Flaming Your Opposition?


Come Let Us Reason Together
Valued Senior Member
It seems that the God of the Bible really has to be better at “flaming” His opponents than anyone could ever conceive of on this forum. I mean He has got it down pat. He just sends them to the eternal flames of hell to burn forever and ever, end of conversation. Please do not try to respond with “flamings” of your own, in trying to one-up God, because that would not be possible, or be very nice. It also might get you banned from this forum.

But seriously, is God really "just" in sending anyone to hell, ever?

According to the Bible all people are predestined or pre-chosen to go either to heaven or hell before they are even born. How then can they be justly held responsible for going there? And of what real use is a freewill decision? Does foreknowledge really solve any of this? If I foreknew that a child of mine would reject me in the future I would do everything I could to prevent this from happening. I would not guarantee by my own determination, or predestination, that it must take place as God does. This reduces all of mankind to robots and this life to a tragic waste of time. No Christian on this earth ever really knows if they truly are one of these “elect of God” as long as they live, even if they believe right now, because they cannot know their own future. In the future they might stop believing.

Can a person be truly “Saved” and still not believe in hell?

Can a person believe in hell and remain good and moral himself or will it make his heart all the darker as he tries to justify the sending of all of his “unelect”, and “unsaved” friends and relatives to hell? Unfortunately Christians often tend to eventually pick up this godlike tendency to condemn everyone else around them even though it is expressly forbidden for them to do so. But hey, if God can do it then why not them? They can tell everything about you just by looking at the clothes you wear, right?

Do most Christians avoid thinking about hell or pretend that hell is not even taught by Jesus in the Bible to somehow protect themselves from it? I know of some individuals who deny that Jesus even teaches the existence of hell. Is that just so they don’t have to really think about it? Are they really Christians if they reject the teachings of Christ?

Why is it that hell does not exist in the Old Testament? Or does it?

What problems do you personally have with the belief in hell, if any?

How has the belief in hell affected mankind, for good or evil?

I have my own problems with the doctrine of hell but I am interested in learning more from you all.

Have you ever experienced any personal pain or anguish from this doctrine?

Thank You!
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I found this testimony on the following website.


There are many more testimonies of this kind of human suffering to be found there.

“When I was seven my stepmother lit a fire in a beaker and said to me, "If you don't open your heart's door to Jesus and invite Him in, God is going to put you into a fire much bigger and hotter than that after you die and He will never ever let you get out of it.”

So in my heart I prayed the way she said that I had to. Awhile later she said it's obvious that you still are not saved because you are still such a bad boy. At that point in time I felt totally hopeless, and I was sure that God had given up on me.

My Dad used to beat me with a bamboo cane repeatedly shouting "In Jesus Name, in Jesus Name," until the welts on my legs would bleed. He told me that it was easy to tell at an early age that I was going to go to hell. Then they both sent me away to a foster home because they could no longer cope with my bad behavior. My real mother had died giving birth to me. My Dad's second wife had died at child birth too but the child did not live either. So at the age of seven I became convinced that everyone had given up on me, including God.

Later, at the age of 28 (I'm 67 now) I began a twelve year nervous breakdown over my inability to successfully emotionally cope with the idea that God lets any creature suffer forever. I was only able to recover by gradually learning that there are no verses in the Bible that teach endless suffering in hell for anyone.

From Rodger Tutt in Toronto , Canada”

Apparently this man ended up pretending that the teachings of hell do not even exist in the Bible in order to keep his sanity and his faith in his God intact.

Anyone else here experience anything similar to this?

Come on... Certainly someone here has...
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This is an excellent topic. But to discuss it meaningfully, a certain level of maturity and seriousness is absolutely necessary.

I was raised with threats of eternal hellfire. It seemed horrible and unjust. But what I found more striking is how many people who threatened others with eternal hellfire, were fully sure that they themselves are not going to end up there. I have always wondered what gave them that surety - because I never had it.

I think that anyone who is serious about their spiritual life, needs to look into the topic of eternal hellfire - the possibility that it exists and what this would imply for one's life and the nature of the Universe.
However, many people, theists and atheists alike, tend to dismiss the topic of eternal hellfire on account that it is "absurd", "surely isn't going to happen", "is reserved for really bad people".

I find that a very important implication to the existence of eternal hellfire is this: If there is such a thing as eternal hellfire, and humans have been created with free will (these two are standard Christian propositions) - then this means that humans have been created evil (for otherwise they couldn't have freely chosen to go to eternal hellfire), or that God is evil for having created beings who can freely choose their eternal demise. Either way, the predicament is hopeless for all those who, for whatever reason, don't already firmly believe that they are not going to end up in eternal hellfire.
I was also raised with threats of eternal hellfire.

I personally remember suffering confusion and real agony, as a boy growing up, at the thought that I might be headed for hell over the mere fact that I actually dared to think that women were extremely beautiful in appearance. I still think women are beautiful! But the Bible teaches a very confusing message along these lines. It seems to teach men that they will be condemned, and deserve death, for merely looking and appreciating the appearance of beautiful women for almost any length of time. It is called lust! That is what my own mother taught me to think anyway.

If a young man turns to admire a beautiful lady who passes him on the street, for more than 10 seconds, does that mean that he has committed the sin of lust, and deserves hell? How much time does it take before his appreciation of the beauty that God has created turns into a sin that deserves death and needs forgiveness?

How many other people are out there who live in fear and have been tortured by other things just like this?
everybody deserves heaven, even hitler and stalin.

the reason that an eternal hell feels wrong is because you're not listening to your heart. don't listen to the bible, listen to the true word of god in your heart.

when you read the bible, just pick and choose the parts which sound nice and rational. and if there is something that you don't like, throw it into the hellfire where it belongs.

there is no hell except the belief of hell (which might make you feel like you're in hell if you believe in it)
SetiAlpha you know that i have answered these questions below many times. But you keep on posting the same thing over and over again. Is it simply in the hope that sooner or later no one will bother answering them and you can delude yourself into thinking you have established a truth. because what you give has not been challenged?

Why does a person continue over years posting the same addressed arguments? About something they don't believe exists????????????

It seems that the God of the Bible really has to be better at “flaming” His opponents than anyone could ever conceive of on this forum. I mean He has got it down pat. He just sends them to the eternal flames of hell to burn forever and ever, end of conversation. Please do not try to respond with “flamings” of your own, in trying to one-up God, because that would not be possible, or be very nice. It also might get you banned from this forum.

They don't have to ban anybody. If i do a post that hits home they will just delete it. Doesn't have to be any flaming involved.

But seriously, is God really "just" in sending anyone to hell, ever?

He is just in doing whatever His perfect will decides is Just.

According to the Bible all people are predestined or pre-chosen to go either to heaven or hell before they are even born.


How then can they be justly held responsible for going there?

Because they by their own free will have rejected the Just will of God.

And of what real use is a freewill decision?

Without free will then one cannot choose God or choose to reject God. If free will is not in operation Judgement is not Just. But because free will is in operation judgement of it is pre-destined.

Does foreknowledge really solve any of this?

Yes foreknowledge does allow both free will for us and Gods foreknowledge and pre-destining to both operate together.

If I foreknew that a child of mine would reject me in the future I would do everything I could to prevent this from happening.

If you foreknew that your children where going to reject you in the future then you would also know that absolutely nothing that you would do would change their rejection. You would also have foreknowledge of all the things you would attempt to do to reach out to them and prevent them from rejecting you. See i am talking logic here and showing that your logic is faulty.

I would not guarantee by my own determination, or predestination, that it must take place as God does.

How could you change it? If you had true foreknowledge then you would already know all the ways you would try to prevent their rejection of you and you would know that everything you could think up and do to prevent it would fail.

This reduces all of mankind to robots and this life to a tragic waste of time.

No and Yes. No people with free will like you and I have are not robots. Yes for many people their lives of rejecting the God of all existence is a tragic waste of time... for them.

No Christian on this earth ever really knows if they truly are one of these “elect of God” as long as they live, even if they believe right now, because they cannot know their own future. In the future they might stop believing.

I can truly know i am in a state of salvation at the moment. And i do, because i have accepted the gift of Gods forgiveness for my imperfections in relation to His will. But your second point is valid. One day i might fall away from the truth and become like you. So at this moment of time i am saved, but into the future i might not be.

Can a person be truly “Saved” and still not believe in hell?

One would have to question their salvation but i am not really sure on that one. I guess if one calls themselves "Saved" and does not believe in Hell then the question needs to be put to them "What do you think you are "Saved" from???????

Can a person believe in hell and remain good and moral himself or will it make his heart all the darker as he tries to justify the sending of all of his “unelect”, and “unsaved” friends and relatives to hell?

What?????? :eek:

Little bit of reality here. Christians are not tasked with justifying anything God says or does. It is not in our list of "things one must do" to Justify the God of Abraham to those who reject His will.

Now i and many other Believers do go out of our way to try to justify God, But that is in an attempt to explain God and make acceptance of His will easier to the seeker. It is not however a condition of salvation that any follower of the Messiah Jesus must justify Gods actions or Words to anyone.

Unfortunately Christians often tend to eventually pick up this godlike tendency to condemn everyone else around them even though it is expressly forbidden for them to do so.

Any Christian who faithfully gives the Will of God to others will come across as condemning, Because the Word of God does condemn and convict men of their imperfection in relation to God. The problem that many out their have is that they see the message of condemnation coming from that particular Christian who is only faithfully giving the Message of Another. Instead of seeing the message as coming for a perfect God, they see it as coming from a flawed and to them hypocritical human being.

While people are often distressed and uncomfortable when being shown their shortcomings by God, they are more willing to accept the verdict and accept the solution offered. But when people are shown their shortcomings by another human being with shortcomings they will more often react with offence and contempt.

But hey, if God can do it then why not them? They can tell everything about you just by looking at the clothes you wear, right?

People who have been well educated in what a great painting looks like can often point out the shortcomings when they see a painting that does not make the cut. Just because that person is likewise a pathetic painter does not make their critique any less valid.

Do most Christians avoid thinking about hell or pretend that hell is not even taught by Jesus in the Bible to somehow protect themselves from it?

Some do.

I know of some individuals who deny that Jesus even teaches the existence of hell. Is that just so they don’t have to really think about it? Are they really Christians if they reject the teachings of Christ?

Could be.

Why is it that hell does not exist in the Old Testament? Or does it?

Well some believe there is. But if some are capable of not seeing the eternal Lake of Fire in the NT where is it clear and as plain as day then it will be far more easier for them to miss the references to it in the OT.

How has the belief in hell affected mankind, for good or evil?

Overall. Neutral effect. In faith terms Hell seems to turn just as many people away from God as motivates others to seek out the will of God. To those it effects i can have a great effect on a personal scale. But on a worldwide scale it has a negligible effect.

I have my own problems with the doctrine of hell but I am interested in learning more from you all.

Yes you have your own view. But you are not interested in views that are an offence to your view of what should be. And you have proven it time and time again. So i will take the above quote with a grain of salt.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I found this testimony on the following website.


There are many more testimonies of this kind of human suffering to be found there.

“When I was seven my stepmother lit a fire in a beaker and said to me, "If you don't open your heart's door to Jesus and invite Him in, God is going to put you into a fire much bigger and hotter than that after you die and He will never ever let you get out of it.”

Well basically that’s the truth.

So in my heart I prayed the way she said that I had to. Awhile later she said it's obvious that you still are not saved because you are still such a bad boy.

This is where she fall down and showed she did not know and she did not accept the forgiveness of the Messiah Jesus. She herself was a bad girl also and thus if her assessment of her son was accurate then she had just assessed herself to be unsaved. Because she being human is like her son. Not Good.

At that point in time I felt totally hopeless, and I was sure that God had given up on me.

Understandable. Being a kid how would he know any better. I feel sorrow for the poor child. But as He grew older he should have come to the knowledge that His parents are not Gods. Most kids come to this knowledge and then have a teenage rebellion because of the disappointment that the revelation brings.

This guy demonstrates just how dangerous it is to be a follower of men (in this case woman) and their doctrines. Eternity is found in a personal seeking of God and a personal relationship with Him. Not in creating Gods out of preachers and pastors and parents and popes and politicians.

My Dad used to beat me with a bamboo cane repeatedly shouting "In Jesus Name, in Jesus Name," until the welts on my legs would bleed. He told me that it was easy to tell at an early age that I was going to go to hell.

That dad had mental problems. No amount of beating will make one perfect. No amount of beatings can make one accept the will of God. And the proof as it where is in the man who wrote this testimony.

Then they both sent me away to a foster home because they could no longer cope with my bad behavior. My real mother had died giving birth to me. My Dad's second wife had died at child birth too but the child did not live either.

hummmm, seems like they had been blessed by God in their personal lives,,,, Not.

So at the age of seven I became convinced that everyone had given up on me, including God.

That’s because he placed the teachings of His parents as that of God Himself.

Later, at the age of 28 (I'm 67 now) I began a twelve year nervous breakdown over my inability to successfully emotionally cope with the idea that God lets any creature suffer forever. I was only able to recover by gradually learning that there are no verses in the Bible that teach endless suffering in hell for anyone.

From Rodger Tutt in Toronto , Canada”

That’s what he WANTS to believe. Desperately WANTS to believe. But it is not so. If he seeks he will find the Love of God and that Love will overcome the fears that dwell deep inside him. Until that time the truth will be as a ticking time bomb within the deeper recesses of his conscience. Just waiting for a near death experience or a conscious contemplation of death to stir once again and make him an emotional cripple again.

Apparently this man ended up pretending that the teachings of hell do not even exist in the Bible in order to keep his sanity and his faith in his God intact.

True. But how long can he hold on to what he pretends.

Anyone else here experience anything similar to this?

You maybe?

Your whole life in this section of the forums seems to be about convincing yourself that the Lake of Fire does not exist. Are you trying to create a pretend world in an attempt to keep your sanity?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I was also raised with threats of eternal hellfire.

I personally remember suffering confusion and real agony, as a boy growing up, at the thought that I might be headed for hell over the mere fact that I actually dared to think that women were extremely beautiful in appearance. I still think women are beautiful! But the Bible teaches a very confusing message along these lines. It seems to teach men that they will be condemned, and deserve death, for merely looking and appreciating the appearance of beautiful women for almost any length of time. It is called lust! That is what my own mother taught me to think anyway.

If a young man turns to admire a beautiful lady who passes him on the street, for more than 10 seconds, does that mean that he has committed the sin of lust, and deserves hell? How much time does it take before his appreciation of the beauty that God has created turns into a sin that deserves death and needs forgiveness?

How many other people are out there who live in fear and have been tortured by other things just like this?

"That is what my own mother taught me to think anyway. "

Looks like you had your own mother God too.

Maybe,,, deep down the fear of the man that gave his testimony and the fear that is deep within you comes from the fact that you both still in some way see your mothers as being Gods.

It is interesting that it is the mother that was involved in both cases. Maybe there is something in that? I wonder. Mother are supposed to have a bigger effect on their kids than their dad’s

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Adstar, I do not expect you to be able to empathize with, understand, or agree with most of my comments, but thank you even still for your own personal opinion.
everybody deserves heaven, even hitler and stalin.

the reason that an eternal hell feels wrong is because you're not listening to your heart. don't listen to the bible, listen to the true word of god in your heart.

when you read the bible, just pick and choose the parts which sound nice and rational. and if there is something that you don't like, throw it into the hellfire where it belongs.

there is no hell except the belief of hell (which might make you feel like you're in hell if you believe in it)

I would say that the reason hell feels wrong to me now is because I am listening to my heart and using reason. And that is your point, right?

If I truly listened to the Bible in full I would have to, among other things, stone my own children to death when they fail to live up to the Law.

Which according to Paul no one can ever do. Accept for the fact that he claimed that he was blameless according to the Law himself, for some strange reason. And then he said the opposite of this at other times. Didn’t he claim to be the “chief of sinners” at one point? He would have made an excellent modern day politician.

Thanks for you comments!
I would say that the reason hell feels wrong to me now is because I am listening to my heart and using reason. And that is your point, right?

If I truly listened to the Bible in full I would have to, among other things, stone my own children to death when they fail to live up to the Law.

If you trully listened to the Word of God you would leave the judgement in the hands of God.

Which according to Paul no one can ever do.

He was right. But people can agree with the Law, that it is good, while at the same time admitting that they fail to keep the law. This is what Paul admitted to in Romans 7. A wonderful chapter of the bible.

Accept for the fact that he claimed that he was blameless according to the Law himself, for some strange reason.

Yeah, the Law of rightiousness through faith in Jesus.

And then he said the opposite of this at other times. Didn’t he claim to be the “chief of sinners” at one point? He would have made an excellent modern day politician.

Thanks for you comments!

This is what He said. :)

1 Timothy 1
15This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief.

And it is a joy to give these comments.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I wrote an article on heaven and hell on this forum, (also features on my site www.snakeystew.com). I also wrote a couple of story versions and a poem version. Here's a few lines:

Oh please my good man, bring my daughter to me
She's in hell he replied, Oh no, that cannot be.
She was loving and moral, giving and kind
Indeed not a bad thought ever went through her mind.
Oh tell me, oh tell me, what could she have done?
It's all about god and she chose the wrong one.
But tell me, oh tell me, how shall I cope,
knowing my daughter is burning and there is no real hope?
And all I shall do is worship and serve
while my daughter is punished for something she doesn't deserve.
Oh what can I think of or what can I say
to a god that demands that things all go his way?
That my very purpose is to fulfill his desires
To ignore my childs plight as she burns in the fires.
To turn my eyes away from her sorrow
and just serve Him for an eternal tomorrow.


I'm sure, if such a place existed and the christian perspective was correct, then we'd all have a loved one who is going to end up burning forever. I find it quite amazing how many christians are comfortable with that notion. What actually gets my attention more is how some, (Adstar for example), actually seem to get delight from the idea that other people will burn. They actually want people to burn. I find it quite bizarre.

I wrote an article on heaven and hell on this forum, (also features on my site www.snakeystew.com). I also wrote a couple of story versions and a poem version. Here's a few lines:

Oh please my good man, bring my daughter to me
She's in hell he replied, Oh no, that cannot be.
She was loving and moral, giving and kind
Indeed not a bad thought ever went through her mind.
Oh tell me, oh tell me, what could she have done?
It's all about god and she chose the wrong one.
But tell me, oh tell me, how shall I cope,
knowing my daughter is burning and there is no real hope?
And all I shall do is worship and serve
while my daughter is punished for something she doesn't deserve.
Oh what can I think of or what can I say
to a god that demands that things all go his way?
That my very purpose is to fulfill his desires
To ignore my childs plight as she burns in the fires.
To turn my eyes away from her sorrow
and just serve Him for an eternal tomorrow.


I'm sure, if such a place existed and the christian perspective was correct, then we'd all have a loved one who is going to end up burning forever. I find it quite amazing how many christians are comfortable with that notion. What actually gets my attention more is how some, (Adstar for example), actually seem to get delight from the idea that other people will burn. They actually want people to burn. I find it quite bizarre.


WOW!!! Thanks for sharing this!!!

You have a great deal of insight. You should really consider writing a book about all you have learned so others might benefit from it. Many other people in this religion still have a heart and mind but are held in place by pure fear. IMO, fear of one thing or another is perhaps the biggest thing that keeps this system of thought running throughout the centuries.

But finally, at the heart of it all, the bliss of the few is built on the torment of the many. Once this is firmly established in the heart anything becomes justifiable.

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You have a great deal of insight. You should really consider writing a book about all you have learned so others might benefit from it. Many other people in this religion still have a heart and mind but are held in place by pure fear. IMO, fear of one thing or another is perhaps the biggest thing that keeps this system of thought running throughout the centuries.

Thanks for the comments and yeah - fear is such an extremely powerful motivation that clearly owns a great deal of people. Exodus highlights the problem:

Exodus 30:12 When you take a census of the Israelites to count them, each one must pay the lord a ransom for his life at the time he is counted. Then no plague will come on them when you number them.

That is exactly how the judaeo-christian god works - he holds humans to ransom.

The thing with the christian is that he is so concerned with his own well being that he completely ignores the eternal plight the rest of his fellow humans, (maybe even his own kids), will go through. I'd expect to see the religious masses coming together in prayer to do away with eternal burning but no, they seemingly actively encourage it.

But finally, at the heart of it all, the bliss of the few is built on the torment of the many. Once this is firmly established in the heart anything becomes justifiable.

Very true indeed. But then you'd think surely there is some remote sense of compassion in that rotten christian heart. If so it would be found with the "oh, but kids are ok - they automatically go to heaven". But then even that has it's negative side: William Lane Craig, a main christian apologist, wrote an article about the instances where god ordered the slaughter of men, women and children. He stated that it was a "good thing" that the kids got killed because it meant they could get into heaven. That kind of imbecility leads to no good.

If you trully listened to the Word of God you would leave the judgement in the hands of God.

The Bible does not appear to be the "Word of God".

He was right. But people can agree with the Law, that it is good, while at the same time admitting that they fail to keep the law. This is what Paul admitted to in Romans 7. A wonderful chapter of the bible.

The Law in the Bible is both, good and evil. But ultimately, no system of Law or Religion can ever be good that demands that you must participate in the killing of your own children!!!

As far as I can tell, you would even be willing to do this yourself if you ever thought God asked you to, right? I see that as a very serious character flaw. It shows that you have become amoral in your thinking and have become unable to tell right from wrong or even have simple empathy for the sufferings of others. Unfortunately, this character trait comes through in your writings over and over again. You really should pray about it!!!

This is what He said.

1 Timothy 1
15This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief.

Yes, that is exactly what I was talking about. But Paul also claimed to have been blameless according to the Law before he was ever converted. He even brags about it below...

Philippians 3:2-6
"2 Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of the mutilation! 3 For we are the circumcision, who worship God in the Spirit, rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh, 4 though I also might have confidence in the flesh. If anyone else thinks he may have confidence in the flesh, I more so: 5 circumcised the eighth day, of the stock of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of the Hebrews; concerning the law, a Pharisee; 6 concerning zeal, persecuting the church; concerning the righteousness which is in the law, blameless."

So according to Paul it really was possible for him to be righteous and blameless under the Law, as a Jew, in the "flesh", and as a Pharisee before he was "saved" without the sacrifice of Christ at all. His claim is that he actually did this himself. That he decided not to place his confidence in his own righteousness does not void the fact that he claimed to have accomplished this in the least.

Thank You!
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The Bible does not appear to be the "Word of God".

Unfortunately, Christianity as it is today seems to be more "the word of Paul".
More than anything else his actions are responsible for evangelists today turning Jesus into a personality control cult religion. Watch most programs and you will see the actual teachings attributed to Jesus have taken a back seat to...judgement,saviour,salvation,punishment..send in your bucks and get saved,buy the latest video,etc.
Atheists are not opposing theists.. we are not the opposition.
That theists choose to see them that way is their problem.
I wrote an article on heaven and hell on this forum, (also features on my site www.snakeystew.com). I also wrote a couple of story versions and a poem version. Here's a few lines:

Oh please my good man, bring my daughter to me
She's in hell he replied, Oh no, that cannot be.
She was loving and moral, giving and kind
Indeed not a bad thought ever went through her mind.
Oh tell me, oh tell me, what could she have done?
It's all about god and she chose the wrong one.
But tell me, oh tell me, how shall I cope,
knowing my daughter is burning and there is no real hope?
And all I shall do is worship and serve
while my daughter is punished for something she doesn't deserve.
Oh what can I think of or what can I say
to a god that demands that things all go his way?
That my very purpose is to fulfill his desires
To ignore my childs plight as she burns in the fires.
To turn my eyes away from her sorrow
and just serve Him for an eternal tomorrow.


I'm sure, if such a place existed and the christian perspective was correct, then we'd all have a loved one who is going to end up burning forever. I find it quite amazing how many christians are comfortable with that notion. What actually gets my attention more is how some, (Adstar for example), actually seem to get delight from the idea that other people will burn. They actually want people to burn. I find it quite bizarre.


This is easy. You know that i provided the simplest solution to this.
Atheists are not opposing theists.. we are not the opposition.
That theists choose to see them that way is their problem.
You attack your fellow atheists, who hold the "belief that there is no god", calling them "liars," and state that, "I do not deny the existence of any god. I just don't believe in any." Then you tell someone that their God is "made up." When someone calls you on this, you state, "I never made such a claim."