Flag Burning

why wolud they do that? why would anyoen who didnt hate their contry burn their own flag, it is all about hate.
To either renounce their beliefs or protest the actions of their government. They could do it out of love for their country.

Scorched earth policy comes pretty close too
"If we can't have it, nobody can"
vslayer said:
why would they do that? why would anyone who didnt hate their contry burn their own flag, it is all about hate.
No, it is about communicatring an idea that the flag burner is bringing to the attention of the public, especially those perceived wrongs of the particular government in place at the time.

If it were merely a matter of hate flag burners wouldn't bother to do it in public.

Even if it were hate, who is harmed by the flag burning" Answer: No one is injured by the flag burning. Some people get pissed off, that's for sure, but so what? Are we all guaranteed a state of mind of perpetual equilibrium, or in other words, are we guaranteed an uninterrupted peace of mind? If so then whatever/whoever ticked off the flag burner should be punished for depriving that flag burner of his or her peace of mind.

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While I have exactly zero respect for anybody with a political philosophy so sophomoric that it can be summed up with such a disrespectful, reprehensible act as burning their national flag (or that of another nation, for that matter) the right for them to do so is sacred and must be protected at all costs.

Here in the US the First Amendment cuts both ways. Just because I don't agree with how somebody chooses to exercise that right, it doesn't give me just cause to impose my own set of values on them.