For Gambiatista, Gustav and others:


Registered Senior Member
I'm impressed with some of the new posters on the board, so perhaps I will try to communicate once again. I gave up trying to crack the binary prison of fundamentalist thinking here, a while back.

The totality of life is mysterious and doesn't lend itself easily to sharp distinctions produced by linear thinking, nor the tautologies that try to ensnare it. It is dynamic, quixotic, slippery, and clearly not subject to experimentation, (as we are)

Anyway, here is the blog.

Gambiatista--Are you really buzzy, and am I the only one who may know what you're talking about?

Spirit of the Beehive

One thing I find both fascinating and instructive is the collation of correspondences between what could be called boundary experiences. I hope to do some analysis of this in a forthcoming post - something of a follow-up to our earlier study of Fatima - but in the meantime, here's a brief data dump of one such correspondence.
I am confident all of that means something to you. I have no doubt it will mean something to others. Whether that means that it has meaning in the larger scheme of things is another matter.
May I ask you a question? In all likelihood you will consider it to be aggressive, presumptuous and narrowminded. Might you be confusing ill thought out concepts, expressed in pseudo-mystical phrasesology with imaginative thinking and visionary capacity?
I bow to your immense powers of perception. I shall remain in my deluded state that believes I can recognise vast piles of fecal matter when I see them.
Frankly, I don't know what this is about. My name is mentioned here, but spelled wrong. GAMBIA?

No offense, Agitprop. I will read the link you gave shortly.

Ophiolite said:
I bow to your immense powers of perception. I shall remain in my deluded state that believes I can recognise vast piles of fecal matter when I see them.

as it should very well be. the universe is now at equilibrium. we are at peace.
the troll has quieted

Gustav said:
really? how are you special?


Read linked article about the "hive". Whether G is referring to this or not, in his "go away I'm buzzy byline", I don't know, that's why I qualified statement with --MAY know what you're talking about.
oh, pardon
i speculated that g had a vibrating veggie up a nether
unlike yours, mine is devoid of any subtleties ;)
i am still flirting with the link. impressions.....

a craft that "buzzes"
the initial association would be to an electric motor

i see no point on commenting on the other "buzzes." the contexts in which they arise is of no real interest to me at this time. if i comment on dmt, i might end up telling you guys about how my aspirin abuse caused tinnitus. (i am ok)
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screw the buzzing
the fatima stuff has some meat i can bite into
await, in trembling fear, my vicious diatribe ;)
You obviously don't know how to take a compliment graciously Gustav, as my opening post implied.
Gustav said:
oh, pardon
i speculated that g had a vibrating veggie up a nether
unlike yours, mine is devoid of any subtleties ;)

What are you talking about?
Giambattista said:
Frankly, I don't know what this is about. My name is mentioned here, but spelled wrong. GAMBIA?
Oh! Gambattista is very finnicky about his name......and very proud! He doesn't like his name to be be careful!

OOOps I made a mistake!
Frankly I don't know what this thread is about!

My first impression was (and it still is) that Both Giambattista and Gustav have one thing in common:

Both can stay calm when both the sides of an argument are caught in a cross-fire and lighten the atmosphere with their jokes or lighter comments --- often seeking to ease the tension.

I know that Giambattista can also sometimes say a lot with his 'light' and funny comments, which sometimes I cannot say so effectively with a lot of 'knowledgable' and 'deeper' words. I don't know about Gustav ..... not so well.

Is this thread about this? I guess not!
Buddah, The thread is actually about the link I posted. I find the site Rigorous Intuition very interesting, though I certainly don't agree with Jeff Wells on every score. He does seem to be able to see patterns, if sometimes vague ones, in disparate forms of information. He can cross categorize, which is really helpful in building a loose framework for the esoteric, if some kind of "science" is ever to built around it.

I would fault him for focussing too much on ritual child abuse and not appreciating the subtleties involved in reality construction of the developing mind. People who are involved in the study of suppression of memory in childhood, fail to credit therapeutically encouraged false memory syndrome. It's not an either/or situation. Both occur. Wells illuminates suppressed memory over false memory and to be fair he should take a more balanced approach here.

The link I posted is about the buzzing sounds that accompany some paranormal events, including some abductee events, Fatima, etc...

Look forward to your views on Rigorous Intuition, Buddah.
Why should so many people have a boundary experiences about the same things like UFO's or religious experiences?
-Non believer will say;
They are all pretentious or crazy.
-I will going to say;
Everything is a truth.
Why should people lie? Will you?
Buddha1 said:
Frankly I don't know what this thread is about!

My first impression was (and it still is) that Both Giambattista and Gustav have one thing in common:

Both can stay calm when both the sides of an argument are caught in a cross-fire and lighten the atmosphere with their jokes or lighter comments --- often seeking to ease the tension.

I know that Giambattista can also sometimes say a lot with his 'light' and funny comments, which sometimes I cannot say so effectively with a lot of 'knowledgable' and 'deeper' words. I don't know about Gustav ..... not so well.

Is this thread about this? I guess not!

Dear Buddha1,

You are correct. I do stay calm. Rarely do I stoop so low as to call people intellectual toddlers, as I have seen here recently. Many others do not have the restraint. And they have demonstrated admirably how able they are to stoop to personal insults. Calling someone else a fool does not make them one. I don't need to say anything more on that subject.