First Prayer of the New Dispensation

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Prayer for the Second Coming

Prayer for the Second Coming

Holy God, Holy Christ, Holy Blessed Virgin.

Forgive us for having Murdered the Messiah and for having followed the Antichrist whom we now Renounce.

Let us seek Righteousness before Forgiveness.

Send us again the Holy Christ, this Time for Glory, not for Suffering

And By Thy Holy Spirit may we be Lifted to Perfection.


Those who remember this Prayer as "First Prayer of the New Dispensation" ... well, I have changed a few things. I changed the tense of the "Forgive us for having Murdered..." line. I thought that should be clearly placed well in the Past. I also changed the line "We seek Salvation not through Forgiveness but through Righteousness" -- it seemed too inexorable and Puritanical. Forgiveness need not be entirely precluded as long as the emphasis is on Righteousness.

Allow me to explain some of the other elements in this Prayer. The Blessed Virgin is invoked this Present Dispensation in which we now live is Hers. The Destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD brought an end to the Judaic Dispensation. Mary has been in charge ever since, endeavoring to mitigate our Punishments for having murdered the Messiah, Her Son.

Renouncing the Murder of Christ and Renouncing the Anitchrist, who is Paul, effectively clears us of the Church of Paul and the mistaken notions that Salvation can come without our own commitment to Righteous Effort. Paul taught that we could benefit Eternally for having Killed the Christ... what could be more sinister and crazy? but oddly enough, millions of people believe it so. We can only clear the way to the Future and the Second Coming by acknowledging that slaughtering Him the Last Time was a awful and terrible mistake.

The "Glory not Suffering" line is inspired by a Question that Christ often asked of those on whom He imposed the Stigmata -- the Wounds and Sufferings of the Crucifixion which they would have to endure for the entire remaider of their lives. He would ask them "Do you desire my Glory or my Suffering". Certainly it was noble of them to ask to share in the Suffering which they believed was the Source of Humanity's Salvation. But it reflects the idea that is was correct to Murder Christ in the first place.

Now we should understand that with all the Plagues, Wars, Famines, as well as the Voluntary Sufferings of the Stigmatics and the Ascetics, that WE HAVE SUFFERED ENOUGH. Christ has Suffered Enough. For the Second Coming it must be understood that we no longer expect Christ to Suffer for us. Now is the time for Glory, as it would have been Last Time, but for Free Will and Humanity's hateful and hostile rejection of the Messiah, whom We should have accepted with glad ecstatic rapture.
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