Flag burning


Three simple questions about flag burning which I encourage members to answer.

1. Should the burning of your country's flag be illegal?

2. Would you secretly support/approve if a flag burner was harassed/threatened/attack/had his property vandalised, as a result of burning the flag?

3. Would you personally harass/threaten/attack/vandalise the property of, a flag burner?
1. no, this is a non-violent way of showing ones anger towards a country or their government and sholud be encouraged as a way of peaceful protest, rather than shunned, leading to violent outlets as an alternative.

2 and 3: they have taken the high road and used a form of peaceful protest. if we are going to punish them for this, then they would have a right to carry out the crime for which they are receiving fair punishment, by harassing/attacking/destroying you ar your property.
IF YOU BUY A NICE FLAG... it will have a paper or notice with it...

saying... dont throw it in the trash... but instead burn it in a private cerimony.

key word... private.

mountainhare said:
1. Should the burning of your country's flag be illegal?

No, it should be a legal expression of dissent and dissatisfaction. It's just a symbol.

2. Would you secretly support/approve if a flag burner was harassed/threatened/attack/had his property vandalised, as a result of burning the flag?

Not for the mere act of burning the flag.

3. Would you personally harass/threaten/attack/vandalise the property of, a flag burner?

Not for just flag burning.

The last two open up a can of worms, because people burn flags to show dissatisfaction with a country. Now, people seize the act of flag burning as an issue, but surely it's the statements that are made alongside the act, that are more important. For instance, if someone burns my flag, whilst shouting 'All Britons must be killed', then hell yeah, if that guy gets his clock cleaned I think they brouht it on themselves for inciting people to commit murder. If however, that guy is burning my flag, and shouting 'The continued British support for detention without trial at Guatanemo Bay is wrong', well, I'm going to applaud that guy.
mountainhare said:
1. Should the burning of your country's flag be illegal?
2. Would you secretly support/approve if a flag burner was harassed/threatened/attack/had his property vandalised, as a result of burning the flag?
Don't care.
3. Would you personally harass/threaten/attack/vandalise the property of, a flag burner?
Not for the flag burning, no. That wouldn't stop me from TPing their house out of the sheer fun of TPing a house. :D
1. Should the burning of your country's flag be illegal? No. Absolutely not.
2. Would you secretly support/approve if a flag burner was harassed/threatened/attack/had his property vandalised, as a result of burning the flag? No. But I would be quite happy to beat three kinds of shit out of those carrying out the harrasment or attacks.
3. Would you personally harass/threaten/attack/vandalise the property of, a flag burner? No.
mountainhare said:
1. Should the burning of your country's flag be illegal?

2. Would you secretly support/approve if a flag burner was harassed/threatened/attack/had his property vandalised, as a result of burning the flag?

3. Would you personally harass/threaten/attack/vandalise the property of, a flag burner?

1. no
2. no
3. no

the only reason to burn the flag is to make a political statement

it is not freedom of speech but freedom of expression we are talking about here
A better question: Where are the protesting Islamics getting all their Danish flags from?
mountainhare said:
1. Should the burning of your country's flag be illegal?
Yes. Mind you, I'm not against vandalising symbols, but I'm not in favour of setting a fire in a public street. It can cause harm. If you want to make a political point using a flag, smear it, jump on it, drag it through the mud, or use any other method with less risk.

2. Would you secretly support/approve if a flag burner was harassed/threatened/attack/had his property vandalised, as a result of burning the flag?
Certainly not.

3. Would you personally harass/threaten/attack/vandalise the property of, a flag burner?
Certainly not.
mountainhare said:

1. Should the burning of your country's flag be illegal?....
Anything that puts the frustrated whimp at risk of getting legally tortured should be made legal.

With exception of public property damages
What I think is intresting is, that if they burn our flag we won't get very upset.

On the other hand, if we burn one of their flags (any muslim country) they will cause hell lot of trouble.

Well, I've decided to refer to them as savages from now on, after seeing their reactions on denmark.

Read my post again..

Their flags = Muslims countries flags... then "they" must be muslim countries...
I don't condone flag burning, but when they voted it into legality, well, the majority spoke so I had to live with it. Price of democracy, you know. I don't agree that it should be protected under Freedom of Speech as being "symbolic speech". Symbolism isn't something that can be effectively legislated.

If you've bought a flag with the intention to burn it, well, it's your $14.95. Just make sure you have your burn permits and have stayed within the bounds of the laws surrounding such protests, show some common sense for public safety and everybody else can just deal with it. You'll be out $14.95 plus permit fees and nobody will care about your particular stance except for the buddies you dragged along with you. Find a more effective way to deal with what ails you.