Finish my Sentence

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the NSTA promoting 'Hukt on Foniks' and the Glossary of Internet & Computer Lingo, undoubtedly this strategy has resulted in the .......
... obedient and unquestioning whack-attack fanato-commando capable of fracturing a skull with a flick of it's heavily bone-laden...
God not equipping Jesus with a package, according to God and I quote, "I didn't think he'd need it" but you know kids so the morality squad was called and...
and they weren't unwilling to unzip and do the women for jesus. jesus looked cross with them. Especially when they were laughing at him standing there in the corner, naked, with no wiener. Jesus could not stand it anymore. He....
understood that none of the people understood him here on Earth and they all made selfish jokes about him, so he just left Earth to find and create another planet...
so Jesus asked God to move his brain from the groin to the head and God did as He was asked, replacing Jesus' nose with a pecker, and He saw that it was good and sent Jesus back to the orgy where...
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