Fixed earth theory

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Objectivist Mind
Registered Senior Member

Yes fokes there's no telling how far theist go on with their pseudo science crap.

"The world also is stablished that it cannot be moved." Psalm 93:1

"He...hangeth the Earth upon nothing." Job 26:7

The Bible and all real evidence confirms that this is precisely what He did, and indeed:

The Earth is not rotating...nor is it going around the sun.

Hopefully our nutty friend VitalOne can elaborate. This is what theist claim to believe, their pseudo science proves it, beyond a shadow of a doubt! see for yourself!
Interesting that when it came to basic science, religious folk (with the help of the word of god) still got it SO wrong.

Now then... what are the chances they are right about god, jesus, heaven, hell, soul, spirits, angels etc.
There's at least two good reasons why nothing can move:

1. All motion is relative (motion is an illusion)
2. Nothing has time to move because only the present moment exists

Motion's relativity is not an attack on the existence of motion, but on absolute reference frames for such.

That is, you need to be able to triangulate all motion by a common point in order to rightfully claim something is moving in x or y manner.
There's at least two good reasons why nothing can move:

1. All motion is relative (motion is an illusion)
2. Nothing has time to move because only the present moment exists

What in the world? This is nonsense.

Like PJ said, there is a far stretch to go from motion being "relative" to motion being an illusion. If motion is just an "illusion", then how can it be relative? It doesn't really exist! Your first point isn't even internally consistent.

This is not how time works. The concept of time does not include the property of past events "continuing" to exit, nor does it mean that future events already exist in potential. It doesn't even have to do with present moments at all. Time is just a measure of the changes in a system. That's it. If a system is changing, time is taking place. So when you say "nothing has time to move", you are making a huge mistake. Time and Motion are so completely intertwined that one does not simply rest on the other, one IS the other. If things are moving, time is taking place.

And, it can be argued that there is no "present moment". There is just a bunch of moments strung along. Trying to point to the "present" one is a futile task. You can make a "moment" as small as you like, so trying to encapsulate the "current" one means settling on some small duration as a standard moment, but that moment could be sub-divided, so you could get more current, ad infinitum. Which is why you have to settle on any moment as the standard (like a second), and pretend that it is current.

The only "present moment" would be one of duration zero seconds, which is the limit of this process, which is why your point is nonsensical, and some non-zero value must be settled on.

Talk to PJ about this ;)
I notice that these kind of threads are hardly ever visited by theists, mainly VitalOne who I wanted to see what opinions he may share here, or LG's.

Godless said:
I notice that these kind of threads are hardly ever visited by theists, mainly VitalOne who I wanted to see what opinions he may share here, or LG's.


Do followers of psychics want to be told that the psychic is just a con man who is merely following a list of effective (but obvious) tricks which an irrational follower can't see? Does the theist want to be told that their rules and beliefs are self-important claptrap?

Their beliefs are transparent. We can all see their real motives which is to create another world were they are not just a dot in the landscape. Don't underestimate how far this delusion will take a person: Fake museums that state dinosaurs and man shared the Earth 6,000 years ago, or that the Earth is fixed.

It's quite amazing that many delusional people will persue fantasies that that are 100% proven false by basic science, but the real shame is by people who try to cover up their silly delusion with rational sounding language. There is no intelligent language that can make a fantasy sound like a reality. People like LG remind me of a good psychic - clever tricks, sticks to the script, ignores that which doesn't feed his motive and arguments which are carefully designed to reduce opposition etc.
Of course your right Kenny, it's hard to against the "norm" no one likes to be told that what they believe is fantasy, deceit, or that they have been doubt.

Specially when it comes to a "norm" that is so widely accepted either in science, politics, or theological doctrines.

However I think that the reasons people like VitalOne and LG upon numerous others in this country exists, is cause the failure of science community making communicating concepts in mass media, government's failure of upholding higher standards in science education, and plainly bringing more scientific shows on public tv. I watched a very interesting video, that spoke about this. It was quite interesting.

Yes fokes there's no telling how far theist go on with their pseudo science crap.

"The world also is stablished that it cannot be moved." Psalm 93:1

"He...hangeth the Earth upon nothing." Job 26:7

The Bible and all real evidence confirms that this is precisely what He did, and indeed:

The Earth is not rotating...nor is it going around the sun.

Hopefully our nutty friend VitalOne can elaborate. This is what theist claim to believe, their pseudo science proves it, beyond a shadow of a doubt! see for yourself!

I don't believe the Earth is fixed, the only things actually reliable to be actual truth are things that beings like Jesus, Buddha, or Krishna say...everything else is just passed down through tradition (smriti), where as certain people who have realized the essential truth are more reliable, since they utter the eternal, unchangeable, essential truth that has always existed...
I don't believe the Earth is fixed, the only things actually reliable to be actual truth are things that beings like Jesus, Buddha, or Krishna say...

So basically you choose what to believe out of the doctrine you so much quote from right?

I Chronicles 16:30.... "...the world also shall be stable, that it be not moved...."

Habakkuk 3:11.... "...the sun and moon stood still in their habitation...." references.htm

"And God set them [sun, moon, and stars] in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth...." (Gen. 1:17)

"Then spake Joshua.... Sun, stand thou still upon

Gibeon, and thou moon, in the valley of Ajalon.

And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until

the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies....

So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and

hasted not to go down about a whole day."

(Joshua 10:12,13)

"Behold, I will bring again the shadow of the degrees

...ten degrees backward. So THE SUN RETURNED ten degrees,

by which degrees it was gone down...."

(Isaiah 38:8)

This is just a taste of his arguments, since you seem not to believe in these biblical interpretations of yours, can you refute his interpretation? Or worst yet are you relying in "secular" scientific observations, which are not described in biblical doctrine?

Yes fokes there's no telling how far theist go on with their pseudo science crap.

"The world also is stablished that it cannot be moved." Psalm 93:1

"He...hangeth the Earth upon nothing." Job 26:7

The Bible and all real evidence confirms that this is precisely what He did, and indeed:

The Earth is not rotating...nor is it going around the sun.

Hopefully our nutty friend VitalOne can elaborate. This is what theist claim to believe, their pseudo science proves it, beyond a shadow of a doubt! see for yourself!
You, sir, are not applying the correct epistemology to resolve your problem, nor are you listening to the right teachers and authority figures as I, and a select few other members here (like lightgigantic for example), are.

You are damned to exist in a rotating (Oh grow up) ball of mud streaking across a dark void (What an imagination) with no beginning and no end (As if anything but God can have no beginning and no end).

Enjoy your dizzying HELL!!!!!!
So basically you choose what to believe out of the doctrine you so much quote from right?

I Chronicles 16:30.... "...the world also shall be stable, that it be not moved...."

Habakkuk 3:11.... "...the sun and moon stood still in their habitation...." references.htm

"And God set them [sun, moon, and stars] in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth...." (Gen. 1:17)

"Then spake Joshua.... Sun, stand thou still upon

Gibeon, and thou moon, in the valley of Ajalon.

And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until

the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies....

So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and

hasted not to go down about a whole day."

(Joshua 10:12,13)

"Behold, I will bring again the shadow of the degrees

...ten degrees backward. So THE SUN RETURNED ten degrees,

by which degrees it was gone down...."

(Isaiah 38:8)

This is just a taste of his arguments, since you seem not to believe in these biblical interpretations of yours, can you refute his interpretation? Or worst yet are you relying in "secular" scientific observations, which are not described in biblical doctrine?
Firstly, I do not quote from the Bible that much, secondly this doesn't contradict anything I said, only the ones who have realized the essential truth are reliable....they speak the truth, the actual truth...

People observed the stars for astrology, it would only make to sense to observe from an Earthly perspective...

On what do base your disbelief?
People observed the stars for astrology

You mean mystics observe the stars for astrology, as if the planets had a direct link to human behavior. Or did you mean to say, "people observe the stars for astronomy?" You know there's a difference between the two ;)
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