelings; full recovery was highly unlikely (luckily, with some non-standard techniques, I managed to fully recover) AND a few years before that, I was about to die at least twice while still having some time to think about everything (once alone in the dark, deep under ground with no way out) - none of these crazy experiences made me religious. Even when facing death, I was always trying to put things together as logically as I could and I found no reason for believing or accepting whatever I did not have a good piece of evidence for (including the afterlife).
I am sincerely glad you well, and thank you for your input, I also glad that you, never got turned by those hallucinations. but some people are weaker than you and do tend think the hallucinations are real, I was just making the point that an atheist is always an atheist, he'll only likely to change, after an accident or trauma, else he never was an atheist.
One time, I thought I was going to die, and deliberately didn't appeal to any Gods or saviors for supernatural help, just to see what would happen. I got better.
geeser said:
but some people are weaker than you and do tend think the hallucinations are real,
You are weak so you have to say that others are weak in order to make you feel stronger and better.
water said:
Too bad. As you can see, the thread hasn't turned that way. Looks like you aren't *that* interesting. :p


c7ityi_ said:
“Originally Posted by water
Looks like you aren't *that* interesting.”

Yes he is.

She. And thank you.
All.For.One said:
If you think there is no life after death go to and scroll down and click on 'To Hell And Back'. It's videos of non christians who have died and gone to hell and there experirences and stuff.

It's so worth checking out.
Have you ever heard of the terms, "lie", "photoshop" and "computer editing"?
Since the concept of time is meaningless in an immaterial world, I don't see how anyone could process any information/thought/feeling in the "afterlife" world. Our life-experience, our thinking and our vocabulary are so tied to the dimension of time that there aren't many things an average human can think of (/talk about) which would really apply there. Pain in hell, joy in heaven - it IMO doesn't make sense at all. Most people just cannot swallow how unfair and cruel our world is so they tend to believe various afterlife general-justice fairy tales. Very natural – isn’t it? But in fact, there is no real justice for worlds where creatures with incompatible preferences have to deal with each other. Ultimately, there is just the rule of force.
c7ityi_ said:
You are weak so you have to say that others are weak in order to make you feel stronger and better.
the insult is wasted on me, I never once said I was strong, now did I, your taking the statements out of context in order to incite arguement.
geeser said:
the insult is wasted on me, I never once said I was strong, now did I,

Yes, you did, by saying that religious people are weak. You didn't say it with literal words, but you still said it. You hide your words.

If you have the power to say that you are weak, you are powerful.
if you have the courage to say that you don't have courage, you have courage.
if you have the wisdom to say that you are not wise, you are wise.

The divine is always the opposite from the material, dualistic, personal viewpoint.

If you are weak, you say that you are powerful.
If you are a coward, you say that you are courageous.
If you are stupid, you say that you are wise.

We don't speak of what we are, we speak of our goal. If we admit what we are, we can become different from what we are.
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c7ityi_ said:
If you have the power to say that you are weak, you are powerful.
if you have the courage to say that you don't have courage, you have courage.
if you have the wisdom to say that you are not wise, you are wise.

The divine is always the opposite from the material, dualistic, personal viewpoint.

If you are weak, you say that you are powerful.
If you are a coward, you say that you are courageous.
If you are stupid, you say that you are wise.


the word bullshit comes to mind.