Football. No, the real one!

I think all Americans should be forced to watch a game of Aussie rules football. They'd see what REAL football is about.

Of course, no American sport can boast the biting off of ears like Aussie rules football can. :D
JR: no i umpire (i don't have the ball haderling skills to play, although i use to)

(Q): No one has lost an ear. If they did the guy who did it would get a life ban UNLIKE boxing (stupid THAT is)
Originally posted by sjmarsha
Do you like Jamie Cuerton? He was a good player for Rovers but we sold him cheap as he got the managers daughter pregnant or something.... ( all rumors)

At least now John Modeski stands a chance of NOT spending £80,000 out of his own personal pocket every month! Reading are extremely lucky to have a benefactor like him! :)

Jamie Cureton, is a little lazy! However he's considered a giant hero right now because he scored the final telling goal against Brentford - if he hadn't we'd be in the playoffs & Brentford would have qualified.

Jamie has difficulty turning up for training occasionally & apparently was caught drinking the night before a game and narrowly missed being dropped. But he's a goal scorer and with Parkinson & Murty Reading have three of the best strikers in the game.
don't your socca clubs have team rules?

If an AFL player is caught in an action that leads the game into disrepute then they are fined by there own clubs and possably sidelined

Dosn't matter who the player is, no ones above the rules
and here I was just thinking about all of those lesser games that try to take the place of real football. I'm talking 'bout the original British game- not some weird colonial offshoot like Aussie or NFL. BTW, the Aussies have a monster team this year!

Of course, I'm a Scotland fan- which is a bit like masochism except I derive no pleasure from the pain
Originally posted by Asguard
don't your socca clubs have team rules?

If an AFL player is caught in an action that leads the game into disrepute then they are fined by there own clubs and possably sidelined

Dosn't matter who the player is, no ones above the rules

Yes there are strict rules- that's why I said 'apparently' & that's why sjmarsha said 'all rumours' - if it was really true (or could be proved) then he would have been punished.

But you have to be realistic. If every team was made up of 11 saints who've lived a blameless and humble life then they are hardly likely to have the agression to play an intense competitive game like football!

Why isn't Australian Football called 'punchball'? That's what they seem to do with the 'ball'.
I played some rugby in the navy. Definitely a harder game that American football or soccer or Aussie rules. Harder as in rougher and more painful.
There is no fuckin job in the world that is worth £100.000 + per week.
And certainly not for trying to get a piece of cow thru three bits of wood. In a field! In the winter!! IN SHORTS!!! Then getting married to a lipstick. Then spending the rest of your days propping up either a bar or a potato chip commercial. While all the time unwittingly inciting mindless gobshites to beat the living shit out of each other

For my £300 a week I'm wiping the shit from other peoples arses and curing their poxes.

It doesn't seem right somehow.
Rant, rave, moan

Still the thighs can be very sexy :D
Actually most Aussie rules people continue in football somehow (Media, couching that sort of thing)

Originally posted by bbcboy
There is no fuckin job in the world that is worth £100.000 + per week.
Then spending the rest of your days propping up either a bar or a potato chip commercial
For my £300 a week I'm wiping the shit from other peoples arses and curing their poxes.

That's sure a shame.
For my £500 a week all I do is twiddle a couple of nuts for four days out of eight!

Am I detecting a tiny bit of hostility towards the beautiful game?

When was the last time you played or even attended a game?
As the saying goes, you can't knock what you haven't tried.


. While all the time unwittingly inciting mindless gobshites to beat the living shit out of each other
Do these gobshites need inciting?