Fluoridation and Mind Control

I saw a news segment last year that said one of the most diagnosed medical problems that is becoming a magor health concern in Canada is Hypo-thyroidism or inactive low functioning to no function thyroid. I do not remember the doctors name but they said that flouride can not be flushed or excreted from the body so that we are absorbing flouride for the duration of our lives. Flouride destroys the thyroid (inevitably)

Now here is my personal connection, my mother was born with bad teeth and so underwent many flouride procedures from birth and at the age of 40 drove herself to the hospital and good thing because she was told her thyroid was inactive and within days she would have been in a coma most likely never to wake.Now she must take synthetic thyroid pills for the rest of her life for without them within a month she will be comatose and she will die.

I do not know about mind control but flouride is surely destructive to the brain, producing a reliance on the Pharmaceutical establishment. There is no repairing the thyriod so whether you are docile or not if you need pills to live. I think you would then do whatever is asked of you or face the ultimate repercussion....

For what it is worth it is interesting to note that some companies in the U.S. process their green tea for public sale with more than 8 times the legal limit of flouride, so it is not just in the water but used for many things in the market place. However I have seen nothing in our market since the year past from when I saw this news hour episode that in anyway reflects a concern about flouride from the medical field.

It is up to the individual to inform themselves and make the neccesary adjustments in life for themselves and their loved ones. It is too late for some I know like my Mom (unless I can learn to manufacture synthetic thyriod pills for the gory alternative is not nice) but it is not too late for our children and hopefully us :)
What is my claim?
I suppose you got me there. however, by posting the link you did, you give the impression that you agree with the article. you would have been better off saying something to the effect of: "I have heard that fluoride causes... here is an article I found... can someone help me find a more scientific source."

instead you seem to support the idea that the article was true (by not questioning it) and ask for scientific evidence that supports the claim of the article.
but fluoride is surely destructive to the brain
you guys seem too sure, can I see your evidence please?

I am concerned about the issue, but all I ever hear is a bunch of knee jerk caterwauling about how bad it is, and nobody presents scientific studies.
>>>>i always wondered why we would put a fully toxic substance into something we use everyday.

like chlorine?
neutrons can be deadly in high quantities, does that mean I must live 10miles below the earth's crust, encapsulated in a lead shell, to be safe?
The goal of fluoridation is unarguably worthy. Since U.S. communities began fluoridation in 1945, the prevalence of dental caries has decreased dramatically. The average number of decayed, missing, and filled permanent teeth in U.S. school age children has declined from an estimated seven to about three, according to a national survey released by the National Institute of Dental Research (NIDR) in June.

Why, then, is this issue so polarized?

Opponents tend to be much more concerned with risks than with benefits, and view fluoridation the same way society views many other ‘environmental hazards’—granting that the risks may be small and uncertain, they believe society’s attitude should be ‘better safe than sorry.

it works just as well... its almost tasteless.. and its not bad.

its safe to eat.

and then follow up with a supersaturated saltwater rinse, and no one need fear cavities.

I have used baking soda... good luck with that Thezion, I will stick with fluoridated toothpaste. I don't think there is any strong evidence to support the claim that its harmful.
no drug is 100% safe.
both asperin and penicillen are boons to mankind, both have caused their share of death.
Effects of Fluoride on the brain and other parts of the human body

While I have not read the whole book, it has been published online for many months now and it will be released by amazon on the 30th of this month. It is already released by the publisher, The National Academy of Sciences.
They seem to be scientific and honest about thier findings.
There is a chapter on the brain.

the table of contents is available and can be viewed and the whole book can be read online for FREE do a Google search for:
Fluoride in Drinking Water: A Scientific Review of EPA's Standards (2006)
It is published by: National Academy of Sciences.
500 Fifth St. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20001.

Don't fall prey to the one published by:
The World Health Organization
I don't trust them any more than I trust the FDA.

And if you do a Google search for fluoride the #1 match is:

This site seems to be the truthful site. And since that site sprung up of course then came the lieing site: fluoridealert.com, which is clearly run by a bunch of liars trying to convince you its OK to consume fluoride.

Fluoride might prevent dental cavaties but only becuase it is so toxic that it kills the bacteria that causes them on contact. Fluoride undermines your teeth and causes porosity. The dentist is assured you will keep coiming back
if you use fluoride. He is in BUSINESS. He really doesn't care about your teeth. His main objective is separating your money from your wallet.

Consuming fluoride is no doubt deadly, perhaps not immediately,
but once it burns holes in your stomach and makes your bones so brittle that they can't hold up your body, you will be so sick that you will wish you were dead, then it will cause your premature and untimely death.

There has also been quite a bit of discussion about fluoride making humans infertile, In Sweeden they put it in the salt to help control thier population.

And recently the ADA came out with strong warning to NOT mix fluoridated water with baby formula powder. Babbies and fluoride do NOT mix.
Please do NOT poisin your baby with fluoride. It will screw up more than his/her brain.

Cutting down on fluoride comsumption is a very healthy objective.
Fluoride is in almost everything, juice, teflon pans and so on.

Reducing fluoride consumption is wise as it is NOT required or needed in any humans bodily functions. Fluoride is extremely toxic.

I would rather live to 125 with no teeth than to die at 50 with a full set of teeth! :eek:
but once it burns holes in your stomach and makes your bones so brittle that they can't hold up your body, you will be so sick that you will wish you were dead, then it will cause your premature and untimely death.

It's a little known fact that holes in your stomach and bones so brittle that they can't support your body weight are the leading causes of death in the continental US...

I would rather live to 125 with no teeth than to die at 50 with a full set of teeth!

There was a time that lifespan was counted by teeth.
That's not complicated fluoride is the most toxic substance known to man,
second ONLY to mercury, fluoride is used to enrich uranium, it burns through steel, it kills insects and bacteria on contact. Indulge in a large enough helping of it and you may not live to see tomorrow.

My toothpaste says on the back
"WARNINGS Keep out of reach of children under 6 years of age. If more than used for brushing is accidentally swallowed, get medical help or contact a Poison Control Center right away.

Of course since I discovered how toxic fluoride is I now bush with Hydrogen Peroxide and Baking Soda.

And to top it off most of the fluoride used in our water and/or our toothpaste is industrial waste. They used to have to PAY people to take away that waste. NOW they sell it!
fluorine is an element.
fluoride is what is put in water.
the question is what fluoride?

ah, found it.
Sodium fluoride and sodium monofluorophosphate (MFP, SMFP) are common additives.

Many local water municipalities fluoridate their water supplies by adding fluoride in concentrations of less than 4 ppm. Originally, sodium fluoride was used to fluoridate water; however, hexafluorosilicic acid (H2SiF6) and its salt (Na2SiF6) are more commonly used, especially in the United States.
My toothpaste says on the back
"WARNINGS Keep out of reach of children under 6 years of age. If more than used for brushing is accidentally swallowed, get medical help or contact a Poison Control Center right away.
what active ingredient is associated with this warning?
Active ingeredients are listed as:
Sodium Fluoride .24% (.14% w/v fluoride ion)
Triclosan .30%

Thats a pretty small amount but still has warning to take a kid to a poison control center if more than a very small amount of paste is swallowed.
SO going along with the maker of the paste, who suggests it should NOT be swallowed.

Why then do we put the crap in our water and swallow it?
Following the logic here then I think perhaps the water out of our tap is only good for a few things

1. Moping the floor
2. Mouthwash
CW may have a point.

I think communities are sincere in only wanting to use fluoride in helping prevent tooth decay, but it seems like it can indeed cause health problems. It is accumulated in the pineal gland, among other places. Carbon "Brita" type filters do not filter it out, nor does boiling.
boiling only concenrtates fluoride. Aquaspace has a good triple filter that gets it out. The best way is distillation. The best machine I have found so far is johnellis.com. It is expensive for sure but his machine is genius.
he recreates the earth and uses a high power corning light bulb and steam distillation is very effective. There isn't much of anything that can pass an air gap with the water as steam, which is collected on the other side.

I don't even want to know what excessive accumulation of fluoride in the Pineal Gland can cause. I doubt I can get any out I already have. But I will be sure to strop accumulating it, at least at the rate I have been when I was a bit more ignorant.
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however, hexafluorosilicic acid (H2SiF6) and its salt (Na2SiF6) are more commonly used, especially in the United States.
googling on hexafluorosilicic acid i found the MSDS for it.
the MSDS is a required label for all hazardous industrial solvents.

Corrosive - causes burns. Harmful by ingestion, inhalation and through skin contact. May be fatal if swallowed. May cause serious eye damage.
well there you have it, straight from the manufacturers mouth

apparently it's the salt of the above acid that is used in fluoridating water.
more here:
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