Flying Machines in Ancient Indian Scriptures

Me again. I just noticed how much that half circle just below the nose of the helicopter, the one with the thing sticking up out of it, looks like the Hurst 3-speed floor shift kit we just installed in my '68 Ford pick-up. Hee hee! What can we infer from this? ;)
Did you read the text? What part of it says the glyphs are depicting actual machines?
The glyphs are a result of both erosion of the stone surface (evident elsewhere in the temple) and the process of filling in and re-carving the stone to replace some of the original hieroglyphics.
The usurping and modifying of inscriptions was common in ancient Egypt throughout its history.The Abydos glyph was modified at least once in antiquity, and perhaps twice. Some of the filling has fallen out in places where the older and the newer inscriptions overlap, and the result is unique and odd-looking.
...the actual "helicopter" seems to be a portion of the psd.t sign and the X3s.t sign on top of each other, with portions missing. An apparent change in scale also mucks things up.
If the ancient Egyptians had vehicles such as helicopters, submarines, and jet airplanes, one would expect to find some evidence of this other than in a single inscription on the lintel of a single temple. This type of large machinery requires a vast amount of support (including fuel, parts, factories, etc.) but there is no trace of any such support in all of Egypt. The Egyptian literature is also bereft of any boast, much less passing mention, of advanced aircraft. Obviously this situation doesn't seem peculiar to those who really want to believe that the ancient Egyptians flew around in airplanes.

Also remember the relationship of Rome and Greece to Egypt. Corroborate with them that the Egyptians had such things and you may have something. But as they have failed to note such things in their annals, we can surmise that the Egyptians didn't have flying machines. (Except for that neat little wooden bird that I've read about, but don't forget that the Australian aborigines have been using the boomerang for generations without any foreknowledge of aerodynamics. [And I still can't throw one of those things worth a damn!:)])
Last edited: Rig Veda - MAHABHARATA ......

You ever heard of today what are called star children? People think that Gen. 6 is Torah is the only religious text to talk of beings from outside our earth coming to earth and having children with humans. They are wrong, the Hindu text talk of the beings from other planets coming here in their flying cars, that can go anywhere, mating with woman, thus how you get the godlike ones, the god-born ones.

The Mahabharata Book 3: Vana Parva Section CXV

Then the celestials and the saints of a rigidly virtuous life, met together, and thus spake to Vishnu, the god of gods, the slayer of demons, and possessed of prowess that never failed, saying. 'O blessed and revered lord, for the purpose of preserving all the born beings, it is necessary that Arjuna should be killed by thee.' And the mighty ruler of the Haihaya tribe placing himself on his celestial car, affronted Indra

The above is about wanting to kill Arjuna son of god Indra. They can be killed by each other, even by regular humans. They live on other planets, they fly in celestial cars that can go anywhere, they eat have sex, etc etc etc. It is most clear they are not gods in the sense of the English word.

“Religious legends of pre Inca people state that the universe was inhabited by ‘gods’ and celestial beings who arrived on earth from the Pleiades. In Bolivia, near Lake Titicaca, are the ruins of the megalithic city walls were constructed from blocks that weigh 60 tons which were further reinforced by metal clamps. Legends relate how it was built in one night by mysterious bearded white men who were giants from Taurus, the constellation of the Pleiades. They are also believed to have descended from the clouds and to have had sexual intercourse with Incan woman.”

Robert Stanley, Ets from the Pleiades, in Unicas Vol. 4, 1995, p. 26-27.

From India comes the Mahabharata and other ancient Sanskrit texts, which tell of gods begetting children with woman of earth, and how these children inherited the supernatural skills and learning of their fathers. A similar mythology is found in the Epic of Gilgamesh, where we read of watchers from outer space coming to planet Earth. Does this sound similar to Gen. 6? Gen 6:4
It never ceases to amaze me the poppycock people will believe in... As if appeals to the ancients are really meaningful. Mythology aside, there is no evidence of such preposterous notions.
Kudos to this forum! Like Oxygen, I was "sold" when I first saw the original picture and the accompanying text (on a different site, one that supported the helo theory). Along with other books, especially ones by Christopher Dunn, David Hatcher Childress, and Graham Hancock, I was slowly buying into the ancient technology theories. Personally, my jury is still out, but at least now I have a foundation to question the "proof" that's out there, especially on the internet. Still makes for a great thought experiment though, don't it.
Thanks for the insight SkinWalker!
The ancients didn't have vehicles such as helicopters; however, they could see into the future where they also saw flying vehicles, but I don't know if those glyphs represent those.

The ancients had flying machines, but not mechanical ones, they lift their vehicles with magnetic energy which they controlled with their mind.

The earth is a magnetic body. Weight and stability depend on polarity, and when the polarity of an object is altered in respect to the earth immediately underneath it, then the object may rise. The vehicles of the ancients rose from the ground when the electrical polarity was inverted. Humans can learn to do this consciously. The flight of birds and swimming of fishes, including the rapid sinking of whales, involve changes in polarity.

Our mechanical vehicles will never be as safe as theirs were.
Thank you for noticing, rader1977. I'm not necessarily right about the things I post, but I do my best to present the facts and ask the right questions about such things.