For Gambiatista, Gustav and others:

Giambattista said:
What are you talking about?

When I get to that point I usually ignore the content of the entire thread (like for instance the content of this one is beyond me)

Usually when this occurs with other architypes of people it causes them to troll, since when they suffer from such "Interpretation Block" they tend to start calling each other names and trying to antagonise each other because to them it's "Fun" to them.

Perhaps this was a cleverly weight posts do do just that, or perhaps the material was "directed" for those that "want to believe".

Although all this "want to believe" stuff is very much like "I want to be rich and sell you this", however thats a topic of discussion for a completely different thread.
I was helping you make your case. But it appears you may have been mistaken. Thus:

You said - Calling someone else a fool does not make then one.
I said - You are a fool

Apart from some mild irony this was primarily meant to demonstrate that saying it did, indeed, not make it so.
Your response may indicate, however, that saying it can occasionally ferret one (a fool) out of the woodwork.

Well done.
Stryder said:
When I get to that point I usually ignore the content of the entire thread (like for instance the content of this one is beyond me)

Usually when this occurs with other architypes of people it causes them to troll, since when they suffer from such "Interpretation Block" they tend to start calling each other names and trying to antagonise each other because to them it's "Fun" to them.

Troll? And who might that be? I'm certainly not calling anyone else names.

Who exactly is doing this?
Please. Tell me. Who is a troll? Who's doing the name-calling? I'd really like your input.
Patience. It is foolish to be over anxious. Stryder may or may not return, and may or may not dispense his wisdom on the matter. Asking that he do so twice in twenty five minutes might be thought rude in some quarters. [Though not in others.]

Tell me, while we are waiting, are you so afraid to be thought a troll?
Qorl said:
Why should so many people have a boundary experiences about the same things like UFO's or religious experiences?
-Non believer will say;
They are all pretentious or crazy.
-I will going to say;
Everything is a truth.
Why should people lie? Will you?

Contact is made, then the culture and/or the individual imposes meaning on what has just occurred. There seems to be a positive feedback loop that occurs between contactee, or abductee and the phenomenon itself, and beyond that, the broader culture. The contactee/abductee's belief is what may be of genuine interest to the "alien" presence. The "visitors, or aliens (or whatever you'd like to call them) can easily adjust their appearance and actions to reinforce any culturally or independantly held belief. They may in fact be "alien" but not necessarily from outer space. These boundary experiences are cultural archetypes, not the broader type that Jung describes. The space alien is a modern archetype. Tribal Africans who have what we would think of as alien visitaion, call them the ancestors. The Hopi and Navaho who experienced a similar experience, in the past, spoke of the "ant people".

It's possible that the night time visitation actually shares more in common with shamanistic initiation experience than an intergalactic event.

You say that everything is a truth. I'm guessing but think what you allude to is that events that seem outrageous and out of place share at least a few of the common features of what we call "real" experience. Though I've got to say Qorl, some people make things up, and other people simply aren't reliable in reporting their experiences, let alone discerning what their experiences actually are. Let's just say, I'm open but highly skeptical myself.
Trolls come in many forums, they don't just post lude or subjective material to incite aggressive responses, they can also do so from being a little too over inquisitive, like for instance posting the same post and contents twice with a margin of difference (When only one would suffice)

You have to note it's the "small things that matter", and some of these small things might be accidental but none the less they get right up peoples noses, which in turn makes them thing those accidents are on purpose.

Quite frankly I call a troll someone that degrades conversation through to arguement and then just name calling by not interpreting things with a full picture and only identifying details that stand out to them.

When I was younger I undertook it to get a better understanding of how to Philosophically debate something this means not just taking a FOR arguement but also aggressively using an AGAINST statement.

Such methods have been used in Science too, For instance Einstein came up with many speculated theories which he then set out to Disprove.

For you in the "I want to believe in aliens" camp, this would be like you going out of your way to prove why aliens can't exist (here, there or everywhere), which after following to great lengths, where you can find no more reasons of why they can't exist then gives you a view of all the "factors" that are usually missed from people just stating they exist.

"Eliminate all other factors, and the one which remains, however improbible must be the truth." - Sherlocke Holmes (Fict. Character from Sir Arthur Conen Doyles classic novels, which is often quoted differently each time)
Stryder said:
Quite frankly I call a troll someone that degrades conversation through to arguement and then just name calling by not interpreting things with a full picture and only identifying details that stand out to them.

and in this thread would one of them be ophiolite?
what is your issue with this thread?
you are not modding here yet so explain the relevance of your posts to the op
do you feel an obligation as moderator to address questions directed at you?
I am a troll, I put evidences in links and I explain as much as I could, but I can not interpret things as I will like to, to do it better. Of course nobody really put any thinking in my links or didn't even check it out. I am a troll when alien life is in question. I am no different from non believers, they do the same thing but on a different way. Some on a political level, some on belief or disbelief. Why? We believe what we believe and nobody could convert us. I am the biggest troll in your eyes and I know that. You know people religion is about faith that God give us and faith is all about will and belief. If you're not sure about last sentence take a research on celebrities or history. Again, I'm trolling because I didn't interpret things.
You cannot troll a thread that has no visible function. Therefore no one on this thread can be a troll, save agitprop, who may understand what he meant in his opening post.
Ophiolite said:
You cannot troll a thread that has no visible function. Therefore no one on this thread can be a troll, save agitprop, who may understand what he meant in his opening post.

Thats very true I apologise to Agitprop if he feels his thread attempting to discuss what so many have probably shouted down has been hijacked. (Which is kind of why I posted in the first place)
Qorl said:
I understand you man. Could you understand this?

Very intriguing and I'm well aware of the numerous well documented sightings around Belgium in the early nineties. It remains one of the most compelling testaments to the notion that we aren't alone on this planet. Whether this type of multiple witness sighting is directly linked to abduction events is another question. There may be some kind of associative link. The only conclusion we can come to is that more questions are generated than anything else by these events. Thanks for responding.

Stryder. No need to apologize. There's something in the nature of the unknown that rouses emotions and bangs away on the absurdity button. Tis all fodder for the grist mill.