Flying saucers or flying wings ?

Uno hoo,

Well it wasn't much of a secret, here from 1947.

It is concievable, but speculation is not the same thing as evidence.

They had flying wings in sufficient numbers, that is a fact, but there is no evidence to support a flight of 9 on one test at that time or before.

Ironically, count em, there is nine on the strip.

First of all, where are you getting this information ?

Secondly, it is irrelevant as the original idea was that Arnold saw them, which makes the radar part fairly unimportant to the sighting.

Thirdly, when they recently rebuilt the Horten wing to test it's radar signature, they found it was only 20% stealthier than other fighters at the time.

I didn't say they could not have, as I indicated it was still possible. But there is no evidence to support such a flight.

So, I ask why would they offer so much detail about test flights and construction, modifications of such craft and then leave out significant details of such a test flight ?

If you already had it all figured out, then why were you trolling to try to start a fight?

Arnold said he saw something.
A. He lied.
B. He believed he saw something.

If Arnold believed he saw something, then what did he see?
A. Flying Saucers from Farout Centauri manned(!) by LGMs and BEMs.
B. Something rationally originating on this planet.

If Arnold saw something rationally originating on this planet, what was it?
A. Aircraft secretively flown and not publicly disclosed to this day.
B. I don't know. Your guess is as good as mine.

If Arnold saw aircraft secretly flown, what could they have been?
A. UH has guessed that they were F7 Cutlasses.
B. Thread Starter has guessed thart they were Northrop Flying Wings.

UH does not really give a shit about which guess is right.
Uno hoo

If you already had it all figured out, then why were you trolling to try to start a fight?

Didn't say I had it figured out. I saw the flying wing as an explanation for the sighting. Since he even said that it resembled a flying wing and thought it might possibly be one of our new experimental craft.

But after doing more research, there isn't evidence to connect the dots, that doesn't mean we didn't go beyond what is in the official records. Although a possibility, there is nothing concrete to place the planes there at the time.

Do you see the difference I am making. IOW, I don't want to use speculation of what could have been to explain his sighting. He could have been mistaken about what he saw, in other words, not planes at all, birds, reflections who knows.

Arnold said he saw something.
A. He lied.
B. He believed he saw something.

I don't think he lied, but what did he see ?

If Arnold believed he saw something, then what did he see?
A. Flying Saucers from Farout Centauri manned(!) by LGMs and BEMs.
B. Something rationally originating on this planet.

and it may not have been planes or flying craft at all, if it was, many thousand times more likely a flying wing test that we didn't document or release such documents. Maybe to avoid having to explain the mess of the flying saucer myth.

If Arnold saw something rationally originating on this planet, what was it?
A. Aircraft secretively flown and not publicly disclosed to this day.
B. I don't know. Your guess is as good as mine.

I agree, who knows, without more, better information it's all speculation.

If Arnold saw aircraft secretly flown, what could they have been?
A. UH has guessed that they were F7 Cutlasses.
B. Thread Starter has guessed thart they were Northrop Flying Wings.

Right, if in fact he was not mistaken and they were flying craft then some sort of our flying wing craft is the best guess, which is why I proposed such in the OP. Unfortunately, no documentation to place such craft at the scene.

UH does not really give a shit about which guess is right.

LOL, yes, it's really not that important but interesting considering how much effort and time has been spent chasing flying saucers in the media since.

The main point about the OP was how the media's misintepretation of the sighting created the flying saucer buzz, from there Roswell and on and on.

The other main point was:

What would a 1000 year + advanced ET spacecraft look like ?

A tin can flying saucer ? I think not.
If Arnold believed he saw something, then what did he see?
A. Flying Saucers from Farout Centauri manned(!) by LGMs and BEMs.
B. Something rationally originating on this planet.
Or he was completely mistaken about what he saw.

B. I don't know. Your guess is as good as mine.
Apparently not, since your guess introduced facts that aren't facts.

A. UH has guessed that they were F7 Cutlasses.
And has been shown why they weren't.

UH does not really give a shit about which guess is right.
On the contrary, UH gives so much of a shit that he's prepared to invent "facts" to support his position rather than actually give some genuine consideration to the matter.
By the way, jpappl, thanks for the interesting links to Flying Wing pics and info. As a lifelong aviation fanatic, I greatly enjoyed seeing new (to me) pics of the Wings.

Other guesses about identity of strange Arnold visage include British Manx, British DH Swallow, Horten, Me Komet, Black Bullet, Northrop X-4 Bantam, XF 5 Flying Flapjack, and, delta wing XF 92.

And, would you believe that USAF had Black Ops project Flying Saucer observation vehicle during that era. Not admitted to have been in service ;). Was written up about 5 or 10 years ago in Popular Science magazine.
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However, I don't see why there can't be both.. why settle for one race of visitors, when the earth is such an interesting place to visit? :D