For the Creationists

So, LG et al, perhaps there is a necessity to rename it to "Intelligent Project Management"? Also, I'm glad you made the mistake of "project manager steering committee". You do realise you simply re-expanded your own argument of 'one' right back to 'many'?

Fighting this point is a farce. Logic does not dictate that there must be only one designer if any at all.
Abiogenesis doesn't posit a magic man, rather the action of molecules which we would have never understood if we listened to religious authority figures, who are, for some reason, against people finding things out.
Creationism is a wish. A fantasy. Nothing more.

Creationism is a Myth.! Every tribe, every Culture and every Civilisation that has ever existed on this world had it's own version of Genesis.

What is the mathematical probablity of everything created in one day.?

The same mathematical odds of a Hurricane blazing it's way through a junkyard and in the process assembling a fully functional Boeing 747..!!

The chances of something like that happening could be 1 followed by hundred trillion zeros to the power of 1 followed by hundred trillion zeros..!!

On the other hand, Evolution is more Logical, methodical and ofcourse fossil and Genetic evidence also exists

You missed the point,

Who established the system? No one person. The system was built from the ground up by a team. You might even say it evolved. Compare Windows 3.1 to Windows Vista, for example. Vista had not been "already established" in any sense when Windows 3.1 was first marketed. And yet there is a clear line of descent that can be traced between 3.1 and Vista.

And yet it was under the supervision of one person or body.

The "or body" part is where you're falling down. Microsoft is that body that heralded any version of Windows. Even Bill Gates himself can't be 100% credited with the Microsoft empire or else Steve Balmer wouldn't be getting any money. Matter of fact, MS DOS was bought outright from a "third designer" if you will.

The "or body" part is the caveat, the trump card that will hide the "many designer" requirement in a collective singular.
You're attempting to distinguish the head from the body members. It was one organization and that organization still exist today just as it did in 1985. With out that organization and control of the body memebers we would not have windows of which thousands of programs are based upon.

In the end they all had to submit to Microsoft design scheme and format.
Didn't the figure out that gases at the right mixture struck by lightning created protein or something of the sorts?
and all these different persons work under the authority of a designer (or more realistically, a committee that establishes the standards for the design of a boeing) who assembles all the bits and pieces.
This is why there is the commonly held position of "project manager" or "project manager steering committee" in such endeavors, and it also explains why certain individuals/corporations can be relied upon to produce boeings and why certain others can be relied upon to produce can openers, even though both require engineers, metallurgy etc
So God is a committee???
So God is a project manager and doesn't know squat about the individual creations...
So it is Gods then... :)