Finish my Sentence

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and went strait for the clit. which he should've bit, but didn't know it was filled up with shit, and so he dismissed but forgot to piss and...
...then he died. Everyone died. God died. Even Jesus died. GWB died. Saddam died. Roadrunner died. The only one left was............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
The Great, The Incredible, Benevolent, Omniscient, Omnipotent, Amazing, Ultimate, Mega-Industrial Super-God; The Chuck Norris. He almost cried that day.....ALMOST.....but instead he ran around the world and hit himself in the back of the head and said "Where did this world come for?" Thus....
His Supreme Sagacious Serene and Immortal Superness mounted his Grand, Glorious Cosmic Total Gym™, and self-gravitated off into the Multiverse to rediscover the origins of why he had...
created such a genius machine. It stretches your muscles while you work out!!!! Then he considered recreating Brahma and Jesus so that...
guys who are neurotic because their penis is too large, the message he sends is for all well endowed guys to .......
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