For all you athiests out there


Burn in hell Hippies
Registered Senior Member
For alsl you athiests out there i have a suggestion for a book to read, No not the bible, But a book i recently read, and until i had read it i myself was an athiest, the book is called "the case for christ" or A case for christ, or something a long that line, I did not believe before reading it, although i wanted to, but i was very skeptic. Im not going to say i was "reborn in the light" because im the same person now as i was before, only i do feel happier, and my fear of death is now gone. I will tell you this, i was like a scared child , afraid of miost things until i read the book, and a few things clicked and made sense to me, it uses factual analysis, and is written by a criminal investigator whpo was an athiest, who was tryign to prove to his wife who was a christian that she was wasting time, and in the process became a christian.
well, there is damn good evidence that Jesus lived as a person, records of a man being crucified around 32 AD under the name of Yesu; the recent discovery of what appears to be James's burial box.

does this book make a case for Jesus's exsistance as a man, or does it work towards his god-hood. I think it's pretty obvious that Jesus lived for one reaon: How difficult would it be for a person who did *not* actually live to have such a profound and imediate effect on the reachable population. stories historically work their way into a culture, but real people can change it much faster.

I still have no belief in him as the son of a god, however.
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Originally posted by JoojooSpaceape
For alsl you athiests out there i have a suggestion for a book to read, No not the bible, But a book i recently read, and until i had read it i myself was an athiest, the book is called "the case for christ" or A case for christ, or something a long that line, I did not believe before reading it, although i wanted to, but i was very skeptic.

You heard it here first, A christian not pushing the bible. Both you and that gumshoe in the book had good reason to be skeptical, religion is false and god is a farce.

Elaborate on what some of the book is, what exactly changed your mind?

Originally posted by JoojooSpaceape
Im not going to say i was "reborn in the light" because im the same person now as i was before, only i do feel happier, and my fear of death is now gone.

You convinced yourself to believe in a lie, good for you. But really here Joojoosp...can I just call you Jooj? Listen here Jooj, You need to provide some more explanations as to why this book kicks so much butt.

Originally posted by JoojooSpaceape
I will tell you this, i was like a scared child , afraid of miost things until i read the book, and a few things clicked and made sense to me,

I hope that was a misplaced "i", or else you are weird.
What clicked? What didn't make sense before? What changed your vision?

Originally posted by JoojooSpaceape
it uses factual analysis, and is written by a criminal investigator whpo was an athiest, who was tryign to prove to his wife who was a christian that she was wasting time, and in the process became a christian.

Once again, if you want to have some credit with us, tell us what the book argues and we will either bite or piss on it. His wife was wasting her time; the detective was right all along.
First rule of investigation and sleuthing:
Follow your first instinct

Another reason books like that should be burnt and pissed on,they turn people into idiots.

Ere,you dont think they impregnate some kind of virus in these books?.

Good,your not afraid to die!
do us a favor and kill yourself,dipshit.

Its cos of people like you that im scared shitless of reading these books,and getting too close to a bible,in case it turns me into something id not piss on if it were on fire.

I need some sort of anti-virus.

Im not gonna say your insane,your just dipshit,im insane
and i dont believe all this religous stuff.
Atheists have attitude problems

Gee mass and doom, who died and made you the reference to what is true, known and absolute?

Its cos of people like you that im scared shitless of reading these books,and getting too close to a bible,in case it turns me into something id not piss on if it were on fire.

I really appriciate Doom's candid view concerning himself and his obsessive\compulsive disorders. By typing the latter, he has allowed us to peek inside the mind of a 'puritan atheist'. These individuals are composed of two things.
Firstly, they have a great ammount of Fear. Although they cannot fully justifiy their fear of either God or faith, they fear it so much that they actually adopt a perpetual state of psychosis. This altered state makes them ferociously antagonistic.. for no apparent reason.
You see joojoo, we must not hate them eventhough they make every effort to hate those that are not like them. Simply said, they would rather die or have us die, rather than seriously address their defficientcies towards the world that they live in.

What is this difficientcy?
They fear a meanning to their lives. For such schizoid atheists, thats what which they will fear all of their lives and they will do anything to ridicule and reduce people like you and me that believe in any form of faith, even the type that is not institutionalised in a form of a religion.
They fear absolutes, such as God, to the point that they become themselves dogmatic in their hatred and biased views. Can they prove to us that our faith is false, can they see the Truth? Of course not, but they sure like to pretend that they can.
The fact that we are productive and honest members of society is not relevant to them, we constitute a threat to them, for we represent what they fear: people with a purpose.

Just like atheists used to be unfairly persecuted, believers suffer the same treatment today. Too bad atheists don't learn from others mistakes.

This said, I am very happy for you joojoo and cases like you inspire me in believing that there is hope for humanity and that I am not alone in my faith towards a God (or higher meanning).. even after sharing sciforum with a bunch of crazed, no civism, no manners atheists like doom and zero.


"A society that burns books will eventually burn its people"
-Heinrich Heine
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Erm im not an atheist,actually,im agnostic,
just that people like this are nobs.

You cant peek into my mind,your too much of an idiot and talk crap.

The world we live in would be much better off without you,at least when i talk shit i do it with attitude and style,you just sound like a pseudo "no it all" dipshit.

Im not scared of no god or faith,im scared of talking like you,i dont want dipshit disease.
Proving what point?

You assume im stupid huh?

Well ive tried in the past to use some sort of intelligent debate with you people but for this particular occasion i decided a different attack.

Way i see it,you believe in something and its an end to the story,except with you lot YOU WANT to convert people like me into your shitty ways of thinking.

It is stupid,everyone has a certain amount of faith in the form of psychological faith such as in the job you do,your self image,what you think about people etc,
instinct is another word for it.

Can i convince you to become agnostic?
why not?

if you hear god speak to you then you need more medication than me.
Originally posted by JoojooSpaceape
For alsl you athiests out there i have a suggestion for a book to read, No not the bible, But a book i recently read, and until i had read it i myself was an athiest, the book is called "the case for christ" or A case for christ, or something a long that line, I did not believe before reading it, although i wanted to, but i was very skeptic. Im not going to say i was "reborn in the light" because im the same person now as i was before, only i do feel happier, and my fear of death is now gone. I will tell you this, i was like a scared child , afraid of miost things until i read the book, and a few things clicked and made sense to me, it uses factual analysis, and is written by a criminal investigator whpo was an athiest, who was tryign to prove to his wife who was a christian that she was wasting time, and in the process became a christian.
Buddhism will give you the same feeling. Christ is not the only answer out there you know.

He never implied that Christ was the only answer.



I don't assume anything, I prove it empirically by your behavior.

The man posted a story. Now if your sufficiently unbalanced to feel as if he was activally 'converting' you, thats your problem, not ours. So please learn to be more civic and stop thinking the world is out to get you.

Don't try to mask your bigotry and savage hatred now by typing in a more fashionalble manner, its too late for that. We know your half past crazy and that you do not belong in contact with other human beings.

Just like atheists used to be unfairly persecuted, believers suffer the same treatment today. Too bad atheists don't learn from others mistakes.

Not "just like" since we don't actually torture people or put them on trial. Probably because of that existential mire we are stuck in, its so hard to get motivated.

And like your rant isn't characteristic of dogmatism and fear?

"Ridicule is the easyest way to slap an individual to pieces"

As for my supposed 'rant' your comment is partial and pointless, I cannot reply to it., espescially since it makes no sense.

All of what was said was only from me, no argument of authority, nothing comes from the Bible. So please make yourself clearer if your trying to say I am dogmatic and trying to intimidate others.

If there is one sicko here that is intimidating people with: "I wish your were dead" its Doom.
On the other hand, I have faith, just like you most likely don't. Those this make us dogmatic?

You seem to have a problem with people that say things rather than just doubt them.

"Ridicule is the easyest way to slap an individual to pieces"

Actually, slapping an individual to pieces is the easiest way to slap an individual to pieces.

As for my supposed 'rant' your comment is partial and pointless, I cannot reply to it., espescially since it makes no sense.

It's clear enough, those who can understand it probably will.
Re: Voodoo

Originally posted by Prisme
"Ridicule is the easyest way to slap an individual to pieces"

As for my supposed 'rant' your comment is partial and pointless, I cannot reply to it., espescially since it makes no sense.

All of what was said was only from me, no argument of authority, nothing comes from the Bible. So please make yourself clearer if your trying to say I am dogmatic and trying to intimidate others.

If there is one sicko here that is intimidating people with: "I wish your were dead" its Doom.
On the other hand, I have faith, just like you most likely don't. Those this make us dogmatic?

You seem to have a problem with people that say things rather than just doubt them.


So what if i wish you were dead?

why should that offend you,youre supposed to go to a better place after death,so really in your language

i wish you were dead converts to:

"i wish youll leave this place and enter the kingdom of paradise"

Okay Voodoo, way to go proving that your an ambiguous self proclaimed know-it-all.
Congrats to you and stop wasting our time with non-sense that you can't even elaborate without contradicting yourself. - You know thats why you can't reply.-

What did I say Doom? We know your slime. Don't try to pretend you actually have an ounce of decency in you when saying: "you wish me a better life". Show some integrity to yourself for once in your life.
However, your foolishness shows itself once again by the fact you assume that in my personnal faith I believe in an after-life.

Anything esle to say to ridicule yourselves even more? Can you stop depriving JooJoo's right to post a subject without being bashed and wished he was dead?


P.S. Wishing someone death is not only vulgar and proof you have no communications skills, its illegal monkey-man.

This is what is so childish of you schizoid atheists, we can't even start having a normal communication between ourselves because your too busy attacking the integrity of people and bicker endlessly without ever saying anything positive too anyone.
I tried to be friendly, but there's just no point anymore.
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WHINING BITCH,i knew your psuedo intellegence wouldnt last long,and you start whining and bitching like the complete puss faced wuss you are.

Decency,who needs it,the worlds full of dipshits like you,time for action!

First i punch you in the throat,then you start whining SHUT UP
then i shove a spear through your head and proceed to BBQ and eat you,then i do the same thing to your whole familly.

No im not gonna eat animals any more,thats just plain wrong,im gonna be an animal rights activist that eats christian burgers,minced christians probably tastes better than that mad cow disease shite mcdonalds,instead ill eat mad dipshit diseased christian steaks and burgers.
I'll have to agree with Prisme. I think the content of doom's posts is tasteless and not very conducive to intelligent discussion.

JoojooSpaceape and Prisme, I hope you don't believe that these are common characteristics of atheists (I acknowledge that doom has declared himself/herself an agnostic). Have a great day! :)
Okay Voodoo, way to go proving that your an ambiguous self proclaimed know-it-all.

Your God has exactly the same characteristics, you know.

Congrats to you and stop wasting our time with non-sense that you can't even elaborate without contradicting yourself. - You know thats why you can't reply.-

No need to get catty. What seems cryptic to you could be meaningful to others. What I mean is that your comments are quite dogmatic: strongly asserted without good basis. They're the generic put down of non-theists. Fear of religion, fear of belief, no absolutes, purposeless. Most atheists will understand what I mean because they've heard it all before. I said 'fear' because thats what is at its root. People who don't believe what you do are threatening. Its nice to think that they differ in opinion because of deficiencies, rather than reasoned analysis.
Originally posted by Voodoo Child
What I mean is that your comments are quite dogmatic: strongly asserted without good basis. They're the generic put down of non-theists. Fear of religion, fear of belief, no absolutes, purposeless. Most atheists will understand what I mean because they've heard it all before.
In all fairness, I believe that Prisme was referring to the so-called "puritan atheist". That's why I said that this type of personality is not typical of all atheists. And it should be remembered that there are just as many (I would argue more) "puritan Xians" out there.
Lets get the record straight

Please Voodoo, enlighten me about my God.

Really, go ahead, describe 'my' God. You seem to know all about him eventhought I never described him nor have I professed my allegiance to any institutionalized religion.

Waiting with eager,


As Jaded said, the Fear I was talking about was the one that Doom shows through his disporprotionate Anger. Atheists who wish theists were dead clearly have a mental mecanism that is defficient and works with those two emotions in an unbalanced way.
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