Flying Saucers UFOs and Dr Nikola Tesla

Pumping the fabric of the universe....................Is that not the big bang?!!:D :thankyou:
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Correction: Tesla's machine didn't fly. At all.
Pumping the fabric of the universe?


“My flying machine will have neither wings nor propellers. You might see it on the ground and you would never guess that it was a flying machine. Yet it will be able to move at will through the air in any direction with perfect safety, higher speeds than have yet been reached, regardless of weather and oblivious of “holes in the air” or downward currents. It will ascend in such currents if desired. It can remain absolutely stationary in the air, even in a wind, for great length of time. Its lifting power will not depend upon any such delicate devices as the bird has to employ, but upon positive mechanical action.”

-Nikola Tesla

He spoke of something which was NOT anything like a helicopter hence: "...will have neither wings nor propellers. You might see it on the ground and you would never guess that it was a flying machine." Sounds a lot like the electromotive flying saucers I and many others have seen. Flying metal balls that have no wings and no propellers.... sounds EXACTLY like something Tesla was talking about. He merely took his work underground, but what really happened is J.P. Morgan took his work so he could continue forcing people to BUY energy.
He spoke of something which was NOT anything like a helicopter hence:
Helicopter as in: ROFL ROFL ROFL....

Sounds a lot like the electromotive flying saucers I and many others have seen. Flying metal balls that have no wings and no propellers....
You mean something that you've seen and ascribed a power/ motive force to with nothing more than wild speculation?

but what really happened is J.P. Morgan took his work so he could continue forcing people to BUY energy.
Ho hum, one more jumping on the "free energy" bandwagon...

Which bit of this did you miss:
But later on, Tesla actually became a nut-job chasing all sorts of wild (and weird) ideas. He eventually died practically penniless. His genius was overtaken with delusion and a mild form of madness.
Actually technically it was an undiagnosed form of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. It even mentions it further down the wiki article if of course you aren't skipping it just to get to the flying machine information :bugeye:
You've never seen high speed craft do right angles, so naturally the flying machine I'm describing to you sounds too much like magic.

An old saying goes: Sufficiently advanced technology will appear as magic to those who do not know the science. For example, you go back in time with a high powered laser and power supply, suddenly King George III is your unwavering religious follower who regards you as some kind of god. The same goes for modern day super secret/advanced technology.

Thus I can understand if you don't believe what I'm saying, seeing as you've never actually tasted the proof of the pudding.
You've never seen high speed craft do right angles,
You have?
Or you've just seen "something" in the sky that appeared to do right angles?
And you're wrong - I have seen, but I didn't invent a whole theory behind a weird happening.

so naturally the flying machine I'm describing to you sounds too much like magic.
Utter crap - prove it was actually a "flying machine".

An old saying goes: Sufficiently advanced technology will appear as magic to those who do not know the science.
And you can't even quote that right - look up Arthur C. Clarke and write it correctly next time.

For example, you go back in time with a high powered laser and power supply, suddenly King George III is your unwavering religious follower who regards you as some kind of god. The same goes for modern day super secret/advanced technology.
Where is this super secret/ advanced technology?
Who owns it?
Who built it?
Who regards it as "some kind of god"?

Thus I can understand if you don't believe what I'm saying, seeing as you've never actually seen the proof of the pudding.
Wrong again.
I don't believe you because technology is my life - I keep track of far more than you'll ever know and I'm better-versed in "super-secret technology" than most people on this planet.
It's part of my job.
I know a retired policeman who was patrolling one night and he saw a flying machine larger than the high school it was floating above, he said it had windows, he said when it left it shot away without a sound, shooting out of sight in under a second. Such a large machine moving to a sudden high speed is proof of inertial synthesis engines.

I know a retired military man who was on guard on a foreign U.S. military base. They watched the flying saucers doing insane maneuvers every night for several nights, eventually they called Washington D.C. and D.C. reported that they already knew that they were there, no security issue, since they were our secret flying machines.

Finally, 30 years ago my father was driving down the road and he saw a large flying disc that was wider than the road it was floating above, as he drove he lost sight of it and when he came back into view of where it would have been it was gone. He said it was obviously made of metal.

Check out the UFO reporting center, and find a certain consistency between the legitimate flying saucer sightings.

What else is interesting is when you look at the statistics of that website you'll find that there are VERY little UFO sighting reports in Utah, since I've recognized that these machines are man-made and have been telling people, they've been avoiding low/slow flights in this state more than ever.
I know a retired policeman

I know a retired military man

Finally, 30 years ago my father

Check out the UFO reporting center, and find a certain consistency between the legitimate flying saucer sightings.

Nope, you'll find a certain consistency between the delusions/ hallucinations/ lies/ misidentifications.

Try reading some old threads - specifically those that go into the reliability of eye-witness accounts.

I've checked out nearly ALL the UFO sites, and the books, and the magazines.
I've had over 40 years of doing it.
Precious little of any worth.
No hard facts.
And certainly no workable technologies.

since I've recognized that these machines are man-made and have been telling people, they've been avoiding low/slow flights in this state more than ever.
Ah, and your next few posts will be filled with how the Men In Black visit you in the middle of the night with veiled threats...
So you mention it to someone who mentions it to someone else... and in a very short time it gets back to the "people behind the conspiracy" who decide not to fly anymore.
Woooo, scarily believable.
Try reading some old threads - specifically those that go into the reliability of eye-witness accounts.

So, if we humans can't rely on our eyes why then have we advanced so well in technology? You're trying to tell me that the primary sense of observing this world is an unreliable tool? You're saying that eyes cannot be relied upon for accurate data? If we can't trust our eyes, what can we trust?

So Oli, I wonder if you've ever heard the term: "Oligarchy" (I often feel compelled to compare Oligarchy with OIL-ARCHY.)
So, if we humans can't rely on our eyes why then have we advanced so well in technology? You're trying to tell me that the primary sense of observing this world is an unreliable tool? You're saying that eyes cannot be relied upon for accurate data? If we can't trust our eyes, what can we trust?
Try reading the threads - human senses are notoriously unreliable as arbiters of reality.
That's why science asks for repeatability.

I wonder if you've ever heard the term: "Oligarchy"
From every woowoo that posts here.
Welcome to the club.
The term Oligarchy explains all of this quite nicely. Super-advanced technology will not be released to the public, it will be covered up with lies that say stuff like this: "man sees ufo, the aliens are here!" When in reality, anyone claiming that flying saucers which "defy physics" are from outer space is either (A) A duped individual or (B) A knowing liar, since they did indeed see the flying saucer they must come up with an explanation, and our controlled media would have them think the ship is from space and not something a human could build, perfect cover-up of super secret advanced technology, Mr Oli.
The term Oligarchy explains all of this quite nicely.
Possibly, but the term flaming-woowoo sums it up far better.

Super-advanced technology will not be released to the public, it will be covered up with lies that say stuff like this: "man sees ufo, the aliens are here!" When in reality, anyone claiming that flying saucers which "defy physics" are from outer space is either (A) A duped individual or (B) A knowing liar, since they did indeed see the flying saucer they must come up with an explanation, the our controlled media would have them think its from space and not something a human could build, perfect cover-up of super secret advanced technology, Mr Oli.
Again, you have nothing other than your delusions to lead you to this conclusion.
Have you ever looked at the sheer number of sites on the net that cover "super-secret technology"?
If there really were a cabal then people would be disappearing left, right and centre and/ or wouldn't get the first page on the net to start with.
You have youth, credulity and delusion on your side.
I have practical knowledge, decades of hard investigation and analysis and experience of what is possible on mine.
Get an education, then come back.
You simply don't understand the greed and selfishness of the human mind. Power = Corruption, why don't you go get an education and come back when you're done.
You simply don't understand the greed and corruption of the human mind.
And now we come to eternal cry of the loser: I'm down near the bottom of the pile so it must be someone else's fault.

Power = Corruption
So you're of the opinion that everyone with power was, or is, corrupt?

why don't you go get and education and come back when you're done.
Ha ha.
My education isn't in question here, since I can distinguish reality from delusion, hallucination from practicality and misidentification from conspiracy.
"The facts of reality are what they are, irrespective as to whether we know them or not." -Ayn Rand

If a conspiracy exists, its in the conspirators best interest that you, Oli, don't know shit about it, since you obviously are a good guy who would fight corruption if you discovered it. It's simple. Too simple for you to believe? Perhaps.

Conspiracy: An illegal agreement between 2 or more people

It's hard to believe that you think humans are so divine that they wouldn't try to absorb as much power as humanly possible, (A) greed is real, as hard as that may be for you to believe and (B) The BAD-GUYS win more than the good guys BECAUSE THEY ARE BACK-STABBING UNDERHANDED HONERLESS SONS-OF-BITCHES

Hollywood teaches that the good guys win, what a BIG lie.
"The facts of reality are what they are, irrespective as to whether we know them or not." -Ayn Rand
And a quote from a writer proves what?
Even if true (and I happen to agree with it - it's a scientific proposition), it doesn't make your theory true.

If a conspiracy exists, its in the conspirators best interest that you, Oli, don't know shit about it, since you obviously are a good guy who would fight corruption if you discovered it. It's simple. Too simple for you to believe? Perhaps.
My point being, of course, that if true, I WOULD know about it...
It's what I do, as I said in a post above.
Read some of my other posts elsewhere- I've had various intelligence agencies check me out for what I know, what I've discovered and written due to my own investigations and analysis.
You're avoiding the fact that greed/backstabbing bad-guys are real, and super secrecy under threat of death keeps a tight ship from leaking secrets that you CANNOT find out about unless some one, like me, stumbles upon the truth of advanced technology and the greed of man.

The only reason I'm NOT dead is because I can't name names of the people in this conspiracy, but I CAN name corporations.

In Hollywood the good guys win everyday, but thats as far as it goes.

“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need, but not every man's greed”
-Mahatma Gandhi
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You're avoiding the fact that greed/backstabbing bad-guys are real,
And you're ignoring the fact that not everyone is is a greedy backstabbing pillock.

and super secrecy under threat of death keeps a tight ship from leaking secrets that you CANNOT find out about unless some one, like me, stumbles upon the truth of advanced technology and the greed of man.
They can't even keep the president of the USA's sexual peccadilloes under wraps.
You stumbled on it?
How super-secret is that?
Finding TRUE secrets takes years of dedicated work - you don't stumble on it.
If it's discoverable by stumbling then it isn't very well protected is it?

The only reason I'm NOT dead is because I can't name names of the people in this conspiracy, but I CAN name corporations.
I told you it would come - name them.

In Hollywood the good guys win everyday, but thats as far as it goes.
Because Hollywood produces mindless entertainment.
It also promotes stupidity.

“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need, but not every man's greed”
-Mahatma Gandhi
Again you quote, just because someone said it doesn't mean it's an inviolable fact.
Mwahahahaha.... your feeble mind cannot comprehend the appearance of super secret (inertial synthesizing) electromotive flying saucers invented by Dr Nikola Tesla and smuggled away forever into secrecy by J.P. Morgan.