for atheists only!!

The Devil Inside said:
just curious...

if you HAD to choose a religion (there was NO CHOICE), which would you choose, and why?

I am simply not getting you that is there is choice or not ,and if yes then among which religions
I think the game ''black&white'' is near the truth. ''Do you know why Greys are called Greys''? I think they have stolen it from us. Are there any ''links'' about aliens in the Bible? I have never read the Bible, just curious. God created us equivalent to himself. Soo i confess >> ''i am probably an atheist''. But open for other religions.



Buddhism, it is very much to do with intergrated, social family activity, also i like the idea of bout you "The Devil Inside"?
Catholicism....sin all week and be forgiven on Sunday.

"When I was a kid I used to pray every night for a new bicycle. Then I realized the Lord doesn't work that way so I stole one and asked him to forgive me"..Emo Phillips
The Devil Inside said:
just curious...

if you HAD to choose a religion (there was NO CHOICE), which would you choose, and why?

I would choose the religion that takes up the least amount of my time and committment.
I would pick a religion of my own design, Buddhafarianism. It's a mix of Rastafarianism, Taoism, and Buddhism, emphasizing peace, love, and the sacramental use of herbs.
if I had to have a religion it would have to be Buddhism, but even that one loses rationality when they start talking about reincarnation, (cloud cookoo land).
Reincarnation can be explained in a perfectly rational way. If the self is an illusion, there is only all life interconnected. From that point of view, bodies get reincarnated all the time, it's called birth, like skin cells are constantly "reincarnated" from the same pattern, and the form of the mind is inherited from culture.
"No choice" implies that I'd be living under a theocracy, so, naturally, I'd "choose" the religion of the majority. That way I'd still be able to make a living, live at peace with my neighbors, avoid being shunned by others, obtain gainful employment, and perhaps even run for public office some day.

Ironically, this is the "choice" that many atheists face every day in the United States. There are many social circles in which one's atheism must be kept "in the closet" in order to avoid pre-conceived notions that others will have about them. Most christians consider atheists to be synonymous with "satanists" and will automatically treat them differently. You'll never see a politician in the U.S. run for public office after publically stating that he's an atheist or even an agnostic. There are even many, documented, cases of atheists being denied employment or discriminated against for their atheism. I'm sure if I placed a bumper sticker on my car that stated I was a "Proud Atheist" or "There is No God," I would be subject to vandalism or, at the very least, the finger from passing drivers (who allege themselves to be followers of Christ).
SkinWalker said:
"No choice" implies that I'd be living under a theocracy, so, naturally, I'd "choose" the religion of the majority. That way I'd still be able to make a living, live at peace with my neighbors, avoid being shunned by others, obtain gainful employment, and perhaps even run for public office some day.

Ironically, this is the "choice" that many atheists face every day in the United States. There are many social circles in which one's atheism must be kept "in the closet" in order to avoid pre-conceived notions that others will have about them. Most christians consider atheists to be synonymous with "satanists" and will automatically treat them differently. You'll never see a politician in the U.S. run for public office after publically stating that he's an atheist or even an agnostic. There are even many, documented, cases of atheists being denied employment or discriminated against for their atheism. I'm sure if I placed a bumper sticker on my car that stated I was a "Proud Atheist" or "There is No God," I would be subject to vandalism or, at the very least, the finger from passing drivers (who allege themselves to be followers of Christ).

why intentionally complicate things?
just choose. this is meant to be a fun topic.
My choice stands. I choose the majority religion. Why choose one on other merits? That would imply that I believe one to be more valid than another.

If that's the case, then I chose the worldview of the Navajo. In that, the world is sacred -the land holy. Their way of life is their religion. There is no "god" that that need be appeased but only the land on which we live. And their ceremonies are far more logical than those of xianity/islam etc: The Blessing Way focuses on two days of peace, harmony and happiness in seeking a long life in this world.

If there's one valid religion in the world, it's the Navajo Way.
I kinda like ol' President Abraham Lincoln's religious choice:

"When I do good I feel good, when I do bad I feel bad. That's my religion"
if you HAD to choose a religion (there was NO CHOICE), which would you choose, and why?
The least irrational.

Deism is probably a good choice. This is essentially athiesm with a god that initiated everything and then left the scene to see it play out by itself.
I asked this same question in September. Let's see if everyone answers again.

Oh, and if I had to personally choose a religion, it would probably be either Hinduism or one of the European polytheistic religions.
The Devil Inside said:
just curious...

if you HAD to choose a religion (there was NO CHOICE), which would you choose, and why?

I must be the devil himself because if I had a choice
I would sit back and just laugh at all the different gods
fighting in mortal combat
until the last surviving god could then dance and sing
to keep me entertained.

-- UV-gap