Finally a honest guy on death row

how sad, someone who could oviously be rehabilitated and he US wants to kill him. what a surprise
How sad? The man's a bastard! Hang 'em! Hold on for me though, i have to get my popcorn and a front row seat ahaha!
It's inhumane........yet locking someone up for their entire life isn't?

Oh's always funny how liberals think execution is inhumane but have no problem with life in prison.

Guess what? Prison is an outdated concept and inhumane.

But who even cares! We are talking about criminals here, they do not deserve humanity or civility.
mad you claim to be a doctor which means your also a scientist. If he is admiting his crime and is sorry he did it dont you think his brain could be better used both educating people about how he ended up comiting his crimes and as a resurch tool for psycologists and sociologists?

What's the point of capital punishment?
Is it retribution and revenge?
Is it to simply remove this non-funtioning member from our society?
Is it to exact retribution and revenge for teh sake of the victim's loved ones?

What do you mean when you say it is justice?
How, specifically, will justice be served?

Keep in mind, I am not necessarily anti-capital punishment. I am just trying to understand both sides better, and I think you are a good person to ask for that side.
How is prison justice? It's a waste of resources is what it is. We waste food water and supplies on criminals when instead we can donate it to the poor.
For all the liberal bitching about rehabilitation, how does sending a criminal to jail 'rehabilitate' them? If anything, prison makes veteran criminals out of rookies.
Is it retribution and revenge?

Please somebody REALLY,REALLY smart explain the difference to me...

By the way, all of the above...

Also, Raven did you buy the puppy that you are going to keep in a crate for the rest of its life? You know, the homework I gave for anti-CPers...Better pick one soon!
Hey, since there is no really, really smart people among anti-CPers, I looked up retribution, because you guys bitch about CP that it is retribution. Here it is:

1: recompense, reward
2: the dispensing or receiving of reward or punishment especially in the hereafter
3: something given or exacted in recompense; especially : punishment

What the hell is wrong with retribution? I don't have a problem with it...Why is it even an argument???
I have to confess, I have mixed feelings on CP..
On one hand there are people just asking for it, crimes so henious it ain't funny, and on the other, there are many forced into a life of crime.

But this dude, he should at least undergo psychiatric eval. (although the article claims it did), maybe he has something to fear in prison ?
I don't think it is inhumane at all. In fact, being put to death by lethal injection / electrocution is most probably one of the best ways to go. It is much less inhumane than life in prison.

The death penalty also serves well as a deterrent.
how sad, someone who could oviously be rehabilitated and he US wants to kill him. what a surprise

obviously? Its not obvious to me.
There are people in hospitals not worth saving. There is also crap in prison not worth saving.
The sick people who impatiently waiting for organ donation.... :)