Fire-breathing dragons?

Actually the larger an animal the easier it is for that animal to keep a steady body temperature.

Small dinosaurs would be more likely to be warm blooded then the larger dinosaurs. They where also more bird like then the larger dinosaurs.

Take this example:


The smily face would hold its heat better then to period if they where real living things.:D
maybe there is a relative to the muscular requirement
for wing flapping
so the soring birbs/reptiles would not survive colder weather changes
i suspect the feather aspect is slightly more advanced than the blood requirement

is there a basic working example in high temperature climates of
cold blooded flying creatures?

body heat is often also relative to resperation rate and thus lung size so cross link that with diet type for internal gas production
for excreasion based on probable oxygen requirement for muscle
use and there should be some good results to indicate something
some conjecture..

Then it must have been a very old documentary or else not a very professional production. Any contemporary account would point out that the Dragon is simply one of the more fanciful instantiations of the Serpent, which is an "archetype" in the Jungian paradigm of the human spirit. Meaning that is in our collective unconscious: all humans at all times in all cultures have had bad feelings about serpents without having to be taught and without ever even seeing one. The snake in the Garden of Eden, upon whom we place the blame for giving in to our own curiosity and thirst for knowledge and making us not "perfect" enough to stay in Eden, is the best known ancient instance of the Serpent archetype in our culture. The fire-breathing, winged dragons of the Middle Ages were just fanciful elaborations of the myth.

this point has been used to discount any possibility of "dragons" as being a real animal at some time. The problem is that is only works when you apply it to the idea of the western Dragon.

Most other cultures see dragons as benevolent. This goes against the grain of the Jungian assumption that the dragon is an archtype based on the serpent. Native American cultures almost universally see the serpent as a healing spirit. The Uktena, a sort of water dragon, is seen as a source of wisdom. The Chinese dragon is seen as a being that grants good forture. The Aztecs worshiped one as a god and said that it brought them knowledge.

It is only in the western myth that you see a malevolent monster that hoards wealth and eats people. These could be discounted as part of the collective subconscious, but the rational falls short when dealing with other cultures and their stories.

The function of a fire-breathing apparatus would be?
defense or hunting I would say. Most likely defense as that is what most creatures today that have some expectorant mechanisim that is simular to "fire breathing" use it for. Now, I don't believe, for one second, that there were giant lizards that could fly and breath actual fire. As I said in my earlier post, I believe that if there were such a creature it most likely spat some type of corrosive chemical that left burns that the people would have associated with fire. The creatures most likely were smaller, more like the size of a large dog or pony. They had to contend with wolves and cave lions that we know, for a fact, lived in Europe at the time.
this is really an appealing topic

Soontide, you’re correct due to facts at this time to assume smaller creatures existed in Europe since there weren’t even dinosaurs or at least larger creatures that existed or found as well. The largest was the mastodon, or woolly mammoth, and much of Europe throughout the century became prone to feudal wars, lack of interest to seek archaeological findings and what little they found were smaller remains of previous inhabitants. But my judgment on dragons, which I’ll get to, is well, firstly I find it fascinating that in North and South America, you find dinosaur remains everywhere, noting that in the North the brain size of tyrannosaurus are larger to its physical bigger cousin at the South, called the Gigasaurus with significant conclusion that the North American version had teeth that could rip skin and break bones whereas the latter had the ability to only tear skin. Now dinosaurs could be the reason for the “dragon” myth but we’ll never know how far since the last remaining giants were eradicated by theories of meteors and climate change.

FraggleRocker said of the dragons metamorphosis from water to fire, deviled horned to antlers, well, if you’ve noticed too that even people, (think of Darwin’s theory of evolution) and their geographical placement, changed the appearance, skin color, hair, eyes, even how they act or project to their society have a big impact. (I,e, melanin in skin for those whose ecological residency exposed them to the sun) and the fact that the use of brain waves differ from those who live in a western society to those in non-west. Maybe climate, topography and all the elements make up the transformation of dragons or any other creature. Dragons, I propose to believe probably existed and it’s different for those in dissimilar landscapes.

The fear of dragons now concluded to be categorized as mythical creatures could have been eliminated due to fear and mankind really has a history with eradicating animals into the endangered species list. Nature could contribute but man really is the worst offender. A couple examples are the carrier pigeon and let’s go back further, the dodo bird, which I recall from watching the discovery channel that they existed lastly in New Zealand and the country unknown to man became discovered dus eliminating the livelihood of their kind completely.

But really, because of the lack of evidence or discovery of any other mammals or dinosaur type creatures in Europe concluded that it would be hard pressed for archeologists to find more than smaller remains of animal bones. Europe had gone through too many wars, too many plagues and the land has been tilled to the extreme. It’s just interesting to note too if I may add that just recently, before Jurassic Park 3 came out, the verification of your crocodile dinosaur-relic variety were found somewhere in the middle east. Just a modern discovery since America usually has the funds to provide this kind of great expedition. I know from living in Europe that some of these researches don’t qualify as being important so they don’t fund it, but rather, if one wants to go into a vocation in that field, they may as well go to America. So how can anyone dispute that dragons could not possibly exist? Because there remains no evidence except for colorful imagery of mans written words, principally in the bible, Chinese literature or any other century old contrived article.
You talk about alot of good theories!

But theres a few little problems. The Dodo bird went extinct on the island of Maraquis and not in New Zealand. I think you where talking about the Moa which did go extinct in New Zealand due at least in part the over hunting by the early people that sailed there.

Other than this your theory is good! :)
why thank you.

I love reading up on dinosaurs so ít just stemmed out of that theory and a lot of other conclusions.

oh, and thanks for the update on the moa thingy. hehe.
i saw it briefly on the discovery channel but didn't quite catch the entirety of it.
I have been learning about dinosaurs for a while too.

Theres been some stories that have come from Africa of Saurapod like dinosaurs living in the deep Congo. Also in Africa there has been sightings of pterodon type flying reptiles.

If its true that these creatures are or were alive until recent times that would give support to dragons.:)
Very scary to think about a creature with two types of separate chemicals which can cause great burn when combined....... I hope I'll never be fortunate enough to see it....