“ Enterprise D
Originally Posted by lightgigantic
Enterprise D
You challenged that it wasn’t logical – I gave an indication that it was, since there is no logical explanation how things like time and space can involve the input of anymore than one designer (since two entities involves immediate issue of time and space) – what’s next? ”
Escapist rubbish. You and Saquist are defending a claim that Saquist has made. Now you want me to defend my challenge? I note that this is your consistent strategy throughout the threads you participate in. Such a method is intended to obfuscate the entire conversation.
If your challenge is that the claim isn’t logical, and we indicate that it is, you can either revoke your challenge (or in sciforums language, move on to another challenge) or defend your challenge.
LG, there is no way to prove either one or fifty designers were responsible for any design result, whether it be the cosmos or an architecture, just by examining the design itself. I never said I know there are more, I just put forth an example that there could be, and you can't know that there was a single one, or even one.
So to carry through with your “could be” ..... logically establish how more than one designer “could be” involved in the creation of such things as time and space (since having two or more designers in existence immediately requires time and space)
Look at your PC. Was it designed by one person or a team? Just by staring at the tower/monitor can you tell? Of course you can't (just in case you don't know "Dell" or "Sony" aren't designers, they're company names and marketing icons). Yet you deign to preach that you know the entire cosmos must have had one single designer.
See above
Originally Posted by lightgigantic
So to falsify a claim of direct perception its sufficient to offer something that could merely potentially falsify it, as opposed to meeting the prerequisites of the discipline? ”
Jollies again. A perception is hardly evidence; a hallucination is also a perception. Drug induced paranoia is a perception. Watching TV is a perception. All of which are direct and based on unreal experiences.
So if you say that you are looking at your computer screen I can falsify that claim by saying you could potentially be on drugs and are in fact looking at a window?
Originally Posted by lightgigantic
Now you just have to show that is the case with a designer who creates time and space ”
I do not have to demonstrate anything. Get it through your head LG, I made no claim. It is incumbent on the claimant to prove his case. Legally or otherwise!
You claimed it wasn’t logical to accept one designer for the universe
The universe contains the elements of time and space
Logic dictates that it is not possible for two entities to exist unless there is the medium of time and space.
You are required to review or elaborate on your claim.
Besides which, this entire text states that man-made empiric methods and machines cannot perceive any god because he's not bound by material law. Very simple to understand: "Too bad, so sad! You can't know, because you can't know"!
Fortunately for us, empiricism doesn’t have the monopoly on perceiving truths
Plus: this SB quote is completely irrelevant to the task at hand...it does not in any way allude to your adopted claim of one...single...designer.
If you could quit swapping between demands for logic when you begin by making demands for evidence, perhaps you could see the point
Originally Posted by lightgigantic
Actually there was a little “/” between “enjoy” and “suffer”, since love it or loath it, we find these two engagements take up all our time here ”
Lol, well you know what, you enjoy your suffering; if anything painful happens to me I seek to end it quickly such that suffering takes little time.
To be engaged in suffering is to be engaged in finding a solution to it (and to be engaged in enjoyment means to be finding a means to continue it) – hence we are engaged in suffering / enjoyment
Originally Posted by lightgigantic
(obtuse? You’ve never brought a lawn mower to a public address?)
Actually I am saying that the living entity’s decision to come to the material world was not a bright value judgement, just like the decision to bring a lawnmower to a public address is also not so bright – we are actually designed to enjoy, but the material world is obviously doesn’t have the best admission rates and off site parking (on the other hand it’s a great place to live in forgetfulness of god ) ”
Jollies and more obtusery. None of this proves your claim.
So you have officially changed your challenge from “that’s not logical” to “there is no evidence”?
Originally Posted by lightgigantic
God doesn’t suffer – we do – that’s why we are “separated” parts and parcels (the fire doesn’t diminish if the spark lands on damp earth) – as for the reintegration, that’s what accepting religious principles according to one’s free will is all about (god won’t force you to be religious or force you to be irreligious) ”
Ah, so we exist to suffer so that god can't suffer?
Very enlightened LG.
Are we having the same conversation? Does a spark land on a damp patch of earth so the fire can continue burning?
Originally Posted by lightgigantic
If the only position of eternal enjoyment is in connection with god, and if we desire to be separate from god, what then? Just like there is no scope for making a fish happy out of water, there is no scope for making the living entity happy without a connection to god – BTW, the good news is that hell is not eternal – merely long and boring ”
So "worship or suffer a lack of happiness". Blackmail is blackmail no matter how you try to soften the "burn" part.
Are dentists also blackmailing you when they tell you you’re only required to brush the teeth you want to keep (Brush your teeth or suffer a lack of happiness)?
Originally Posted by lightgigantic
Since god has every right to demand things, particularly in regards to how the material universe does and does not work, seems you have a heated opinion perhaps, but not a logical fallacy ”
Why? Where did he get the right to demand things?
Well it is his universe that we happening to using as a toilet
Not in all cases, but ownership does (nine tenths of the law isn’t it)
Does the ability to wield omnipotent power give him the right or the opportunity to demand of us lowly mortals?
I am not sure what the solution is - Maybe you should try and create your own universe
Where do you get off stating even that any god has the right to demand anything? If such an entity exists how could you possibly know any of his ethical boundaries?
Err – scripture for a start
LG, you're missing the entire point. You, Saquist et al are putting forward conclusions that you have already come to, and expect the rest of the world to absorb and conform to your beliefs.
I don’t know if we said that (the bit about expecting he rest of the world to absorb our beliefs)
We did say however make a presentation how the universe is created by one designer is a logically sound premise.
, with no evidence and no logic, you will find that as time goes on, humans will eventually declare the obsolescence of religion.
When we present logic, you whine “that is not evidence”.
When we present the prerequisites for determining evidence, you whine “that is not logical”
Before you use the words “logic” and “evidence”, you should understand how they are validated
(logic doesn’t require evidence to be logical – logic requires premises that lead to a conclusion .....and evidence doesn’t require logic to be evidence – evidence requires premises that are true).