Fixed earth theory

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It's not a matter of wanting to know the models, but is a matter of what models YOU believe and why YOU believe them?
I believe in the heliocentric model because I have personally agreed with the calculations of the heliocentric model as opposed to the geocentric model, the Sun appears to rise in the East, and set in the West because the Earth is revolving around it....the moon which actually orbits the Earth doesn't behave the same way as the Sun
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You mean mystics observe the stars for astrology, as if the planets had a direct link to human behavior. Or did you mean to say, "people observe the stars for astronomy?" You know there's a difference between the two ;)

No I literally meant people observed the stars for astrology, you know in ancient times. From an astrological standpoint it would make no sense to monitor the position of the stars relative to the they wanted to see how the stars affected the Earth...not how the stars affected the Sun...
I just can’t comprehend why these deniers of Earth’s fixness are so afraid of standing still.

I mean all one has to do is to apply the right epistemology as it is taught by the correct authorities to come up with the needed conclusion: The Earth is fixed or flat.

The faith demanded to believe in this rotating, round Earth hypothesis is down-right ludicrous.
I can’t believe so many people have bought into it.
Do you see the Earth moving?
Not me.
I see the stars and the moon and the sun moving, but the Earth seems pretty still to me.

I say let us put it to the vote.
Winner decides what reality is.
Democracy of the stupid, by the stupid, for the stupid.

Glory to the old days.
His friend’s cousin…Satyr.
If earth is fixed than we live in matrix. Everything around us is fiction. We are cartoons than.
My theory,
In the Bible is written that we will be as God. I believe God control us on a puppet way but he will set us free someday. We are real the same as our solar system and everyone up there.
Yes fokes there's no telling how far theist go on with their pseudo science crap.
And there is no telling how far mindless twats will go in confusing 'theist' with 'Christian Fundamentalist'.
Science demands rigour in the expostion of ideas. Loose, ill defined, indeed just plain wrong use of terminology, as illustrated by your post, is counterproductive and an insult to serious minded scientists.
Sharpen up please.
If the earth was fixed, does that mean one side of the planet would be cooked, and one side would be entirely inhabited by moles, bats and stingray?
And there is no telling how far mindless twats will go in confusing 'theist' with 'Christian Fundamentalist'.

Unfortunately Ophiolite...christian fundamentalists are theists and are a valid representation OF a theism. The fundies may not be the only theists, but they are the noisy power.
I believe God control us on a puppet way but he will set us free someday. We are real the same as our solar system and everyone up there.

- And you are happy with the definition of a god that controls 6 and a half billion sentient creatures oh a whim and fancy?

- Is god therefore directly responsible for crime?
And there is no telling how far mindless twats will go in confusing 'theist' with 'Christian Fundamentalist'.

I know look at you here, making an idiot of yourself! What the hell is a fucking fundamentalist? But a theist who sets the standards! TWAT! :rolleyes:
- And you are happy with the definition of a god that controls 6 and a half billion sentient creatures oh a whim and fancy?

- Is god therefore directly responsible for crime?

-If he will not control us we will be primitive and stupid as a rock. He gave us artificial intelligence. How? Thru faith or software implanted in our brains.

-He is responsible for a crime with creation.
-If he will not control us we will be primitive and stupid as a rock.

-And you know this how?
-Does he control the animal kingdom? If so, why aren't they intelligent? If not, how do you explain dolphins?

He gave us artificial intelligence. How? Thru faith or software implanted in our brains.

-By this sentence you imply software and faith are the same thing.
-If we're artificially intelligent, what do we classify expert systems as? And what is "naturally" intelligent?

He is responsible for a crime with creation.

Your response is unclear...however you postulate that we are controlled akin to puppets. If so, then humans are all individually on some metaphysical/supernatural puppet strings with absolutely no control or free will. Therefore, in your view, every single crime is orchestrated by a higher power and not the fault of the criminal himself.

1 - I know this thru my faith.
- Yes. They are intelligent, but powerless. Dolphins are send here by aliens.

2. - Yes.
- We classify God's system of perfection. Naturally intelligent is Grizzly Addams.

3. - We have a free will and yes we are supernatural puppets. Crime comes from jealously and greediness. Pigs are a perfect example. We are the same from the inside. Everything for a food or better than you have. - Not Grizzly Addams.
-If he will not control us we will be primitive and stupid as a rock. He gave us artificial intelligence. How? Thru faith or software implanted in our brains.

-He is responsible for a crime with creation.

Explanation of a deluded mind! Please read Turtle's quotes. there you go, that is what is to be deluded! :rolleyes:
Is this thread for real? wow this garbage should be in the cesspool or pseudoscience

I believe in the heliocentric model because I have personally agreed with the calculations of the heliocentric model as opposed to the geocentric model, the Sun appears to rise in the East, and set in the West because the Earth is revolving around it....the moon which actually orbits the Earth doesn't behave the same way as the Sun

Actually the sun rises and sets because of the rotation of the earth, not the revolution.

Satyr said:
Actually the sun rotates rises in the east and sets in the west because the earth rotates about its axis, not because it revolves around the sun. The day after all is determined by the rotation of the earth, not the revolution.

The faith demanded to believe in this rotating, round Earth hypothesis is down-right ludicrous.
I can’t believe so many people have bought into it.
Do you see the Earth moving?
Not me.
I see the stars and the moon and the sun moving, but the Earth seems pretty still to me.

Looks like the crazies broke out of the mental hospital again! Wow I dont even know where to start, I didn't realize that there were people this deluded. Ever hear of relativity? or i suppose its a myth... Let me ask you, when you are in a car on the highway doing 60 mph, and the car next to you is going the same speed, is it moving? because out the window it looks like its still... Now if that car passes you, can u really tell whether it sped up or you slowed down? assuming you don't look at the speedometer or other objects or feel a change in velocity, then no you cant.

So let me ask you, how can you tell on earth, whether it is the starts that move or you? the example doesn't really fit since both move, but hopefully you get my point (though i doubt it)

You are on the earth! How exactly do you expect to see the earth move? if a mountain started moving away from you lol? come on you have to be insane, if everything is moving then you cant tell, in a car going 60 mph, the passengers, the magazines on the back seat, and even your cup of coffee in the cup holder are all going 60 mph, but they seem still don't they?

You realize that if the earth does not rotate, then the sun moves around the entire earth in 24 hours? lets see its 93 million miles away, if thats the radius of an orbit, the circumference of that circle is 2 x pi x radius
so roughly 600 million miles in a day?

Not to mention that a larger body orbiting around a smaller one completely defies gravity... you do believe in gravity right? or is it propaganda from the heathens? maybe its gods hand pulling everything down towards the center of earth? But hell is at the center of earth of course, taken literally, so god is in hell? No he is in the clouds in heaven (hes careful to avoid the airplanes) and that means hes pushing things away from him, including you!!! I thought he wanted to pull everyone toward him, he is pushing us all towards hell!!!

Seriously guys, this is an all-time low
Oh haha i didnt know! As crazy as satyrs sarcasm was, i actually believed it because after coming to this site I have seen people more deluded than I thought possible. Thanks for the info, I guess I wont bother with VO anymore and Satyr, I apologize, you are pretty good at the sarcasm.
Explanation of a deluded mind! Please read Turtle's quotes. there you go, that is what is to be deluded! :rolleyes:

20 years from now everyone will laugh to you. In that time you will not need a cell phone to call a friend. You will have a phone implanted in your brains.
That's why God doesn't need to be here. He could tell you things without using a phone. With who do you think priests speaks? Are they deluded speaking with themselves? Oh I know, I almost forgot, they are speaking with themselves. Brothers Wright will laugh to you right now. Bruhaha.
Somehow I think Turtle is being sarcastic...the Grizzly Adams thing makes no sense except as satirical. Same with the dolphins thing.
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