Flag burning

spurious Watch the news. They burn it all the time.

Victor E I agree with your assesment of 'savages', although realistically we know they aren't all that way. Still, I printed the Mohammed cartoon with the turban-bomb. It was a big hit at the lab. The lab manager next door to us made the remark "If they don't want to be seen that way, they should stop acting that way."
spuriousmonkey said:
Muslim countries burned your flag?

Yes they did. Although we've done nothing.

Then one day later they the governments says sorry and claims their citizens picked the wrong flag: They did intend to burn the danish (as if that was somehow better)

spurious Watch the news. They burn it all the time.

Yeah although I'm not danish I know they've burnt the my country's flag sometimes.... Although they've burnt - as you say - A LOT of danish flags.. And also they've burnt 3-5 danish ambassadies.

They have also burnt one of my countries ambassadies.... "It was a mistake"
Let me sum that up:

The muslim countries in question didn't have an official policy of burning your flag. Some citizens of a muslim country burned your flag.

The muslim government apologized for the behaviour of their citizens.

Conclusion: Muslim countries didn't burn your flag!?!
They sure didn't do anything to stop it.

Conclusion: Their governments condoned it.
Let me sum that up:

The muslim countries in question didn't have an official policy of burning your flag. Some citizens of a muslim country burned your flag.

The muslim government apologized for the behaviour of their citizens.

Conclusion: Muslim countries didn't burn your flag!?!

I agree with the poster above me, which says that they did not do anything to stop it.

And besides, following your way of thinking:

Denmark didn't have an official policy of publishing images on mohammed. Some citizens of denmark published the images.

The denmark government apologized for the offence that it might have caused.

Conclusion: Denmark didn't publish the images!?! (<-- Which the muslims seems to think)


Obviously if something happens within a country, it's the country's responsibility to forbid / allow it.