Finish my Sentence

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redneck, who use to drive hillbillies around the White House dressed in their mama's aprons and ......
so I had to think, I needed a virgin donor real fast so off I went to Reverend Betty's Convent of the Holy Order of Chastity, I was prepared to .....
pay any price, but preferred to take it out in trade. I looked in the trunk of my car and all I had to offer was.....
attach them to a part of my body and send 10,000 volts of electricity through me, so I...
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attach the jumper cables to my penis. OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG as the power surges bolted through my body I almost felt like...
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it was the first time I had been shagged but a thousand times better. I passed out and was taken to the hospital of Saint Bernard of Loretto, the masturbating priest who was canonized by Pope fred II because of....
Phideau, because he was an upper-class dog who would not mix with huskies which, as we all know , are blue collar dogswhich .....
a religious festival and taught people to woof their sins away. Some people thought he was barking mad but others hearkened unto him and verily did he lead them out of darkness into the promised land of California where he shat outside Grauman's Chinese theatre just as Sandy, bible in hand, .....
but on the other side of the globe a similar religion arose, led by a bird, they would tweet sins away and one day the woofers and tweeters......
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