For Christians to answer

Wow! This normal religious introspection, considered to be rational, logical, reasonable & most of all verifiably knowable by theists worldwide.

I don't know whether to laugh or cry. I get emotional when a fellow human being casts their brain into the dumpster of religion. Sniff....

Indeed, a mind is a terrible thing to waste, and introspection is a powerful tool in the philosophy of the mind.

Sigmund Freud, an atheist, used introspection to develop his psychoanalytic theories.
Indeed, a mind is a terrible thing to waste, and introspection is a powerful tool in the philosophy of the mind.

Sigmund Freud, an atheist, used introspection to develop his psychoanalytic theories.

Examing your own mental state should be done without God. It paints for the individual a truer picture of themselves. Know yourself before you claim to know God. Freud an atheist? No wonder.
Examing your own mental state should be done without God. It paints for the individual a truer picture of themselves. Know yourself before you claim to know God.

Introspection is a contemplation of one's own thoughts, desires, and conduct. It asks questions like what was I thinking when I did thus and so?

Mental state is more about mental health. It asks questions like why do I feel so depressed all the time?

I think these two concepts are only vaguely related.
Introspection is a contemplation of one's own thoughts, desires, and conduct. It asks questions like what was I thinking when I did thus and so?

An interesting thing they have learned is for a lot of our thoughts, desires, and conduct, the actual reasons are precognitive and the conscious then back fills a story to explain to its satisfaction how it "decided" to do that.

The Buddhist technique of just observing instead of engaging in a thinking contemplation of one's actions may get one closer to the actuality of what is happening.
False christians don't agree their own doctrines

Jesus foretold that He will sit on the throne when He returns, but yet most Christians do not know or do not believe that 'Him who sits on the throne' in 'The Revelation' is Jesus. Why?
Why? because most of whom you heard confessing that they's 'christians' aren't but pretenders. They claimed they are but they don't even know where was God when He had not yet created the heavens and the earth.
Originally Posted by swarm
The Buddhist technique of just observing instead of engaging in a thinking contemplation of one's actions may get one closer to the actuality of what is happening.
what does that mean? what does that mean?

Thanks to being able to actually watch the brain make a decision now has shown that a fair number of decisions your (thinking) consciousness believes it is making have been made before the conscious mind became aware of them.

They can see that your arm is already moving towards your choice before your consciouness has become active and "decided" to pick that glass. The conscious explanation is just back fill so your consciousness feels good about what happens.

This is hardly suprising because consciousness is both very slow and linear. If you had to actually think about every choice you'd get eaten by jackels that were flown in just for that purpose.

Since the consciousness is just making crap up, asking it to make up crap about why it made up the first crap is just more crap. Pretty soon you are making up stories about god like Descatres.

Instead cut out the thinking about it all together and see what is happening. Let the quieter, more primative brains where shit is happening come to the for. Looking at one choice vs the other, do you salivate? Does your heart beat faster? What happens? Are you scared? Happy? What arrises at the sight, smell, placement?

For example when lost people often walk in circles and if you ask them about it they have all kinds of "reasons."

The truth is you naturally pick your dominant side to go around things and you continue forward once you clear the side instead of going back to the equivelant spot on the other side. Thus you drift into a loop.

Thinking about why won't help. You have to observe your actions.
Why? because most of whom you heard confessing that they's 'christians' aren't but pretenders. They claimed they are but they don't even know where was God when He had not yet created the heavens and the earth.

You mean like you are a pretender?
An interesting thing they have learned is for a lot of our thoughts, desires, and conduct, the actual reasons are precognitive and the conscious then back fills a story to explain to its satisfaction how it "decided" to do that.

The Buddhist technique of just observing instead of engaging in a thinking contemplation of one's actions may get one closer to the actuality of what is happening.

That's a comparable idea to spiritual healing.

According to St. Francis we can not receive objective truth when we have self- awareness. To prevent self-awareness our thought processes and emotions must be held in check. As a result we can hear the voice of God by leaving ourselves aware of the truth. This requires submission.

Whereas you call this the "primitive nature", it doesn't come from a primitive mentality. The pre-conscious is not a lower intelligence. When it is properly focussed it is directed toward spiritual matters. It is not the sum-total of spirituality but only a component of spirtuality.

Everyone is wired differently, hence we can not compare "experience", but at least there is a starting point for explaining spirituality. The human mind is its own universe and it is larger than anyone knows. In actuality we only use about 5 to 10% of it. What's the other 90% doing?

BTW, I have been thinking about a web-forum to discuss the psychology of religion and philosophy of the mind
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Jesus foretold that He will sit on the throne when He returns, but yet most Christians do not know or do not believe that 'Him who sits on the throne' in 'The Revelation' is Jesus. Why?

In Matt.19:28, Jesus foretold the event in Rev. 6:15 -16 + chapter 7, and that the Son of Man (Jesus) would be the One who sits on the throne in the days of 'The Revelation'. ---> "When the Son of Man comes in His glory, --- He will sit on the throne of His glory. Matt. 25:31 <---> When the Son of Man sits on the throne of His glory, ---" > Matt. 19:28.

Written in John 17:5 Jesus' prayer was granted, ["O Father, glorify Me together with Yourself with the glory I had with You before the world was."], because Jesus overcame ("I have overcome the world" > John 16:33) by doing the will of His Father, and as result Jesus became worthy TO RECEIVE glory and honor and power ----" < Rev. 4:11 > “You are worthy, O Lord, TO RECEIVE glory and honor and power ----" Because Jesus was glorified together with the Father, Jesus RECEIVED His New Name which is the I am, the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last. I am He who lives, and was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore. Jesus is Lord God Almighty who sits on the throne in Revelation 4:2, 4:9, 5:1, 5:7, 5:13, 6:16, 7:10, 21:5, and 21:22.

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God" --- and the Word became flesh/human and dwelt among us " > John 1:1-14
After Jesus overcame He RECEIVED ALL authority and ALL things in heaven and on earth. > Matt. 28:18,
Jesus said, "ALL things that the Father has are Mine. Therefore I said that he will take of Mine and declare it to you" > John 16:15

'The Revelation' is about the time of Jesus' return, but Jesus will not return "until you say, Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord" as written in Matt 23:39 + Luke 13:35.

Jesus foretold that it will be Him who sits on the throne when He returns as written in Rev. 6:16. Why has this part of Jesus' testimony not been taught to Christians around the world.?

I don't know why many Christians believe that it's not Jesus.
It's very clear that it is him. Most of the reason would have to do with Tradition and error can occur in traditions.

ie. Christmas, Easter even some Christians that celebrate Passover when they don't have to. It's traditional and the worse part of traditions is many times you don't know why you keep doing them.
i'm not a false christian

You mean like you are a pretender?
I don't mean to hurt anybody's feelings, but I feel imaginary people must not ask true people. What should I pretend for? What pretension? A belief? My belief is nonsense to no-sense folks.:D