Fetal abduction: Another gruesome murder charge

Is this the act of a sane person?

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Let them be a testament of what humanity is up against

Asguard said:

so tiassa, your comment now?

We see the problem.

What? There's not much to say. It's not that I don't see your point, but given the dimensions of the issue, it doesn't really change anything. Conditions won't get better if we simply give over to the brutality of our primal frustration.
What I find really creepy in the whole episode, is that they were friends

There is some history there.
both you and tiassa seem to have missed my point. I dont dissagree that she wasnt acting rationally (under the definition used in the mental health act for instance) but the way the legal system in the US (and you yourself have said ours is as bad and from what i have seen i dont dissagree with you on it) its more than likly the SYSTEM will say she was sane. How they can possably do that i dont know, how they can possably live with themselves for doing that i also dont know but it constantly happens. People in the middle of a schizophrenic or manic episode or so depressed because they are constantly being abused at school or in the middle of a PTSD induced flashback are routinely judged SANE when they should never even be charged at all but rather placed into the care of the mental health system. We disscussed this in another thread ages ago where i asked you "what would make you torture and kill someone?" Your responce was just because someone lacks empathy doesnt mean they arnt mentally ill. Look at martin briant, can you really say he was a mentally healthy person to go and hunt down all those people? HELL NO

What about all the parents who kill there children (mainly women), hell half of them are diognosed with PND and they are STILL found guilty of murder or manslaughter. Is that right????? we should be getting them treatment not a jail cell but the system wont even recognise someone with paranoid delusions as being "insane" so why would it say this was?

People are declared sane if they understood exactly what they were doing (especially if it was planned). So we shall see how they handle this case. In any case I personally believe that she should go to jail. If she's insane she belongs in a mental institution for the criminally insane. If she's not insane she needs serious jail time. Either way she has lost her freedom and she deserves to lose her freedom (sane or insane the outcome is the same). If she miraculously comes to her senses while in a mental facility then she should be released to spend the rest of her sentence in prison where she belongs.
Any criminal can claim insanity...and to a point the claim would be accurate. This does not mean they get off easy.
both you and tiassa seem to have missed my point. I dont dissagree that she wasnt acting rationally (under the definition used in the mental health act for instance) but the way the legal system in the US (and you yourself have said ours is as bad and from what i have seen i dont dissagree with you on it) its more than likly the SYSTEM will say she was sane.

As Tiassa pointed out, her lawyers are saying she did not do it. It is for her legal team to put forward the argument of not guilty by reason of insanity. They are not doing that. Therefore the system has to abide by her defense and try her as a sane individual, unless her legal team says otherwise.

How they can possably do that i dont know, how they can possably live with themselves for doing that i also dont know but it constantly happens.
Something that should be said to her lawyers.

People in the middle of a schizophrenic or manic episode or so depressed because they are constantly being abused at school or in the middle of a PTSD induced flashback are routinely judged SANE when they should never even be charged at all but rather placed into the care of the mental health system.
Again, something that should be mentioned to her lawyers. This woman should have had psychiatric evaluations to ensure that she is not mentally ill. Instead, her lawyers have gone with the 'she did not do it' argument.

We disscussed this in another thread ages ago where i asked you "what would make you torture and kill someone?" Your responce was just because someone lacks empathy doesnt mean they arnt mentally ill. Look at martin briant, can you really say he was a mentally healthy person to go and hunt down all those people? HELL NO
And yet some do.

My point is this. This woman should be locked away for the rest of her natural life getting psychiatric help. She and her lawyers seem to think differently.

What about all the parents who kill there children (mainly women), hell half of them are diognosed with PND and they are STILL found guilty of murder or manslaughter. Is that right?????
In some cases, yes. In others, no. And no, it is not right.
At some point, it becomes a matter of personal values: What is important to you?

Orleander said:

This is an example of someone I would think had mental issues.

So what is the standard? Mental illness is perversely amusing?

I mean, I don't doubt Mr. Lopez was disturbed, but if we presume that clumsily strangling, bludgeoning, and cutting open a friend in order to steal the fetus from her womb is the act of a sane person who knows right from wrong, we're setting an impossible standard intended to duck society's mental health obligations. Things will only get worse.

Pennsylvania last year saw a scandal in which a couple of judges were accepting kickbacks to refer juveniles to a privately-operated detention center. As we seek more and more profit opportunities for such facilities, it makes sense to abandon our mental health system and simply route these defendants to prison.

After all, this is America, and money is far more important than people.
After all, this is America, and money is far more important than people.

Odd for you, of all people, to say that, Tiassa. It seems that you're constantly posting threads about the horrible things that people do to each other .....proving or trying to prove, almost with every post, that humans really are worthless pieces of garbage.

I mean, look at this thread, ...must more indictment that humans are worthless animals. So sure, from all of the evidence that you've posted over the years, money is important than people.

Baron Max
It's almost a cliché these days. Then again, Hollywood doesn't care.

Orleander said:

You found what he did amusing???

Not personally, but—

A man savagely killed a dog, ran naked through a tennis club and poured hot coffee on his head ....

(Associated Press)

—they're all usable as comedy tropes in Hollywood. Not so with stealing a fetus from the womb. Or, hey, if you can write the scene and a treatment draft of a plot to support it, you could make some serious money in Tinseltown.


Associated Press. "Cops: Man kills dog, streaks, pours coffee on head". Yahoo News. December 31, 2009. News.Yahoo.com. January 4, 2010. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20091231...lYwN5bl90b3Bfc3RvcmllcwRzbGsDY29wc21hbmtpbGxz
A man savagely killed a dog, ran naked through a tennis club and poured hot coffee on his head ....

—they're all usable as comedy tropes in Hollywood. ..​

good point. I bet I've seen all those in Jack Black movies​