First Prayer of the New Dispensation

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Leo Volont

Registered Senior Member
First Prayer of the New Dispensation

Holy God, Holy Christ, Holy Blessed Virgin.

Forgive us for Murdering the Messiah and for following the Antichrist whom we now Renounce.

We no longer seek Salvation through Forgiveness but through Righteousness.

Send us again the Holy Christ, this Time for Glory, not for Suffering

And By Thy Holy Spirit may we be Lifted to Perfection.

First Prayer of the New compensation

Holy dam, Holy cow, I'm gonna get my compensation now.

give me my money, give me it quick, before they realise I'm not sick.

this action is now no longer sort, as it's been settled out of court.

Send me now a nice big cheque, so I can take this collar, from my neck.

I'll buy a big house, and a big car, and travel all over, I will go far.

Ahh a prayer - the action of the idiotic talking to nothing and expecting an answer that can never come.
Cris said:
Ahh a prayer - the action of the idiotic talking to nothing and expecting an answer that can never come.

So, when you try to go deep within yourself to summon your inner strength, you must figure you are being "idiotic" attempting to achieve a result "that can never come". I certainly hope so. For the entire rest of your life I hope that everything you want or hope for "can never come", and that any time you have any hope or dream, it makes you feel "idiotic". It will serve you right for your arrogance.

Let this curse be lifted only when you pray that it be lifted.

So, when you try to go deep within yourself to summon your inner strength, you must figure you are being "idiotic" attempting to achieve a result "that can never come".

But Leo, I exist and I know I exist. One cannot say the same or even come close to saying the same about gods.

For the entire rest of your life I hope that everything you want or hope for "can never come", and that any time you have any hope or dream, it makes you feel "idiotic". It will serve you right for your arrogance.

Spoken with the true loving compassion of a real Christian right out of the dark ages. I can see in you all the qualifications for being an excellent inquisitor.

Let this curse be lifted only when you pray that it be lifted.

Fortunately your primitive delusional superstitious ignorant rantings can’t harm me no matter how vehement you become.
Cris said:

But Leo, I exist and I know I exist. One cannot say the same or even come close to saying the same about gods.

Have you ever bothered to study any Advanced Mystical Traditions.

You are teaching out of ignorance.

The Gods are not found Outside.

Have you ever bothered to study any Advanced Mystical Traditions.

Hmm – does the fact that I am a TM- Sidha of some 20 to 30 years help?

You are teaching out of ignorance.

No, simply out of reasoned observations.

The Gods are not found Outside.

Gods have never been found anywhere. Show me one if you can prove otherwise. Gods exist only as imaginary concepts and no one has ever shown otherwise and there doesn’t appear any hope on the horizon that that will ever change.

For the entire rest of your life I hope that everything you want or hope for "can never come", and that any time you have any hope or dream, it makes you feel "idiotic". It will serve you right for your arrogance.

As a compassionate and truly humanist response to a fellow human I sincerely hope that at some time in your life you will be able to throw off the dark mantle of religious indoctrination and take time to study science and learn how the universe really works. I wish you every good fortune and happiness in the future.

God prays for men.

Dear humans can't you deside for yourself what to do? I've given you a brain. Use it.
I've given you free will. Take advantage of it.

You've got what I always wanted. Identity, existence, and free will. And yet you resort to your ignorance of primitive times. You've got science to figure out everything that it exists. Don't waste your time asking why it exists. Just be happy that it does, and for a brief span of life that you have, don't devote it to something that wastes your time. Like praying to me!. I've don't give a rat's ass about your prayers, they are falling on death ears.


First Prayer of the New Dispensation

What happened to the old one?
Guess I've not been paying attention.

Holy God, Holy Christ, Holy Blessed Virgin.

Let me guess...
Thats from Batman right?
The old TV series with Adam West.
You missed out the exclamation marks Leo!
POW! ZZAP! THWOCK! ect ect...

Forgive us for Murdering the Messiah and for following the Antichrist whom we now Renounce.

I never murdered anybody and your coming close to libel.
Anymore accusations like that and you'll be hearing from my lawyer!
BTW I don't even like George W Bush and I certainly never followed him.

We no longer seek Salvation through Forgiveness but through Righteousness.

I never sought salvation in my life and who's this 'we' your talking about?

Send us again the Holy Christ, this Time for Glory, not for Suffering

Whatever floats ya boat Leo but you know the CIA would shoot him down cold as soon as he makes himself known.

And By Thy Holy Spirit may we be Lifted to Perfection.

There's no such thing as perfection and if there was I'm guessing it would get boring pretty quickly.
BTW is 'Holy Spirit' the same as blessed spirits?


Two out of Ten only I'm afraid.
Dee Cee
DeeCee said:
First Prayer of the New Dispensation

What happened to the old one (The Last Dispensation)?
Guess I've not been paying attention.

Dee Cee

Dispensation Theory.

Are you familiar with the New Testament? Christ said everything would end within a Generation. The World did not End, but a Dispensation ended. When Jerusalem was destroyed in 70 A.D. it marked the End of the Dispensation of the Promise of Abraham. The Promise that there would be a Messiah was Fulfilled. It did not work out as Planned, but that is because of Free Will. Equally, I suppose that Adam and Eve could have NOT eaten the Forbidden Fruit, but they did.

After the Dispensation of Abraham and the Jews ended, the World moved into a sort of Ad Hoc Dispensation. The Blessed Virgin Mary was made Queen of Heaven, and perhaps much on Her Own, decided to supply a Dispensation of Her Own. God and Christ had largely given up on Humanity. But Mary, given charge of the Angels, in part made up for this Divine Contempt. Not entirely though. As Humanity continued to Offend God, the Mercy of Mary was time and again over-ruled by the Onslaughts of Divine Wrath.

The Apparitions of the Blessed Virgin, for the last few hundred years now, indicate that we are coming into a New Dispensation, or rather, mostly, that this Present Dispensation is going to come to a Cataclysmic Close. As Christ spoke of His 'End of Time' within a Generation, We are now coming to another End of Time -- the End of another Age.

The Mayan Calendar will end on December 23rd 2012. No Remote Viewer can see much of anything past that date. Catholic Prophecy shows that the String of Popes is about to come to an end.
Godless said:
God prays for men.

Dear humans can't you deside for yourself what to do? I've given you a brain. Use it.
I've given you free will. Take advantage of it.

You've got what I always wanted. Identity, existence, and free will. And yet you resort to your ignorance of primitive times. You've got science to figure out everything that it exists. Don't waste your time asking why it exists. Just be happy that it does, and for a brief span of life that you have, don't devote it to something that wastes your time. Like praying to me!. I've don't give a rat's ass about your prayers, they are falling on death ears.



If pigs could speak, what would they say that would substantially different from what you just said?
Cris said:

As a compassionate and truly humanist response to a fellow human I sincerely hope that at some time in your life you will be able to throw off the dark mantle of religious indoctrination and take time to study science and learn how the universe really works. I wish you every good fortune and happiness in the future.


What contradictions. You wish me good fortune and happiness, but would curse me with a stark and dead and ultimately meaningless Materialism. Were the Anarchists, Fascists and Communists so happy with your Doctrine.

There was only one brief Span of Happiness that our Catholic Civilization was given its Mortal Wound -- The High Middle Ages from the 10th through the 12th Century. Even while absorbing the Invading Normans, much of Christendom was Happy in the Faith.

But look at the History of Western Civilization after the Defeat of Catholic Centricism. One War and series of Revolutions after the next. Nationalism, Democracy, Anarchism, Fascism, Communism. The Rejection of Religious Revelation results in an abandonment of Morality.
Leo Volont said:
No Remote Viewer can see much of anything past that date. Catholic Prophecy shows that the String of Popes is about to come to an end.
Remote viewer? Oh my, you just get better and better don't you? First it was the visitations by angels and Mary, then it was that you were in charge of 30 or so angels, then it was the miracles of Father Nacho who you think cured your flu when you demanded that he make you stop sneezing, then it was women are sluts for falling pregnant and that sex is sinful (keeping in mind that you have stated you have a daughter, who I'm guessing was found in a cabbage patch since you believe sex is soooo sinful), and then it was a comment about how you're suprised that the vampires let us live and now this? Remote viewers? :eek:

Now if you tell us what home you belong to, we can contact them and get them to come and pick you up at the internet cafe you've escaped to.

Cris said:
Ahh a prayer - the action of the idiotic talking to nothing and expecting an answer that can never come.
Sadly, while most people would know not to expect an answer, some actually seem to think that they are answered immediately, via special envoys. Best be careful Cris, he might try to sic his army of angels on you. :p
Bells said:
If you only knew what I did leo... ;) You're close, but not that close...

Spinoza was a lens grinder. Einstein was a patents clerk. Hitler was a house painter. Bonaparte was an Officer of Artillery.

Often what we do to pay the bills does not have much to do with who we really are. If you are overproud of what you do, maybe you are only being insecure about who you are.
Leo Volont said:
Often what we do to pay the bills does not have much to do with who we really are. If you are overproud of what you do, maybe you are only being insecure about who you are.
On the contrary Leo, if I was over-proud about what I do, then I'd have told you what I do and plan to do with my life, because to have such pride, one would want to boast. Unlike you, I don't boast. I am not insecure about my life and who I am, if I was, I wouldn't be here. I'm proud of who I am and where I come from Leo, and even better yet, I didn't need to have any dreams or visions to give me that pride or purpose.
Bells said:
On the contrary Leo,... I'm proud of who I am and where I come from Leo, and even better yet, I didn't need to have any dreams or visions to give me that pride or purpose.

So far from what I gather, you are proud of nothing.
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